Ola Ann Reynolds

47 year old Ola Ann Reynolds of Smithville died Monday at her residence. She was a homemaker and a member of Indian Creek Baptist Church. A memorial service will be Friday August 28th at 6:00 p.m. at DeKalb Funeral Chapel. Mike Carpenter and Sue Puckett Jernigan will officiate. Visitation will be Friday August 28th from 5:00 p.m. until the time of the service at 6:00 p.m. She was preceded in death by her father, Thomas Hobert Robinson and a brother, Michael Wayne Robinson. Survivors include a son, Jacob Reynolds of California. Her mother, Jean Robinson Bailey of Smithville. A sister, Tommye Bell of Nashville. A nephew, Joshua Bell of Smithville. An uncle, Arvid and his wife Dorothy Turner of Smithville. Aunts, Ruby Easterly of Kentucky and Brenda Ray of Smithville. A host of friends also survive. DeKalb Funeral Chapel is in charge of the arrangements.

Defendants Enter Pleas in Criminal Court

Many of those indicted by the grand jury earlier this month appeared for arraignment in DeKalb County Criminal Court Monday.
Most pleaded not guilty to the charges against them and will be back in court in October.
Some entered pleas under negotiated settlements.
The following defendants were sentenced by Judge David Patterson.
37 year old Patsy McCoy pleaded guilty to theft under $500, aggravated burglary, and burglary. She received a total of seven years combined, including a four year sentence on the burglary charge all suspended to time served, a three year sentence on the aggravated burglary charge, all suspended except for sixty days to serve, and 11 months and 29 days on the theft charge, all suspended to sixty days. The theft and aggravated burglary sentences will run concurrently, but consecutively with the burglary case. McCoy was given jail credit from April 26th to August 17th.
She must make any restitution and pay seventy five dollars to the economic crime fund.
31 year old James Hesson pleaded guilty to violation of the sex offender registry. He received a two year sentence, all suspended except for 90 days to serve. He was given jail credit from April 15th to August 17th.
38 year old Jimmy Baker pleaded guilty to violation of the sex offender registry and received a two year sentence, all suspended to probation, except for 90 days to serve. He was given jail credit from May 20th to August 17th.
24 year old Stephen Pugh pleaded guilty to theft under $500 and received a sentence of 11 months and 29 days, all suspended. Other counts against him will be dismissed. The sentence is to run concurrently with a DUI case against him. Pugh must pay seventy five dollars to the economic crime fund. He was given jail credit from July 1st to August 10th.
34 year old James Leduc pleaded guilty to two counts of worthless check. He received a sentence of 11 months and 29 days with 30 days to serve in each case to run concurrently. The sentence is also to run concurrently with a previous case in which he was given seven years probation. Leduc must pay seventy five dollars to the economic crime fund.
32 year old Lisa M. Porterfield pleaded guilty to driving on a suspended license and received two days and a $250 fine. The case is to run concurrently with a sentence against her in Warren County. She will be on six months of supervised probation.
26 year old Joseph M. Edge pleaded guilty to theft over $1,000 and received a three year sentence at 305 to serve 60 days with the balance on probation. The sentence may be served on consecutive weekends. Edge must pay seventy five dollars to the economic crime fund.
26 year old Tristan Layne was granted pre-trial diversion for a period of two years under a memorandum of understanding. Layne was indicted on charges of attempted auto burglary, attempted theft over $1,000, and theft under $500. Under terms of the probation, Layne must make restitution of $5,000 to be paid jointly and severally to the victims.
Heather Irvine was granted pre-trial diversion for 11 months and 29 days under a memorandum of understanding. She was indicted on misdemeanor charges of possession of a schedule II and VI controlled substances and possession of drug paraphernalia.
26 year old Dennis Allan Wright pleaded guilty by criminal information to reckless endangerment and violation of the open container law. He received a suspended sentence of 11 months and 29 days, was fined $400, and must undergo an alcohol and drug assessment and attend an alcohol safety school.
Meanwhile, last week, 43 year old Shannon Newby pleaded guilty to two counts of aggravated burglary, theft under $500, and theft over $500. The sentences in all the cases are to run concurrently with each other but consecutive to a TDOC sentence against him. In these cases, Newby was sentenced to a total of five years, to serve 11 months and 29 days. He must pay $475 to the economic crime fund and make restitution. Newby was given jail credit from July 10th, 2008 to August 11th, 2009.

