DeAndre Bass and Kelsey Foutch received the Allen D. Hooper Memorial Most Valuable Player Awards during the annual DeKalb County High School Basketball banquet held Thursday night at Elizabeth Chapel Baptist Church.
The MVP trophies were presented by Chad Kirby of Love-Cantrell Funeral Home. The awards are named in memory of Kirby’s grandfather.
Kirby also presented the Allen D. Hooper Memorial Most Valuable Cheerleader Award to Amber Evans.
Tiger Coach Lynus Martin presented the individual awards to members of his team. This year’s winners are:
Best 6th Man- Hunter Stewart
Most Improved Player- J.J. Herriott
Best Practice Player- Zach Rowland
Smartest Player- John Malone
Hustle Award, Best Athlete, Best Passer, and Best Ball Handler- Travis Woodward
Best Offensive Player, Best Defender, Best Rebounder, Tiger Charge Award, and MVP- DeAndre Bass.
Best Attitude- Thomas Hale
Best Free Throw Shooter- Keith Johnson
The individual Lady Tiger Awards were presented by Coach Amy Tobitt. This year’s winners are:
Best Practice Player and Best Attitude- Victoria Bennett
Best Defender- Kayla Fish
Best Rebounder- Crystal Street
Most Improved Player and Best 6th Man- Lauren Hansard
Hustle Award- Kelsey Foutch
Best Athlete and Best Offensive Player- Katie Herman
MVP-Kelsey Foutch
Cheerleader Coach Walteen Parker presented the individual cheerleading awards. This year’s winners are:
Most Improved- Amanda Ours
Captain Award-Courtney Rhody
Tiger Spirit-Courtney Rhody
MVP- Amber Evans
Dance-Amber Evans
Jump- Lacey Parchman
Stunt: Spot- Lacey Parchman
Stunt:Base- Alison Curtis
Stunt:Flyer- Heather Luna
One year cheerleading awards went to Caroline Carter, Kendra Foutch, and Amanda Ours. Two year awards were presented to Rosemary Apple, Jessica Cook, Alison Curtis, Brittnee Linn, Heather Luna, and Mindy Mofield. Three year awards went to Amber Evans and Lacey Parchman, and a Four Year Award was presented to Courtney Rhody.
Tag Archives: 2007
Smithville Police Department Sponsors Display To Help Prevent Drunk Driving
Smithville Police Chief Thomas Stufano says the residents and merchants of the City of Smithville are serious about the ill effects of Driving Under the Influence.
In a current campaign Smithville Police in cooperation with the Dekalb County School Board and the Tennessee Governor?s Highway Traffic Safety Office are promoting the ill effects of Driving Under the Influence (DUI) by placing an illustration vehicle involved in a serious accident in the Food Lion parking lot and at DeKalb County High School. This promotion also includes corporate sponsors including DeKalb Tire and Service, Bradley Printing Company, the Movie Gallery and Food Lion.
Chief Stufano says the campaign is to promote safe driving practices specifically DUI and aligns with the annual Dekalb High School graduation and prom festivities in April. Smithville Police have made over (74) DUI arrests in the last year within the city limits and have been awarded a government Traffic Enforcement Grant to cover overtime for extra patrols. He says “The City leadership is committed to the program with the Police Department having recently appointed Officer Mac Judkins as the department?s Traffic Enforcement Officer.”
In the current ?Booze It & Lose It? program administered by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Tennessee Governor?s Highway Safety Office, flyers are being distributed advising that:
?A first-time DUI conviction will take your license away for an entire year.In addition, a first-time DUI conviction will put you in the county jail or workhouse for at least 48 hours.
?The average American has a 30% chance of being killed or injured by a drunk driver in his or her lifetime.
?Someone dies from an alcohol-related crash every 33 minutes and someone is injured every two minutes.
?A DUI driver on the average drives their vehicle 80 times a year DUI
Chief Stufano says “Smithville Police are grateful to the residents and merchants of Smithville for their active participation in calling in suspicious activity and drunk driving. It is everyone?s business to help identify those that are senselessly hurting our love ones when they elect to drink and drive.”
