The DeKalb County 4-H public speaking contest was held Tuesday night at Northside Elementary School
Participants in the fourth grade were Tanner Poss and Derek Young who won first place; Sabrina Cripps took second place and Joshua Carlton received third place. Ashley Phillips also participated.
Fifth grade participants were James Barrientos, Ian Vitale, Felicia Ribble, Emily Burklow, and Olivia Fuson who won first place. Abby Evans and Hayley Martin received second place; and Brianna McDonald, Abbie Fontanez, and Eleonore Atnip took third place.
Meanwhile, in the sixth grade to twelfth grade competition Wyatt Martin won first place in 6th grade; Kirkland Smallwood received first place in the 7th grade; Lydia Trail took first place in 8th grade; Katie Haggard received first place in10th grade; Jacqueline Cortes took second place in the 6th grade; William Cain won second place in 7th grade; and Nathaniel Theriaque received third place in 7th grade.
Top Photo: 4th grade county 4-H public speaking participants (left to right): Sabrina Cripps (2nd place), Tanner Poss, Derek Young (1st place),and Joshua Carlton (3rd place). Not pictured was Ashley Phillips
Middle Photo: 5th grade county 4-H public speaking participants (left to right): James Barrientos, Ian Vitale, Felicia Ribble, Emily Burklow, Olivia Fuson (1st place), Brianna McDonald, Abbie Fontanez, and Eleonore Atnip (3rd place). Not pictured were: Abby Evans and Hayley Martin (2nd place).
Bottom Photo: Wyatt Martin (1st place, 6th grade), Lydia Trail (1st place, 8th grade), Katie Haggard (1st place, 10th grade), William Cain (2nd place, 7th grade), Nathaniel Theriaque(3rd place, 7th grade), and Kirkland Smallwood (1st place, 7th grade). Not pictured was Jacqueline Cortes (2nd place, 6th grade)
Tag Archives: 2011
Vernon Gets Four Year Prison Sentence for Reckless Homicide
A Rock Island man, convicted of reckless homicide in the 2009 brutal beating of another man on Center Hill Lake, received a four year prison sentence this morning (Wednesday) in DeKalb County Criminal Court
39 year old James Vernon, under an agreement between his attorney, assistant district public defender Allison Rasbury and assistant district attorney general Greg Strong, accepted the four year sentence rather than go through with a sentencing hearing. The range of punishment for reckless homicide is two to four years.
Vernon, who remained in the DeKalb County Jail from July 9th, 2009 until December 20th, 2010, was given credit for the 529 days he has already served. Vernon has also waived his right to file an appeal or a motion for a new trial. With the jail credit time he has built, Vernon could be released soon, since he is only required to serve 30% of his sentence before becoming eligible for parole. Vernon has been free on bond since December 20th, pending the sentencing date.
After the court proceedings Wednesday, Vernon was taken into custody. He is currently in the county jail but is expected to eventually be transported to the Tennessee Department of Corrections. Judge Leon Burns, Jr., who sentenced Vernon, told him that the state parole board will determine when he is to be released.
Originally charged with first degree murder in the death of 24 year old David Joseph Clark, Vernon stood trial on Tuesday, November 30th in DeKalb County Criminal Court for second degree murder. Later that evening the jury, made of up six men and six women, returned from it’s deliberations with a verdict of reckless homicide.
State prosecutors said Vernon was responsible for the death of Clark, who was severely beaten during an attack on a houseboat at Center Hill Lake July 7th, 2009. Clark died a week later from his injuries at Erlanger Hospital in Chattanooga. The fight was apparently over Vernon’s missing wallet, which he accused Clark of stealing. The assault occurred in DeKalb County, only a short distance from Horsehoe Bend Marina, which is in White County.
Vernon, who testified during the trial in his own defense, said that he met Clark on the fourth of July, 2009 during an outing on the lake. Two days later, July 6th Vernon said Clark showed up at his boat, just to hang out. Clark invited him inside but a short time later, Vernon said Clark suddenly left, saying he had to go. Vernon looked around and noticed that his wallet, which he kept on the bar near the dining table, was missing. Thinking that Clark took it, Vernon followed after Clark and confronted him about the wallet, which he said contained $50. Clark denied taking the wallet and Vernon apparently never found it.
The next night, July 7th, Vernon said he showed up at a friend’s houseboat and that Clark later arrived. Witnesses testified that Clark was already at the boat when Vernon got there. Vernon apparently confronted Clark again about the wallet. While Clark denied taking the wallet, Vernon said Clark admitted to stealing from others in the area and added that they got what they deserved. Vernon said he took the comment personally, became angry and began punching him after Clark tried to grab him. But witnesses testified that Clark did nothing to provoke Vernon and that Vernon began hitting Clark, after the two men had shook hands. According to the witnesses, Vernon inflicted three or four blows to Clark and then continued beating him after he fell to the floor unconscious, even though witnesses tried to restrain Vernon and called for him to stop.