More Students Getting Back to School

Although absenteeism is still higher than normal, attendance is improving in the school system this week, as more students are getting back in the classrooms after a bout with sickness.
Attendance Supervisor Clay Farler told WJLE Tuesday morning that system-wide, 288 students were out of school Tuesday (today), down from 327 students who were out of school Monday, 472 on Friday and 360 on Thursday.
Farler says on a typical school day, about 5% of the student population or approximately 148 students would be absent. He says the goal is to have at least a 95% attendance rate every day. As of Tuesday, it’s at 90.25%
The following are the numbers of students absent at each school on Friday compared to Monday and Tuesday.
DCHS: Tuesday (today) 100 absent; Monday 117 absent; Friday 244 absent
DeKalb Middle School: Tuesday (today) 53; Monday 60 absent; Friday 81 absent
Northside Elementary: Tuesday (today) 59; Monday 63 absent; Friday 66 absent
Smithville Elementary School: Tuesday (today) 42; Monday 43 absent; Friday 55 absent
DeKalb West School: Tuesday (today) 34; Monday 44 absent; Friday 24 absent
Meanwhile Farler reports that enrollment in the DeKalb County School system is 2,954 as of today (Tuesday)
The enrollment breaks down as follows:
DCHS- 826 students
DeKalb Middle School- 514
Northside Elementary School- 595
Smithville Elementary School-592
DeKalb West School- 427

Alan Esteban Palomo Silva

Alan Esteban Palomo Silva, infant son of Maria Carrillo of Smithville and Esteban Palomo died Sunday at St. Thomas Hospital in Nashville. The funeral will be Thursday at 5:00 p.m. at DeKalb Funeral Chapel. Burial will be in DeKalb Cemetery. Visitation will be Wednesday from 10:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. and Thursday from 10:00 a.m. until the service at 5:00 p.m. In addition to the parents, the child is survived by his maternal grandparents, Julia Carrillo Torres, Kivino Silva, and Juliana Carrillo and his paternal grandparents, Julia Morales and Zenon Palomo. DeKalb Funeral Chapel is in charge of the arrangements.

Elizabeth Jane Walker

86 year old Elizabeth Jane Walker of Smithville died Sunday at DeKalb Community Hospital. She was a homemaker. The funeral will be Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. at the Chapel of Love-Cantrell Funeral Home. Shannon Cantrell will officiate and burial will be in DeKalb Memorial Gardens. Visitation will be Monday from 1:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. and until the service at 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday. She was preceded in death by her husband, Chuck Walker; a daughter, Melissa Walker; and parents, William Francis and Lillian Mable Green Arnott. Survivors include two sons, Raymond and wife Shirley Joslyn of Smithville and Larry and wife Sharon Joslyn of New Mexico. Four grandchildren, Ann Joslyn, Alice and Paul Hutchens, Audra Stanley, and Missey Riley. Six great grandchildren, Andrew, Tiffany, and Bridget Hutchens, and Ashley Mooneyham, and Taylor and Branden Stanley. One sister, Lois Dobbs of Kansas. Several sisters-in-law and brothers-in-law, and special caretaker, Bridgette Sink. Love-Cantrell Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements.

