Hazel May Frazier

75 year old Hazel May Frazier of Liberty died Sunday at DeKalb Community Hospital. She worked at Prospect for 20 years. The funeral will be Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. at the Liberty United Methodist Church, where she was a member. Michael Hale will officiate and burial will be in Salem Cemetery. Visitation will be Monday from 5:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. and Tuesday from 9:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. at the funeral home; and Wednesday from 9:00 a.m. until the time of the service at 11:00 a.m. at the church. She was preceded in death by her parents, James Douglas and Lera Altie Ashburn Frazier and brothers, Henry, Lester, Azro, and Norman Frazier. She is survived by sisters, Virginia and her husband Joe Hendrixson of Liberty, Neoda and husband Frank Cantrell of Smithville, and Marie and husband Horace Bratcher of Smithville. Brothers, Leo and his wife Mildred Frazier of Soddy Daisy, Junior and his wife Elizabeth Frazier of Liberty, Garlon and wife Ann Frazier of Liberty, and Roscoe and wife Pauline Frazier of Dowelltown. Sisters-in-law, Robbie Joan Frazier of Liberty and Retha Frazier of Sycamore. Several nieces and nephews also survive. DeKalb Funeral Chapel is in charge of the arrangements.

Lisa Adcock Tatrow Johnson

49 year old Lisa Adcock Tatrow Johnson of Smithville died Sunday. She was an employee of Hardees. The funeral will be Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. at DeKalb Funeral Chapel. Michael Hale will officiate and burial will be in Whorton Springs Cemetery. Visitation will be Tuesday from 11:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. and Wednesday from 10:00 a.m. until the service at 2:00 p.m. She was preceded in death by her father, Charles “Dock” Edgar Adcock and a brother, Jerry Adcock. Survivors include her children, Amanda Brannon and Ashley and husband Michael Saylors all of Smithville. Grandchildren, Chelsie and Hunter Brannon, Mackenise, Peyton, Elisabeth, and Kevin Saylors. Her mother, Irene Adcock Young of Smithville. A sister, Linda and husband Nelson Caldwell of Smithville. A sister-in-law, Beverly Adcock of Old Hickory. Several nieces and nephews also survive. DeKalb Funeral Chapel is in charge of the arrangements. The family requests that donations be made to help with funeral expenses, in lieu of flowers.

Local Law Enforcement Agencies to Conduct Sobriety Checkpoints During the Holidays