Vernon testified that he deeply regretted what he had done. When asked by District Attorney General Randy York if he had said “I’m sorry’ to anyone. Vernon replied, “Yes, the Lord.”
York, in his closing remarks to the jury, said Vernon committed second degree murder, acting intentionally and knowing that Clark could die, especially when he continued the beating even after Clark had lost consciousness.
District Public Defender David Brady and assistant Allison Rasbury, in their closing remarks, said that while Vernon was wrong in the attack, he did not commit second degree murder in that he could not have known with reasonable certainty that the injuries from the fight would lead to Clark’s death.
TDOT to Award Contract on Sligo Bridge Replacement Later this Year
The Tennessee Department of Transportation is expected to accept bids and award a contract on the replacement of Sligo bridge sometime this year, possibly this fall.
The Sligo bridge replacement is among the projects to be funded in the 2011-12 state budget under TDOT’s Better Bridge bonding program. The estimated cost is $30 million dollars.
The new Sligo bridge is expected to be erected some sixty feet to the north of the existing bridge and plans are for traffic to continue on the old bridge while the new structure is under construction. Right of way acquisition with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and any other adjoining landowners must also be resolved.
TDOT officials have said that Sligo bridge remains safe to travel as long as motorists adhere to the posted weight limits and that the chunks of concrete falling into nets hung underneath the bridge should not be of great concern.
During a November, 2009 public meeting in Smithville, Ed Wasserman, TDOT Director of Structures, addressed the safety issue regarding Sligo bridge. According to Wasserman, there are at least two layers of concrete on the bridge and the layer underneath is breaking up. “Specifically with regard to the Sligo bridge, it is safe as long as you observe the posted loads that are on that bridge. Your concerns about the chunks of concrete coming off ( from under the bridge). That is more of an emotional issue than a structural issue. They way that slab works is that it is the re-enforcing steel in the bottom that carries the load. The concrete on the top carries the compression load, the bottom is the tension steel. That steel is all intact. The primary purpose for the cover on the bottom is to protect the steel. The steel is still in good shape. It would be more desirable if it (concrete) was all there but the point of it is it carries the same load with or without it. The bridge is still safe. We’re still monitoring the bridge on a frequency of about every six months. So the bridge is safe as it is. The netting up there (under the bridge) is because we don’t want concrete chunks falling on the boaters or whoever else is underneath the bridge.”
UCHRA Receives an Increase in Energy Assistance Funding for 2011
“The Upper Cumberland Human Resource Agency has received a budget increase of $3,176,900 for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program allowing the agency to serve more low-income individuals in the Upper Cumberland Area,” announced Phyllis Bennett, UCHRA Executive Director.
LIHEAP is a Federal program administered by the Tennessee Department of Human Services and subcontracted through UCHRA that provides a one-time per year energy assistance benefit to eligible households, based on a priority point system and the availability of funds.
“We are glad to have this increase in funding to assist in providing more services to the residents in our 14-county area, said Bennett. With the allocation of this money we will be able to provide energy assistance to more than 13,000 eligible households.”
“The increase will more than double the original allocation of $3,112,603 making the total fiscal year 2011 LIHEAP budget $6,289,503,” added Lee Webb, Community Services Director. “ By comparison, the fiscal year 2010 LIHEAP budget was $5,081,257 and the FY 2009 budget was $3,772,800.”
The Federal government requires that applicants meet an income guideline to be eligible for the program. The required level of poverty is 200% for a household to be eligible to receive LIHEAP assistance. Under these guidelines, for example, a household of 4 people may have an annual income up to $44,100 and qualify. Payments in increments of $300, $450, or $600, are paid directly to the provider of the eligible household’s primary energy source (i.e. electric, natural gas, propane, coal, wood, or kerosene). The amount of the payment depends upon “Priority Points” associated with an eligible household.
Priority Points are based upon information provided on the applications as determined by a computer program that calculates points on the basis of: (1) the household’s % of the federal poverty guidelines (35 point maximum), (2) the household’s energy burden (20 point maximum), which is the household’s % of income used for home energy costs, and (3) the household’s having one or more “vulnerable” members (50 point maximum), which includes the following: an elderly member aged 70 years or older, an elderly member aged 60-69 years, a disabled member, a child under 6 years of age, an Adult Protective Service (APS) referral, six or more persons in the household.
The household’s points for each category are totaled, and that number determines the payment amount. Households are awarded payment amounts as follows: 0-50 points receive $300, 55-75 points receive $450, and 80-105 points receive $600. Payment amounts are lowered for clients who live in public housing and pay only a utility “overage.” Priority Points also determine the order from high to low in which eligible applications are processed.