Concerned Citizens Want Someone to Direct School Traffic at Northside Elementary

Should someone be assigned to direct traffic in the school zone at Northside Elementary on North Congress Boulevard? If so, who should be responsible for the cost and liability, the City of Smithville, the County, or Board of Education?
The Smithville Mayor and Aldermen discussed this issue Monday night after two concerned citizens, Erlene Howard and Bruce Curtis addressed the city board about the traffic congestion at the school as parents drop off their children in the mornings and pick them up in the afternoons.
Curtis warned that wrecks are bound to occur in that school zone, unless the problem is addressed. “We’re looking at having a major accident there. Parents are lining up, coming to drop their kids off in the morning and picking them up in the afternoon. They’re lining up off the road all the way down as far as the medical center. But when the parents are trying to come out, you can’t see around the cars that are trying to come in. No one is able to stop the traffic. It’s takes as long as five to ten minutes or longer sometimes to get out because of that traffic area. It’s going to cause a wreck right there.”
Howard asked who would be responsible if there were a wreck there, the city or the county.” It’s a county school in the city, who would be responsible?”
City attorney Vester Parsley, Jr. responded that it would not necessarily be either the city or county, but “the person who’s negligence caused the accident. There are speed zones posted there.”
Chief Richard Jennings explained that the police department once assigned officers to direct traffic in the school zones, but problems arose when those officers would often have to leave the school zones or not show up at all in order to answer other calls. To address that problem, the city hired two civilians to direct school traffic, but those positions were eliminated in budget cuts last year. “Years ago the city did provide the officers to direct traffic out there as a courtesy. But our calls for service got so heavy that when the officer would go in the morning (to school zone), a lot of times he didn’t get there because our priority is we have to answer the calls of service as they come in. So he either didn’t get there at all or would have to leave early. We addressed that problem by hiring two civilian personnel to direct traffic out there. One of them happened to be a constable. They took care of Northside and the High School. But in last year’s budget the economic downturn required the City of Smithville to cut the police department’s budget and those two positions were removed from the budget. Prior to doing that I met with the school superintendent to discuss the fact that the police department was going to have to discontinue this service. The school superintendent agreed that it was the school board’s responsibility to furnish people to direct traffic out there and he said they were going to put the money in the budget to do that. But for some reason they were unable to get it in the budget that year. I thought it would be in their budget this year but for some reason it’s not. I think the mayor did write a letter to the school board and the principals stating far in advance that we were going to discontinue this because of budget cuts. The only way we could do it is if we reinstated those two part time positions and hired civilian people to get out there and direct traffic. That would be cheaper than paying off duty police officers overtime.”
Alderman Shawn Jacobs said this is an issue for many citizens and believes the city should try to resolve it. “I’ve had probably eight parents bring the subject up to me. I fully agree with what Chief Jennings is doing now. I’ve always thought that it’s not efficient to have on duty police officers out of their cars directing traffic when they are actually subject to being called somewhere else. I also agree that in all probability it’s a county responsibility, but in light of the fact that the city has done this for so long and because the school year is already underway and to keep this from getting pushed away and delayed more often, I would like to see us get an off duty officer or a constable or somebody out there to direct traffic at Northside for a couple of hours a day. I’ve estimated (the cost) around $3,000 to $3,500 for a year. I think that’s the school (Northside) that has the worst problem. I’ve not heard any complaints about the other schools and I think the (other) school zones are working fairly smoothly. Even last year I heard complaints about Northside, that it was really becoming a bad situation. Regardless of whose responsibility it is, I would hate to see an accident. We’re here to serve the public’s interest and the fact that folks are having to wait five to ten minutes to get back on the road is an inconvenience. A lot of these folks are trying to get to work. I just think it would be wise for us to consider trying to handle this one school zone. I wouldn’t recommend that we do the others at this moment.”
Alderman Steve White suggested a meeting between city and county or school officials.” It’s a safety hazard and a problem that needs to be addressed. Maybe we should address the school board or county and see why they haven’t funded it and whether they are going to later. I think we should talk to the county and school board”
Both Alderman W.J. (Dub) White and Mayor Taft Hendrixson mentioned that perhaps the city and county or school board could share the expense.
Alderman and Police Commissioner Aaron Meeks said he would contact the Director of Schools about a meeting to discuss the issue.