Harry Gordon Foutch
95 year old former Trustee and County Judge Harry Gordon Foutch of Smithville died Wednesday at NHC Healthcare Center. He served as DeKalb County Judge and Trustee for a total of 12 years. He was a U.S. Army World War II veteran and a member of the American Legion. Foutch also formerly worked as a Federal Loan Officer for the Small Business Administration in Nashville and he was a member of the Smithville Cumberland Presbyterian Church. The funeral will be Friday at 3:00 p.m. at DeKalb Funeral Chapel. Jonathan Watson will officiate and burial will be in DeKalb Memorial Gardens. Visitation will be Friday from 11:00 a.m. until the time of the service at 3:00 p.m. He was preceded in death by his parents, Albert and Cora Close Foutch; his wife, Irene Wheat Foutch; and a brother, Clyde Foutch. Survivors include daughters, Helen Malone and Harriett and her husband Wayne Cantrell of Smithville. Grandchildren, Nancy and her husband Roger Waynick of Brentwood, Richard Malone of Frisco, Texas, and Garth and Elise Cantrell of Smithville. Great grandchildren, Elizabeth, Will, Roger, and Katie Waynick and Henry Malone. A brother, Osborne Foutch of Lebanon, and several nieces and nephews. DeKalb Funeral Chapel is in charge of the arrangements. The family requests that donations be made to the Smithville Cumberland Presbyterian Church in lieu of flowers, in memory of Mr. Foutch.
John W. Watson
82 year old John W. Watson of Green Hill Road, Smithville died Wednesday at his residence. He was a Dairy farmer and a member of the Banks Cumberland Presbyterian Church. The funeral will be Friday at 2:00 p.m.. at the Chapel of Love-Cantrell Funeral Home. Virgil Hibdon, Jr and Greg Hibdon will officiate and burial will be in the Banks Cemetery. Visitation will be Thursday from 10:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. and Friday from 9:00 a.m. until the time of the service at 2:00 p.m. He was preceded in death by his parents, Jessie and Bedie Vanatta Watson; a brother, Steve Watson; and a grandson Berry Melton. Survivors include his wife, Loretta Bratcher Watson of Smithville. Three daughters, Patsy Helton of McMinnville, Rose and her husband Leonard Melton of Smithville and Barbra and her husband Virgil Hibdon, Jr. of Smithville. A son, Charles Watson and his fiance Carisa Myers of McMinnville. Eight grandchildren, seven great grandchildren, and one great great grandchild. A brother, Tom and his wife Christine Watson of Smithville. A sister, Elizabeth and her husband Eddie Grisweld of McMinnville. An aunt, Sally Hibdon of McMinnville. Special niece, Ernesteen Cantrell of McMinnville, and several nieces, nephews, and friends also survive. Love-Cantrell Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements.
DeKalb Emergency Management District Approved For Homeland Security Grant
The DeKalb County Emergency Management District has been approved for a Homeland Security Grant for 911 Mapping Software.
Brad Mullinax, DeKalb County ECD Director, says “The software will allow us to update and correct map errors on a more frequent basis, assist with the county Reverse 911 system, and assist with many regional projects in the Upper Cumberland Region.”
Mullinax says “Our agency will be able to provide emergency responders with more accurate map of emergency incidents. The grant is 100% funded by the Department of Homeland Security with no local match funds.”
In a letter to Mullinax, Corey Gruber, Acting Assistant Secretary of the Office of Grants and Training for Homeland Security, writes, ” I am pleased to inform you that your application submitted under the fiscal year 2006 Commercial Equipment Direct Assistance Program has been approved. Through CEDAP, your agency will receive the ArcGIS Geographic Information System Software Package.”
“CEDAP provides emergency response agencies with the equipment and technology they need to fulfill their homeland security mission. It is an important component of a larger, coordinated effort to strengthen our Nation’s overall preparedness baseline. CEDAP’s primary focus is to enhance regional response capabilities, mutual aid, and interoperable communications in jurisdictions ineligible to receive assistance under the DHS Urban Areas Security Initiative.”
Lester C. Franks
91 year old Lester C. Franks of Manchester and a former resident of Warren County, died Monday at the United Regional Medical Center. The funeral will be Friday at 11:00 a.m. at the Chapel of Central Funeral Home in Manchester. Westley Hazel will officiate and burial will be in the Webb Cemetery in Warren County. The family will receive friends Thursday from 5:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. at the funeral home. He is survived by his wife, Era Webb Franks of Manchester. Two daughters, Sherry G. Clapp of Wentzville, Missouri and Brenda F. Krause and her husband Richard of Milton, Florida. Five grandchildren, Jason and his wife Jodi Clapp, Jeff and his wife Heather Clapp, Jamie Lauren Clapp, Erin Krause, and Meredith Krause. Four great grandchildren, Sara, Leigh, Lexy, and Jaylen, and a host of other relatives, friends and loved ones, some of whom live in the Smithville-DeKalb County area. Central Funeral Home in Manchester is in charge of the arrangements.
