57 year old Linda Gail Curtis of Smithville died Sunday of an extended illness at her son’s residence. She was a member of the Whorton Springs Baptist Church and self employed with Home and Garden Party. The funeral will be Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. at DeKalb Funeral Chapel. Jerry Harwell and David Mahan will officiate and burial will be in Whorton Springs Cemetery. Visitation will be Tuesday from 5:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. and Wednesday from 9:00 a.m. until the time of the service at 1:00 p.m. She was preceded in death by her parents, Cecil and Marjorie Caldwell Thweatt and her husband, Joe Larry Curtis. Survivors include a son, Mark and his wife Benita Byars of Smithville. A step-son, Roger Curtis of McMinnville. A foster-son, Billy Bogle of Smithvile. A sister, Cecil Kier of Las Vegas, Nevada. Five grandchildren, Cody Byars, Courtney Byars, and Jodi Curtis all of Smithville, and Caitlyn and Cierra Parsons of Reno, Nevada. DeKalb Funeral Chapel is in charge of the arrangements.
Tag Archives: 2006
Mrs. Willie B. Morgan
93 year old Mrs. Willie B. Morgan of the Lucky Community of Warren County died Saturday at her residence. She was born in DeKalb County to the late Rufus and Lora Robinson. She was also preceded in death by her first husband, Herbert Pedigo and her second husband, Frank Morgan; sisters, Alta Mae Robinson and Elizabeth Robinson; and brothers, Howard, Paul, Frank, and Alfred Robinson. The funeral will be Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. at McMinnville Funeral Home Chapel. Burial will be in the Bonham Cemetery in DeKalb County. The family will receive friends on Monday from noon until 9:00 p.m. and Tuesday from 10:00 a.m. until the time of the service at McMinnville Funeral Home. A homemaker and a Methodist, she is survived by her daughter and son-in-law, Hattie and John K. Jones of McMinnville. A brother and sister-in-law, Charles Huston and Millie Robinson of Richmond, Virginia. Grandchildren and their spouses, Jan and Reed Wade of Knoxville and Dwight and Tammy Jones of McMinnville. A sister-in-law, Jo Ann Robinson of Smithville. Two great grandchildren, Lane and Jake Jones also survive. McMinnville Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements.
Early Voting Numbers For May Primary Down Compared To 2002
Early voting ended Thursday with a total of 1,378 people having cast ballots for the DeKalb County Democratic Primary, a low voter turnout compared to early voting for the May Primary (2,320) and the August General Election (1,660) four years ago.
Lisa Peterson, Administrator of Elections, says 320 people voted by personal appearance and three by mail on Thursday for the best turnout of any day during the thirteen day early voting period.
A total of 1,321 voted by personal appearance and 57 by mail.
DeKalb County has 12,606 registered voters.
The following are the numbers of persons from the various precincts who either voted by mail or who came to the courthouse to vote in person from April 12-27.
Alexandria- 31
Temperance Hall- 12
Edgar Evins State Park-1
Liberty- 23
Dowelltown- 25
Snow Hill-81
Middle School-315
Cherry Hill-5
Rock Castle- 2
Courthouse- 227
Johnson’s Chapel- 8
Elementary School-186
Belk- 25
Blue Springs-81
Church of Christ Annex- 269
During the May, 2002 DeKalb County Democratic Primary, 2,320 voted early and 3,502 cast ballots on election day for a total vote of 5,822.
However there were eleven more candidates on the ballot for county offices in May, 2002 than this year.
This ballot includes eleven candidates combined for the offices of Sheriff, County Mayor, Trustee, County Clerk, Circuit Court Clerk, and Register of Deeds compared to twenty three candidates combined for the same offices in May, 2002. Only three of the races, Sheriff, County Mayor, and County Clerk, are contested this year and this is the second primary election in a row that Democrats have not had a candidate to run for Road Supervisor. Five of the six races for county offices were contested in May 2002.
There are twenty one candidates combined running for the fourteen seat county commission this May compared to twenty three county commission candidates in May, 2002. Contested county commission races this year are in the second, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh districts. Four years ago, all district county commission races were contested except in the second and seventh districts.