Local law enforcement agencies will be teaming up for the Christmas and New Year holidays to help keep roads safer in DeKalb County
Sheriff Patrick Ray says the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Department in cooperation with Alexandria and Smithville police Departments will be out in full force starting December 23rd through January 1st for the safety of you and your family. “The public’s safety is a top concern for me and my department. We will be doing saturated patrols and sobriety check points looking for intoxicated people who choose to get behind the wheel of a vehicle and drive. We will also team with the Alexandria and Smithville Police Departments to better cover areas where drinking and driving are more prevalent. ”
Nearly 23,000 people are killed every year in alcohol-related traffic accidents nationwide. Statistics show one life is lost every 22 minutes in alcohol-related traffic collisions. Law enforcement uses these checkpoints as a tool to reduce the number of intoxicated drivers on our highways and to diminish the amount of pain, suffering and death that results from intoxicated driving.”
The Sobriety Check Points will be conducted on the following Highways: Highway 56, Highway 70, Highway 53 in Liberty and Alexandria, and Highway 146.
Meanwhile, in his weekly update on crime news, Sheriff Ray says 35 year old Jose Cruz Quiroz of East 20th Street, Cookeville was charged Monday, December 7th with leaving the scene of an accident. On November 2nd Quiroz left the scene of an accident with property damage on Highway 56 North. Quiroz has admitted to being the driver of the vehicle. Bond for Quiroz was set at $2,500 and he will appear in court on December 17th
23 year old Justin Ray Lohorn of South Mountain Street, Smithville was charged Monday, December 7th with vandalism and theft of property after he broke into a drink machine at the Mystic Market on Highway 56 South and took approximately $31.00 in cash and caused $1,800 in damage to the machine. Lohorn’s bond was set at $10,000 and he will appear in court on December 17th.
Deputies responded to an accident on Evins Mill Road Tuesday, December 8th where they found 27 year old Matthew Allen Baker of Pine Orchard Road Smithville to be the driver of the vehicle. Baker was believed to be in an intoxicated state having slurred speech. He was unsteady on his feet. After failing field sobriety tasks, deputies placed Baker under arrest after which he became uncooperative, jerking away from the officers and trying to run off. Baker was loaded into the patrol car and transported to the jail. Deputies learned that Baker’s driver’s license was suspended for failure to maintain insurance. During the booking process at the jail, Baker became uncooperative again and a correctional officer was injured, suffering a broken finger, while trying to get him under control. Baker was charged with a first offense of driving under the influence, driving on a suspended driver’s license, and two counts of resisting arrest. Baker’s total bond was set at $12,500 and he will appear in court on January 14th..
21 year old Timothy William Patrick of The Loop Smithville was arrested Thursday, December 10th after a deputy spotted him driving on Midway Road. The officer had prior knowledge that Patrick’s license was suspended. Patrick’s bond was set at $1,500 and he will appear in court on December 30th.
Also on Thursday deputies responded to a call of an unwanted guest on Coconut Ridge Road Smithville. Officers spotted people leaving the residence and noticed that the vehicle they were in was swaying in the roadway. After stopping the automobile, deputies found 46 year old Charles Wayne Smithson of Dogwood Place Smithville to be the driver.. Smithson appeared to be intoxicated. Deputies administered field sobriety tasks until Smithson became uncooperative and then combative. Smithson was charged with a first offense of driving under the influence and resisting arrest. Bond for Smithson was set at $5,000 and he will appear in court on December 17th. A passenger in the vehicle, 51 year old Thomas David Hullett of Poplar Place Smithville was charged with public intoxication after he tried to get out of the vehicle and back into the driver’s side seat. Sheriff Ray says he refused to do what the deputies were asking him to do. Hullett’s bond was set at $1,000 and he will appear in court on December 17th.
41 year old Larry David Luna of Johnson Chapel Road, Sparta was arrested Friday on a sealed indictment charging him with manufacturing marijuana (more than 20 plants). Luna’s bond was set at $5,000.
Also on Friday, 31 year old James “Freddy” Summers of Hodges Road Smithville and 21 year old Christopher Allen Summers of Dale Ridge Road Dowelltown were both charged with failure to report on time to the DeKalb County Jail to serve their weekend sentences. Both men showed up on Friday after their 6:00 p.m. check in time. Bond for both was set at $1,500 each and both will appear in court on December 17th.
24 year old Jennifer Colleen Rhoades of Short Mountain Highway was charged Sunday with a first offense of driving under the influence, driving on a suspended license, and reckless endangerment of a child. Sheriff Ray says officers found Rhoades on New Home Road in Dowelltown passed out behind the wheel of a car with the vehicle’s engine running and her foot on the brake. An eight year old child was in the passenger seat of the vehicle. Rhoades appeared to be intoxicated. She was unsteady on her feet and had an odor of alcohol on her person. When deputies asked Rhoades where she thought she was, she stated that she was at Brush Creek. Bond for Rhoades was set at $6,000 and she will appear in court on January 14th. The Department of Children Services was also contacted.

