Students at Northside Elementary Perform Skits and Play on Last Day of Summer School

Students at Northside Elementary School concluded three weeks of Summer School Wednesday by performing Reader’s Theater skits and plays for their parents and friends.

“We had about 40 students participating in our summer school program. It lasted three weeks and we focused heavily on reading but also they worked on math and some health education,” said Beth Pafford, Assistant NES Prinicipal. “Each day they had thirty minutes of enrichment time. The teachers decided to do Reader’s Theater with skits and plays this year. Doing things like Reader’s Theater helps students become better readers. It increases their vocabulary. It helps them build fluency which means they are reading like they would talk and that helps with comprehension. The students helped create a power point with visuals for the play along with costumes and sets and they practiced. Today their families came to watch their performance. They have worked hard and we are real proud of them,” said Pafford.
“The second and third graders did not do a full blown play. They did skits. One group did a reading of the poem “Pop Poppity Pop” about popcorn and the other group did “Duck for President”. Teachers Sandy Willingham and Jessica Hale worked with our second and third grade students”, Pafford said.
“Teachers Alisha Day and Amanda Griffith worked with our fourth and fifth grade students on the play “The Sword in the Stone”, she added.
“We had huge parent participation and we were so tickled to see all the families come out”, Pafford concluded.

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