This ballot has a slate of nine candidates combined for the DeKalb County General Sessions Court, Criminal Court, Circuit Court, Chancery Court, District Attorney General, and District Public Defender. Only one of these races is contested, Judge Lillie Ann Sells versus challenger Edwin Sadler for Criminal Court Judge Part II
The Judges, D.A., and Public Defender all serve eight year terms and were not on the ballot four years ago because they were in mid-term.
A total of 1,660 people voted early during the August, 2002 General Election/State Primary.
If you are an eligible voter and did not take advantage of early voting, you may vote on Tuesday, May 2 at your regular voting precinct. All sixteen polling places will be open Tuesday from 8:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.
WJLE will have exclusive LIVE election return coverage from the courthouse starting at 7:00 p.m.
Relay For Life Set For May 12th
Plans are underway for the annual Relay For Life.
Relay For Life is a fun-filled overnight event designed to celebrate survivorship and raise money for research and programs of your American Cancer Society. During the event in DeKalb County, teams of people gather at Green Brook Park and take turns walking or running laps around the walking trail. Each team tries to keep at least one team member on the track at all times.
Relay For Life represents the hope that those lost to cancer will never be forgotten, that those who face cancer will be supported, and that one day cancer will be eliminated.
The all night event begins Friday, May 12 at 5:00 p.m. at Green Brook Park featuring lots of food, fun, and entertainment. Local cancer survivors will be introduced at 6:00 p.m. and each one will give a testimony and mention how long they have battled and survived the illness. The introduction will be followed by a Cancer Survivors Walk around the trail.
Several teams specializing in various fun filled activities and many food booths will be set up throughout the park, all raising money for the event. And then at 9:00 p.m. a special luminaria ceremony will be held to remember those who have lost the fight against cancer as well as the survivors.
You may order a luminaria in honor or in memory of a friend or loved one today by calling Violet Fuson at 597-4483 or Ivadell Randolph at 597-5296.
DeKalb County Democratic Primary Next Tuesday
The DeKalb County Democratic Primary is set for Tuesday, May 2.
The polls at all sixteen precincts in the county will be open that day from 8:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. WJLE will have LIVE election return coverage from the courthouse starting at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday night.
Candidates who are seeking office in the primary Tuesday are as follows:
County Clerk: Incumbent Mike Clayborn and Glynn Merriman
County Mayor/Executive: Incumbent Mike Foster and Angela Puckett
Sheriff: Incumbent Lloyd Emmons, Myron Rhody, Randall Stanley, and David C. Redmon
Circuit Court Clerk: Incumbent Katherine Pack
Register of Deeds: Incumbent Jeff McMillen
General Sessions/Juvenile Court Judge: Incumbent Bratten Cook II
Trustee: Anthony (Doc) Green
Road Supervisor: No Democratic Candidate
The following are the democratic candidates for the county commission. Two can be nominated from each district:
County Commission: First District- Charles Griffith and Elmer Ellis, Jr.
County Commission: Second District- Shane Cook, William Reynolds, and Jack Barton
County Commission: Third District- Incumbent Jerry Scott and Incumbent Roy D. Merriman
County Commission: Fourth District- Incumbent Wayne Cantrell, Incumbent Jesse D. Baker, and Chris Smithson
County Commission: Fifth District- Incumbent Jerry Taylor, Incumbent John D. Green, Jeffery Barrett, and Bobby Taylor
County Commission: Sixth District- Incumbent Marshall Ferrell, Incumbent Jeff Barnes; Melvin Young, and Danny McGinnis
County Commission: Seventh District- Incumbent Larry Summers, Incumbent Jimmy W. Poss, and Willie E. Thomas
Democratic nominees will face Republican challengers in the August General Election.
Republicans nominated by the local party include: Incumbent Road Supervisor Kenny Edge, Sean Driver for Trustee, Patrick Ray for Sheriff; Incumbent Second District County Commissioner Bobby Joines; Mason Carter for First District County Commissioner; and Randy Caplinger for Third District County Commissioner
Candidates seeking their party’s nomination for offices in the seven county 13th Judicial District, which includes DeKalb County, are as follows:
District Attorney General: Incumbent William E. (Bill) Gibson of Cookeville (Democrat)
District Public Defender: Incumbent David N. Brady of Cookeville (Democrat) and Samuel (Sam) Harris of Cookeville (Republican)
Chancellor: Ronald Thurman of Cookeville (Democrat) and Jerry Burgess of Cookeville (Republican).