Woman Posing as Cookie Salesperson For High School Fund Raiser Charged with Theft
A 32 year old woman posing as a cookie sales person for the DCHS Cheerleader program has been charged with theft under $500 and driving on a revoked license.
Mary Jo Stanley of Old Blue Springs Road, Smithville may also face a fraud charge for using her food stamp card to buy the cookies from a local grocery store in order to resell them.
Sheriff Patrick Ray says his department received a call Wednesday night from a resident on King Ridge Road, complaining that a woman had come to her house trying to sell cookies as a fundraiser for the DCHS Cheerleader Program to buy uniforms. The resident says she agreed to buy some cookies and got some money from her billfold to pay for them. While the visitor (Stanley) was still in the house, the resident says she received a phone call and turned her back on the woman. After taking the call she turned back around to find that the woman (Stanley) had left the home. When the resident later discovered that some money was missing from her billfold, she called the sheriff’s department with a description of the woman and her vehicle.
A county deputy later pulled over Stanley’s vehicle on the Old Blue Springs Road and subsequently charged her in the case. Some of the victim’ stolen money has also been recovered.
Sheriff Ray says Stanley allegedly went to Smithville Food Store and bought the cookies with her food stamp card, before trying to sell him as a fundraiser. According to Sheriff Ray, the DCHS Cheerleaders are not conducting a cookie fundraiser.
Bond for Stanley is set at $6,000 and she will be in General Sessions Court on the charges March 29th.
Robert D. (Bob) Jones
70 year old Robert D. “Bob” Jones of Liberty died Tuesday at University Medical Center in Lebanon. He was a Catholic, a U.S. Army Veteran, and a retired office worker. The funeral will be Thursday at 2:00 p.m. at DeKalb Funeral Chapel. Michael Hale will officiate and burial will be in DeKalb Cemetery. Visitation will be Thursday from noon until the service at 2:00 p.m. He was preceded in death by his parents, Clarence P. and Bernadette Jones. Survivors include a brother and sister-in-law, Charles P. and Lee Jones of Orchard Lake, Michigan. Nieces, Linda Mahoney and her husband John Wanamaker, Karen Roberts, and Paula Roberts. Nephews, Michael and his wife Cindy Mahoney, and James Jones. Great nieces, Kelly Roberts and Crystal Roberts Rowe. Great nephews, Sean Mahoney, Charles Roberts, and Andrew Weiss. DeKalb Funeral Chapel is in charge of the arrangements.
Sherwood D. Burt
70 year old Sherwood D. Burt of Dowelltown died Monday at DeKalb Community Hospital. He was a member of the Dry Creek Baptist Church and a retired employee of Ross Gear. The funeral will be Thursday at 11:00 a.m. at DeKalb Funeral Chapel. Donald Owens will officiate and burial will be in Salem Cemetery. Visitation will be Thursday from 9:00 a.m. until the time of the service at 11:00 a.m. He was preceded in death by his parents,Marcus Dewitt and Emma Elwood Holt Burt and a step-son, Rickie Parsley. Survivors include his wife, Helen Burt of Dowelltown. Four children, Terri and her husband D.A. Bott of Ohatchee, Alabama, Donna and her husband Don Hulteen of Lincoln, Alabama, Tina and her husband Johnny Mixon of Sonewall, Mississippi, and Robert Burt of Ohatchee, Alabama. Four step-children, Phillip and his wife Janice Parsley of Smyrna, Deborah Lynn O’Conner of Goodlettsville, Larry and his wife Miriam Parsley of Smyrna, and Vicki and her husband Kenneth Corley of Alexandria. A sister-in-law, Audrey Frazier of Smithville. Six grandchildren and several great grandchildren, ten step-grandchildren and fourteen step great grandchildren. DeKalb Funeral Chapel is in charge of the arrangements.
James Tommy Johnson
70 year old James Tommy Johnson of Smithville died Tuesday at DeKalb Community Hospital. He was a self employed carpenter. The funeral will be Thursday at 11:00 a.m. at the Chapel of Love-Cantrell Funeral Home. Charles Ritchey will officiate and burial will be in the Banks Cemetery. Visitation will be Thursday from 9:00 a.m. until the service at 11:00 a.m. He was preceded in death by his father, Newt Johnson. Survivors include his mother, Mary Ella Hughes of Smithville. Five daughters, Judy Thomason and Rita Franklin of Smithville, Melissa, Linda, and Gail Johnson all of Nashville and thirteen grandchildren. Love-Cantrell Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements. The family requests that all donations be made to Love-Cantrell Funeral Home to help with burial expenses, in lieu of flowers.