Sheriff Asks for Public Assistance in Solving Theft Ring

Sheriff Patrick Ray is asking for your help in solving a theft ring which has been occurring in DeKalb and surrounding counties.
According to Sheriff Ray, most of these thefts have been taking place at night. “We have been working with the surrounding counties on theft cases where someone has been stealing riding lawn mowers, bumper trailers, gooseneck trailers, boat trailers, and camper trailers. In some of the thefts, the thief will take the vehicle that is attached to the trailer and carry them into one of our surrounding counties and burn them. Authorities in all of the counties agree that this is the same theft ring they have been experiencing. In DeKalb County, we have seen a few of these thefts in the western part of the county with the last one being a travel trailer taken from the Smith Fork area in which a truck was attached to the travel trailer and the thief drove it into the creek and took the trailer. We are asking everyone to keep an eye out for anyone driving up and down the road or anyone that looks suspicious. We ask you to get a good description of the vehicle then call the central dispatch and relay the information to them where a deputy can be dispatched to that area. You may also call the Sheriff’s Department at 597-4935 or the crime tip line at 464-6400 if you have any information on someone trying to sell these items.
Meanwhile in other crime news, Sheriff Ray reports that Sheriff’s Department detectives arrested 33 year old James Steven Leduc of Gin Alley Apartments in Alexandria for theft of property on August 11th. The victim, who resides on Tramel Branch Road in Alexandria, reported the theft of a G.E. clothes dryer, a compound bow, a refrigerator, and three electric floor heaters. Detectives found that Leduc had sold the stolen items to a business in Alexandria. When they picked up Leduc, he admitted to selling the stolen items. Leduc’s bond was set at $40,000 and he will appear in court on August 20th.
22 year old Daniel Luke Brock and 20 year old Rex James Garza were picked up on sealed indictments for theft of property and burglary on August 11th. Sheriff Ray says on December 30th, 2007, DeKalb County detectives and the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation worked a break-in on Johnson’s Chapel Road where items such as cases of beer, computers, a surround sound system, and two large screen televisions were taken from a business without the owners consent. Bond for both men was set at $25,000 and they will appear in court on September 21st.
Deputies responded to an accident on Sparta Highway on August 11th. Upon arrival, officers talked with the driver, 60 year old James Brown Metcalf of West Bockman Way Sparta, and noticed that he was unsteady on his feet and had a smell of alcohol on his person. Metcalf submitted to field sobriety tasks which he failed. He admitted to drinking vodka earlier. Metcalf ‘s bond was set at $1,500 and he will appear in court on August 20th.
43 year old Teresa Kay Beasley of McMinnville Highway was arrested August 15th on a sealed indictment for sale of a schedule II drug, delivery of a schedule II drug, possession of a schedule II drug for resale, delivery of a schedule II drug for resale, sale of a legend drug, attempt to sell a schedule II drug, and attempt to deliver a schedule II drug. Her bond was set at $6,000 and she will appear in court on September 21st.
Also on August 15th, deputies went to the residence of 46 year old Randall Johnson who lives on LaFever Ridge Road Silver Point, to serve a state warrant on him. When Deputies tried to cuff Johnson, he told them “No I’m not going!” The officers were able to subdue Johnson and place him into custody without incident. Upon coming into the DeKalb County Jail, Johnson was found to have a plastic bag on his person that contained a green leafy substance believed to be marijuana. Johnson was charged with resisting arrest and introduction of drugs into a penal institution. His bond was set at $7,000 and will appear in court on August 20th.

Jacob Lee Caldwell

30 year old Jacob Lee Caldwell of Rock Island died Saturday at Erlanger Hospital in Chattanooga. He was employed by Walker Manufacturing/Tenneco. A graveside service will be Sunday at 4:30 p.m. at Banks Cemetery. Bill Robertson will officiate. There will be no visitation. He was preceded in death by his maternal grandfather, Austin Scurlock and his paternal grandparents, Wade and Pearline Johnson Caldwell. Survivors include a son, Andrew Caldwell of Smithville. Parents, Terry and Donna Scurlock Caldwell of Rock Island. One brother, Daniel Caldwell of Smithville. His maternal grandmother, Ruth Scurlock of Smithville. Several aunts, uncles, and cousins also survive. Love-Cantrell Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements. The family has asked that donations be made to the funeral home to help with burial expenses, in lieu of flowers.