Criminal Court Judge, Part I: Incumbent Leon Burns, Jr. of Cookeville (Democrat)
Criminal Court Judge, Part II: Incumbent Lillie Ann Sells of Cookeville (Democrat), Edwin G. Sadler of Cookeville (Democrat), and David A. Patterson of Cookeville (Independent)
Circuit Court Judge, Part I: Incumbent John A. Turnbull of Livingston (Democrat)
Circuit Court Judge, Part II: Incumbent John Maddux of Cookeville (Democrat)
Democratic nominees from the May Primary will face Republican challengers and Independents in the August General Election.
FBLA Brings Home Awards From State Leadership Conference
The DeKalb County High School Future Business Leaders club recently attended the FBLA State Leadership Conference in Pigeon Forge.
Thirty-three club members competed in several different categories and attended FBLA sponsored activities. The advisors of the FBLA club, Amanda Brown and Steve Trapp, would like to thank all the participants and their parents for the hard work and support.
Those attending were: Justin Nokes, Ashleigh Wright, Andrew Moore, Kristen James, Brandon Shaw, Luke Willoughby, Jessica Cantrell, Heather Cantrell, Travis Woodward, Dustin Hood, Jacob Moore, Caleb Gash, Martha Robertson, Justin Duke, Tyler Cantrell, Tiffany Walls, Sara Jared, Aaron Young, Casey Curtis, Megan Pack, Brooke Pack, Danny Pirtle, Jessica Bain, Colton Rhody, Jordan Atnip, Ron Patel, Megan Merriman, Rachel Garrison, Kelli Bess, Rolando Delafuente, Tera Menix, Kane Pack, and Kris Robinson.
Congratulations to:
Rachel Garrison ? 2nd place in Banking and Finance
Justin Duke, Justin Nokes, Kris Robinson ? 2nd place in Entrepreneurship
Rolando Delafuente ? 2nd place in International Business
Megan Pack ? 3rd place in Introduction to Business Communication
Travis Woodward ? 4th place in Introduction to Parliamentary Procedure
Casey Curtis, Kane Pack, Jacob Moore ? 2nd place in Network Design
Luke Willoughby ? 3rd place in Public Speaking I
Brandon Shaw ? 4th place in Mr. FBLA
Kristen James ? 2nd place in Ms. FBLA
Kris Robinson ? Nominated for Who’s Who in FBLA
Amanda Brown ? Nominated for Adviser of the Year
DeKalb FBLA ? 4th place in largest membership (105 members)
DeKalb FBLA ? 2nd place for Annual Business Report
DeKalb FBLA ? Gold Seal Award of Merit ( Highest Club Honor)
Dustin Hood and Travis Woodward served as voting delegates. While at conference they voted on the state officer candidates and amendments to the FBLA By-Laws.
The DCHS FBLA was also recognized for donating to the FBLA state scholarship funds in memory of Jared Bryant and Dr. Bill Radcliff.
DCHS Beta Club Represented At State Convention
Twenty Beta Club members from DeKalb High School, along with the Beta Club sponsor, attended the State Beta Club Convention April 17-19.
The students competed in various academic subjects.
Competing at the convention were:
Matthew Taylor – Math
Ben Malone -Social Studies
Kevin Colvert – Creative Writing
Ashley Rowland – English
Keitha Pryor and Susan Willis – talent
Kealah Curtis, Caitlin Robinson, Paige Preston, and Krista Puckett – scrapbook
Samantha Emerson, Elise Cantrell, Kheela Blair, and Courtney Rhody, Courtney Curtis, Cody Randolph, and Rebecca Hendrixson were voting delegates.
Samantha Emerson, Elise Cantrell, and Kheela Blair created the Banner and Ben Malone won 3rd place in the State in Social Studies.