Body of Woman Found inside Overturned Vehicle in Rain Swollen Creek

The body of a 49 year old woman was found inside her car in a rain swollen creek off Bright Hill Road Sunday morning.
Dead is Lisa Gail Johnson of 814 Four Seasons Road.
Trooper Dewaine Jennings of the Tennessee Highway Patrol says Johnson was driving a 1996 Pontiac Bonneville south on Bright Hill Road. The car left the road just south of the intersection of Bright Hill Road and Dearman Street, struck a concrete bridge retaining wall, and then overturned into the creek. The car came to rest upside down partially submerged in the water.
A passerby spotted the car in the creek and reported it to the sheriff’s department at 10:37 a.m.
Trooper Jennings says he and another officer initially went into the creek but were unable to get inside the car. Tow trucks from J.R.. Motors and Tim’s Truck service came to the scene and lifted the vehicle from the water, and the woman’s body was found inside. She was removed and transported by EMS to DeKalb Community Hospital.
Trooper Jennings says the exact time of the crash is unknown. Johnson was an employee at Hardees in Smithville and reportedly had gotten off work Sunday at 6:00 a.m. Again, the vehicle was spotted in the water just before 10:37 a.m.
An autopsy is being performed to determine the cause of death.
Among those on the scene in addition to Trooper Jennings, were Sheriff Patrick Ray and Deputies Bobby Johnson and Brandon Donnell of the Sheriff’s Department, Officers Matt Holmes and Travis Bryant from the Smithville Police Department, DeKalb Fire Chief Donny Green and members of the Short Mountain Station and the Extrication and Rescue Team of the DeKalb County Fire Department, DeKalb County Rescue Squad, and DeKalb EMS.
A Bloomington Springs woman was injured in a one auto accident Friday on the Cookeville Highway.
Trooper Dewaine Jennings says 25 year old Sabrina Branham was driving a 1996 Chevy Blazer south on State Route 56 when she failed to properly negotiate a curve to the right, left the roadway to the left, and made impact with a culvert at Puckett’s Cemetery.
Branham suffred a severe cut to her chin but she refused treatment at the scene. She was taken by private vehicle to Cookeville Regional Hospital. Branham was reportedly transported later to Vanderbilt Hospital. Charges are pending against her.
Another personal injury accident occurred on Saturday morning on Highway 56 south near Mystick Market.
Trooper Jennings says 29 year old Jared Atnip was driving south on Highway 56 in a 1992 Toyota Landcrusier when he left the roadway to the right, entered a ditchline, and made impact with a culvert. The vehicle then overturned, coming to rest on it’s top in the middle of the roadway. The highway had to be closed for 45 minutes to an hour during the investigation and cleanup.
Atnip’s mother Guylene Atnip was a passenger in the vehicle along with a three year old female child. All were taken by DeKalb EMS to DeKalb Community Hospital. Trooper Jennings says the child was properly restrained in the vehicle and only had a bump on the head.
Charges are pending against Atnip.

Robert L. Wallace

79 year old Robert L. Wallace died Sunday at his residence in Glasgow, Kentucky. He was owner of Wallace Landscaping. The funeral will be Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. at the Chapel of Love-Cantrell Funeral Home. Burial will be in DeKalb Memorial Gardens. Visitation will be Tuesday from 4:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. and Wednesday from 11:00 a.m. until the time of the service at 1:00 p.m. He was preceded in death by his parents, Theodore and Callie Pettie Wallace. Survivors include two sons, Mark and his wife Jennifer Wallace of Smithville and Pat and his wife Beverly Wallace of Murfreesboro. One daughter, Callie Wallace of Jackson. Seven grandchildren, Jessica and Julie Wallace of Memphis, Eden, Asia, and Justice Wallace all of Jackson, Tennessee and Spencer and McCullough Wallace of Smithville. Love-Cantrell Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements.

Santa Makes Another Appearance in DeKalb County During Alexandria Christmas Parade

Santa and Mrs. Claus made another appearance Saturday during the annual Alexandria Christmas parade.
State Representative Terri Lynn Weaver served as Grand Marshal of the Parade.
The Dowelltown United Methodist Church took first place among the float entries. The Brush Creek United Methodist Church float received second place and third place went to the Girl Scouts float.
Brad Driver was awarded first place in the vintage car category for his 1969 red Camaro while Trent and Amber Hawkins received first place for best vintage truck with their 1948 green Chevy truck.
Taylor Hale received first place for best four wheeler.
Chris Hale took first place for best tractor with his 1952 John Deere
Smoke House Barbeque received first place for best motorcycle.
Drawings for prizes were held after the parade.
To see pictures of the Alexandria Christmas Parade, click the following link:

Colwells Charged with Child Neglect

The Smithville Police Department has charged two people with child neglect.
39 year old Johnny and 31 year old Heather Colwell of 253 Hayes Court were arrested on Friday, December 11th. The arrests were made by Detective Jerry Hutchins and Corporal Travis Bryant According to the warrants “On or about June 13th, 2009 the Colwell’s 6 ½ month old child pulled a candle warmer onto himself causing injury. According to Johnny Colwell someone came to see his wife, Heather who was in the bedroom and that they were in there when the injury happened. According to Heather Colwell she and her husband, Johnny were involved in illegal drug sales and were both intoxicated on this date, therefore neglecting the child. Bond for each is set at $5,000 and their court date is January 7th.
In another case, 24 year old Timmy Wayne Hale of 704 Short Mountain Highway was arrested for vandalism on Tuesday, December 8th.
Smithville Police Officer Matt Holmes reports that Roy Wilkey of Big Hurricane Road had parked his vehicle at Timmy Hale’s residence (with his permission) and that Mr. Hale was seen trying to break into Mr. Wilkey’s vehicle on November 28th. Officer Holmes was conducting a follow up investigation on the incident and met with Timmy Hale at the Smithville Police Department where he was asked about the vandalism. According to Officer Holmes, Hale admitted to attempting to gain entry to the vehicle by using a hanger causing damage to the window trim. Bond for Hale is $1,000 and his court date is December 17th
29 year old Jared Scott Atnip of 206 Bybee Ranch Road McMinnville was arrested on Monday, December 7th for public intoxication and possession of drug paraphernalia. Officer Matt Holmes was called to a local business in answer to a complaint of possibly an intoxicated person. Atnip was sitting at a table inside of the business and when he was questioned Atnip did not immediately reply. After being asked a second time to reply, he said yes. Officer Holmes requested that Atnip step outside. Officer Holmes noticed Atnip’s eyes were droopy and his speech was slurred. Atnip was asked if he had taken any medication and he replied he had taken his prescribed medication, Xanax before getting dropped off at the business. Atnip was arrested for public intoxication and transported to the Smithville Police Department where he informed Officer Holmes that he might have a syringe in his jacket pocket. A search revealed a used hypodermic needle in the inside pocket of his jacket and he was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia. Bond for Atnip was set at $2000 and his court date is January 7th.
Meanwhile, anyone having any information on the following offense is asked to please contact the Smithville Police Department at 597-8210 or the Tip Line at 464-6046.
On Thursday, December 10th at approximately 6:45 a.m, Officer Matt Holmes responded to Royal Oak Apartments where he met with James Gibbs who said that when he went out to start his truck for work, he noticed his door was unlocked. Gibbs said after he got inside he saw that his glove box was open and after further investigation he found his radio, two matching wedding rings, a promise ring, two memory cards, 26 CD’s and a pocket knife were missing from his vehicle.
Any information received that will help the Smithville Police solve this or any criminal offense will be greatly appreciated. All information is confidential.
The Smithville Police Department will be stepping up patrols during this holiday season for impaired drivers in an effort to keep our roadways safer. The Smithville Police Department will also team up with the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Department to conduct saturation patrols and sobriety checkpoints during the New Year’s eve holiday.

Janice Carol Jenkins

41 year old Janice Carol Jenkins of Smithville died Friday at DeKalb Community Hospital. She was a Baptist and employed at Tenneco. The funeral will be Monday at 2:00 p.m. at the Chapel of Love-Cantrell Funeral Home. Bill Robertson will officiate and burial will be in DeKalb Memorial Gardens. Visitation will be Sunday from 2:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. and Monday from 10:00 a.m. until the service at 2:00 p.m. She is survived by her husband, Tony Jenkins of Smithville. One son, Joshua Redmon of Smithville. One step-son, David Jenkins of Carthage. Parents, John and Mary Neal Young of Smithville. A sister, Teresa and husband Mark Sullivan of Smithville. One nephew, Brandon Sullivan of Smithville. One niece, Megan Sullivan of Smithville. Mother-in-law, Dempsey Jenkins of Nashville. Love-Cantrell Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements.