Congressman Gordon Schedules Listening Tour

To have productive conversations and obtain advice from residents of Tennessee’s Sixth Congressional District, U.S. Representative Bart Gordon has scheduled several discussion opportunities over the next two weeks – two district-wide Telephone Town Halls, three Face-to-Face office hour events, and two in-person Town Hall meetings, as well as a seniors-focused Telephone Town Hall and other possible call-in events.
Each event will allow constituents to share concerns, ask questions, and communicate directly with Gordon.
“I scheduled each of these events in order to accommodate and hear from as many Sixth District residents as possible,” explained Gordon.
Gordon’s August schedule follows (note: additional events may be added):
• August 21: Two Telephone Town Halls – one at 11 a.m. CDT and another at 5:30 p.m. CDT (to register, visit www.gordon.house.gov or call 615-896-1986).
• August 24: Face-to-Face office hours, starting at 9:00 a.m. CDT, at the Patterson Park Community Center (521 Mercury Blvd., Murfreesboro, 37130).
• August 24: Town Hall meeting, moderated by the Daily News Journal, at 7:00 p.m. CDT in Murfreesboro (location, to be determined).
• August 25: Face-to-Face office hours, starting at 9:00 a.m. CDT, at the Putnam County Courthouse (300 E. Spring St., Cookeville, 38501).
• August 26: Face-to-Face office hours, starting at 9:00 a.m. CDT, at the Sumner County Courthouse (100 Public Sq., Room B-100, Gallatin, 37066).
• August 26: Town Hall meeting, moderated by Mike Towle of The News-Examiner at 7:00 p.m. CDT in Gallatin (location, to be determined).
“These call-ins, one-on-one discussion events and Town Hall meetings are just part of my efforts to better understand the concerns of the more than 700,000 constituents across the 15 counties I represent in the Sixth District,” added Gordon.
The two Telephone Town Hall events require no travel, and participation is toll free and easy. Registered constituents will be able to communicate with Gordon, ask questions live, and leave messages from the comfort of their homes.
Each Face-to-Face office hour event will offer constituents an opportunity to individually meet with Gordon and discuss any questions and concerns they may have. Gordon will meet with Sixth District residents on a first-come-first-serve basis.
The in-person Town Hall meetings will be moderated by Murfreesboro’s Daily News Journal and Gallatin’s News-Examiner, respectively. The moderators will call on attendees to ask questions or give advice to Gordon, as well as ensure that a constructive dialogue takes place over the course of each event.
In addition to these events, constituents are always welcome to stop by Gordon’s district offices. The Murfreesboro office is located at 305 W. Main Street; the Gallatin office is located at 100 Public Sq., Room B-100; and the Cookeville office is located at 15 S. Jefferson Avenue.
Tennessee’s Sixth Congressional District includes the following counties: Bedford, Cannon, Clay, DeKalb, Jackson, Macon, Marshall, Overton, Putnam, Robertson, Rutherford, Smith, Sumner, Trousdale, and part of Wilson.

Aubrey Givens Announces for State Senate District 17

Wilson County attorney Aubrey Givens, who recently announced his intentions to seek the Democratic nomination for State Senate District 17, was among those attending a meeting of local democrats Thursday night at the city hall community room.
Justin Walling, Tennessee Chair of the chairs, was the featured speaker during the meeting. During his remarks, Walling rebutted many of the Republican’s health care arguments and talked about the importance of taking back a majority in at least one of the State Houses in the 2010 elections to avoid Republican gerrymandering.
The 17th Senate district, composed of Wilson, Cannon, Dekalb, Trousdale, Smith, Macon, Clay, and parts of Sumner County, is currently represented by Republican Mae Beavers, who is not seeking re-election.
Givens, in a prepared statement making his announcement, said, “I am excited about the opportunity to serve as a voice for the whole community, but first, I am going to do a lot of listening in Mount Juliet, Woodbury, Lebanon, Smithville, Hartsville, Celina and all points in between.” Givens believes he can be effective in the Tennessee Senate delivering “big results for the entire district.”
Givens’ supporters in the district and current legislators are impressed by his common sense leadership approach and have encouraged him to pursue a senate seat. “I am humbled by the warm wishes of so many who have helped me to embark on this campaign,” said Givens. “I appreciate their trust and support…and I really do need their help to deliver a better Tennessee.”
Givens’s community involvement is extensive. Born and reared in Lebanon, Givens is an active member of the Wilson County, Robertson County, and Nashville Bar, He serves as an alumni class chair for the Nashville School of Law Recognition Dinner and Silent Auction. He is a charter member of Tennessee State Fair Foundation, now in organization. A former Wilson county 4-Her and member of FFA, Givens devotes much of his spare time to mentoring young people. This year he has coached a state champion in public speaking.
A relative novice in politics, Givens brings his real-life experience as a student, employee, farmer, small business owner, and attorney to the race. He adds, “I have made a career out of helping everyday Tennesseans, now I hope to take this step and simply continue my mission as a legislator affecting change for a better Tennessee. ”
Top priorities include:
Education; building a better future for Tennessee students and the teachers who instruct them;
healthcare; assuring quality healthcare for Tennessee’s working families, seniors, and for every child fortunate enough to be a Tennessean.
Economic growth; giving the working families an opportunity to advance themselves and better their future by engaging industry and technology in Tennessee.
fiscal responsibility; making our tax dollars work harder so Tennesseans don’t have to bear a state income tax.
(Photo Caption. Front row, DeKalb Chair Faye Fuqua, Young Democrat President Jordan Wilkins. Back row. DeKalb Vice-Chair Jim Judkins, Tennessee Chair of the chairs Justin Walling, 17th District State Senate Candidate Aubrey Givens.)