The Beta Club officers for 2005 – 2006 also attended. The officers are:
President – Daniel Alexander
Vice-President – Bethany Davis
Secretary – Justin Hooper
Historian – Jacob Norton
Sponsor – Debi Loring
Groundbreaking Held For New Webb House Retirement Center
Groundbreaking for the new Webb House Retirement Center was held Thursday morning at the Webb property on Jennings Lane.
The new facility will be built on the grounds where the original Webb House stood before it was destroyed by fire on Sunday, May 29, 2005.
Gary Keckley, architect and designer of assisted living facilities, says the new Webb House, like the original one, will be a great asset to the community. “This is a tribute to the Webb family, not just this generation but for all the generations that preceded Alan, because this is a ministry. It has to be a business, but it’s a business that can be a ministry, and their (Webb’s) hearts are in this. This is going to be beauty from ashes. It’s going to be beautiful for a lot of different reasons. It will have a lot of features that build on the history and the reputation that you enjoyed at the Webb House before and some new ones. It’s going to be a beautiful building from a design style because it’s going to have a character that is unlike any that I’ve ever been a part of and that is specifically coming from the heart that Alan and Lora are putting into this. It’s also going to be a beautiful building because it will build on the beauty created by those of you who worked here before and who will work here again. This business is about love. Nursing homes and hospitals give care and this business is about giving love. This group of folks are good at this.”
Alan Webb, owner of the Webb House, says this day marks a new beginning and he looks forward to the day when the new facility is completed. “The day after the fire, the most often asked question was ?are you going to build back’? My immediate answer was ?yes’. Had anyone been hurt in the fire, my answer probably would have been different. As a matter of fact, you could’ve probably just buried me in the ashes and rubble, because it would have been very devastating. I admit I had some very down and out times this last year. I had two things that kept me going and pulled me up from the depths of despair. One of them was the words in my favorite church hymn ?Because He Lives’. The second was a card that I got from a young lady after the fire. In it, she wrote the words, ?from our ashes shall arise beauty’. She was referring to Isaiah (chapter) 61 (verse) 3. The Bible verse and the song are the two things that pulled me through the last year. I promise you when the Webb House is rebuilt, you’ll see reminders of those two things through the house. I promise to do my best to make the new Webb House better than ever for the seniors of DeKalb County and surrounding areas. I promise to make it a safer and happier place than before. This place will be a home to all that live there, not just a room with meals. If Lora and I can do anything to help any of you, we’ll do our best.”
Among others making remarks during the groundbreaking ceremony were County Mayor Mike Foster and Smithville Mayor Cecil Burger.
The new Webb House is scheduled to open by early next year.
Everett Charles South
59 year old Everett Charles (Chuck) South, Sr. and his wife 51 year old Dorothy South died Saturday morning in a traffic accident in Smith County. The bodies are at DeKalb Funeral Chapel. Arrangements are incomplete.
Sally Jo Cope
77 year old Sally Jo (Locke) Cope of McMinnville died Saturday at River Park Hospital. She was a Warren County native, member of the Smartt Church of Christ, and a 35 year employee of the Tennessee Department of Forestry. The funeral will be Monday at 11:00 a.m. at the Chapel of McMinnville Funeral Home. Bill Martin and Larry Vinson will officiate and burial will be in the Gardens of Memory. The Cope family will receive friends on Sunday from noon until 2:00 p.m. and from 5:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. Visitation on Monday will be from 10:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. She was preceded in death by her parents, Daniel Webster and Mazel Sellars Locke and brothers, Aubrey Locke and Howard Locke. Survivors include her husband of 56 years, R.L. Cope; a daughter and son-in-law, Gail and Bud Franklin of Gallatin; a son and daughter-in-law, Tony and Carolyn Cope of Morrison. Grandsons, Clay Franklin and Matt Cope. Granddaughters, Malia Franklin and Meredith Cope. Two sisters, LaVerne Ours of Smithville and Nelda Watts of Chattanooga. Two brothers, D.W. Locke of Plano, Illinois and Carl Locke of Snellville, Georgia. McMinnville Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements. The family requests that memorials be made to the Smartt Church of Christ or to the Love Outreach at First Baptist Church in McMinnville.