Virgie Lee Colwell

91 year old Virgie Lee Colwell of Lawrenceburg died Friday at the Maury Regional Hospital in Columbia. She was retired from the Valdor Shirt Factory and a member of the Sanctuary United Pentecostal Church in Hohenwald. The funeral will be Monday at 1:00 p.m. at DeKalb Funeral Chapel. Jack Tidrick and Walter Droke will officiate and burial will be in the Cannady Cemetery. Visitation will be Sunday from 1:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. and Monday from 10:00 a.m. until the time of the service at 1:00 p.m. She was preceded in death by her husband, George Baxter Colwell. Grandchildren, Lonnie Earl Colwell, Jr. and Tori Danielle Stacy; parents, Luther Marvin and Elizabeth Taylor Gay; brothers, Homer and Gentry Gay; sisters, Pauline Murphy, Dorothy Gay, Bertha Clause, and Annie Sparkman. She is survived by children, Lonnie and his wife Joyce Colwell of Lebanon, Geneva and husband Jack Tidrick of Murfreesboro, Maxie and wife Leona Colwell of Liberty, and Fay and husband Tip Melton of Lawrenceburg. Six grandchildren, Christie Tindle, Wendy Casselberry, Tonya Williams, Shawn Colwell, Tammye Grantham, and Blake Melton. Eleven great grandchildren, three great great grandchildren. Two sisters, Cloie Caldwell of Smithville and Ruby West of McMinnville. Two brothers, J.E. Gay of McMinnville and James Gay of Lewisburg. DeKalb Funeral Chapel is in charge of the arrangements.

More Potential 2010 Candidates Picking up Qualifying Petitions

Several people have picked up petitions at the DeKalb County Election Commission Office for next year’s elections.
County Clerk Mike Clayborn has qualified to seek re-election in the DeKalb County Democratic Primary next May. Clayborn has picked up and returned his petition
Glynn Merriman has qualified as a candidate for County Clerk in the DeKalb County Democratic Primary. He has picked up and returned his petition.
County Commission candidates who have qualified to run in next year’s elections are as follows:
Third District- Incumbent Jerry Scott
Fifth District- Johnny Ringo Colwell, Randy Braswell, and Bobby R.Taylor
Seventh District- Richard Kinsey (Independent)
Other candidates who have obtained petitions to run in the May Democratic Primary or as Independents in the August General Session are as follows:
County Mayor Mike Foster, Circuit Court Clerk Katherine Pack, Register of Deeds Jeff McMillen, First District County Commissioner Elmer Ellis, Jr., Second District County Commissioner Jack Barton, Third District County Commission Candidate Roy Merriman, Fourth District County Commissioner Wayne Cantrell, Fifth District County Commissioner John Green, Fifth District County Commission Candidate Lloyd Emmons (Independent), Sixth District County Commissioner Jeff Barnes, Sixth District County Commissioner Marshall Ferrrell, Seventh District County Commissioner Larry Summers, Seventh District County Commission candidate Jimmy W. Poss.
The Tennessee Highway Officials Certification Board has certified Kenny Edge’s qualifications to be a candidate for Road Supervisor. Edge plans to seek re-election as Road Supervisor, subject to receiving his party’s nomination in January at the DeKalb County Republican Convention.
Circuit Court Judge Amy Hollars has submitted a certified copy of her qualifying petition to the election commission office.
Offices eligible for the May ballot are County Mayor, County Clerk, Circuit Court Clerk, Trustee, Register of Deeds, Road Supervisor, and Sheriff, county commissioners in districts one through seven, 13th Judicial District Circuit Court Judge Part 1 and District Attorney. The judge and D.A. elections are to fill unexpired terms.
Qualifying petitions may now be picked up and the qualifying deadline for the May 4th Primary is noon on Thursday, February 18th, 2010. There is another important date for potential Sheriff and Road Supervisor candidates to remember, February 4th.
Sheriff candidates must file “affidavits of qualification” with the Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) Commission no later than February 4th, 2010. Road Supervisor candidates must file their affidavits of qualification with the Tennessee Highway Officials Certification Board no later than February 4th, 2010.
Independent candidates have the same qualifying deadline, Noon, February 18th, 2010. The Republican Party, which usually selects its nominees by caucus, must certify its candidates by the same date and time.