The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program also has an Energy Crisis component, the purpose of which is to prevent termination of service or depletion of the primary energy source. The Crisis Assistance is based on a household’s uncontrollable circumstances which must include either a shut off notice, or a lack of home delivered fuel notice, in combination with at least one of ten (10) conditions, such as a household wage earner with at least a year of of stable work has lost his/her job within the last twelve (12) months, that may render the household at risk of being cut-off or not having a source of energy. Applicants for Crisis assistance must meet the same income guidelines as for Regular Energy assistance. Crisis payment amounts are based upon the same priority point system as Regular assistance.
All UCHRA county offices are accepting LIHEAP applications between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. DeKalb County residents can apply at the local office, 527 West Main Street, Smithville, TN 37166. For more information on LIHEAP or any of the other UCHRA programs in DeKalb County please call 615-597-4504 or visit
CDBG Grant Sought to Help Fund Extension of Water Lines to Certain Areas of the County
The DeKalb County Commission Monday night voted to make application to the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development for a $500,000 Community Development Block Grant, which if approved would assist the DeKalb Utility District in extending water lines into certain areas of the county not already served.
The DUD would be responsible for paying the grant’s local matching requirement.
County Mayor Mike Foster said roads surveyed and the numbers of homes on them which might benefit from this project include the following:
Lower Dismal (Pumpkin Hollow to the intersection of Oakley Hollow) six houses
Old Givans Hollow- nine houses
Dismal to Alexandria- (Henley Hollow to Tramel Branch) 12 houses
Long Branch Road- 15 houses
A portion of Oakley Hollow- up to 26 houses
Tramel Branch- 13 houses
Officials of the Upper Cumberland Development District, who are preparing all necessary documents for completion of the grant application on behalf of the county, are asking all those who received a survey concerning this project to please fill it out and send it into the county mayor’s office as soon as possible. The grant application is due by the end of February.
County commissioners have asked County Mayor Foster to check and see if some fire hydrants can be included in the project.
Bristol Lynn Judkins
Bristol Lynn Judkins, the 19 day old child of Robert Glenn Judkins of Smithville and Jasmine Flaura Tish Watson of McMinnville, died Monday at River Park Hospital. The funeral will be Thursday at 2:00 p.m. at DeKalb Funeral Chapel. Jason Brown will officiate and burial will be in the Cantrell Cemetery. Visitation will be Thursday from 10:00 a.m. until the service at 2:00 p.m. In addition to the parents, the child is survived by grandparents, Alvin and Terecia Judkins of Smithville and Ed and Janet Watson of McMinnville. Great grandparents, Reva Judkins and J.C. Carter of Smithville, Frank A. and Edna Frances Judkins of the Lucky Community, Eva Lois Judkins of Smithville, and Lavonne Robinson of Mississippi. Several aunts and uncles also survive. DeKalb Funeral Chapel is in charge of the arrangements. The family asks that donations be made to DeKalb Funeral Chapel, to help with funeral expenses, in lieu of flowers.
More Meth Labs, More Arrests
Three people are facing drug charges after a county deputy allegedly found meth lab components in their vehicle during a traffic stop Saturday on Antioch Road.
20 year old Christopher Justin Garrett of Clear Creek Road, Liberty; 28 year old Brandon J. Gurley of Bell Street, Smithville; and Jamie Lee Hodges of Old Bildad Road, Smithville are each charged with initiation of a process intended to result in the manufacture of methamphetamine. Bond for each is $50,000 and their court date is February 10th. Garrett was further issued a citation for violation of the seat belt law and for failure to carry his drivers license while Gurley was also written a citation for violation of the seat belt law and littering.
Sheriff Patrick Ray reports that on January 22nd, a deputy saw a vehicle on Antioch Road and noticed that the driver and passenger were not wearing seatbelts. As the officer was pulling over the automobile, one of the passengers, Gurley, threw some items out of the window. The deputy approached the vehicle, spoke to the driver, Garrett, and learned that he was on state probation. The officer received consent to search and found in Garrett’s jacket pocket, nine lithium batteries. Inside the vehicle between Gurley’s feet was a backpack which contained a plastic bottle with layered liquid and glass cookware. The deputy also found another backpack in the trunk, containing a plastic bottle with more layered liquid, a mason jar with layered liquid, acid, coffee filters, cold packs, and black insulated electrical tape. These items are consistent with the manufacture of methamphetamine. Garrett, Gurley and Hodges allegedly admitted to knowing what was in the bag between Gurley’s feet and the bag in the trunk.
Meanwhile in a separate case, three people were allegedly caught cooking meth at a residence at the Loop on Sunday.
18 year old Wesley J. Hayes of Roach Hollow Road, Woodbury; 29 year old Scott B. Carroll, Jr. of Banks Pisgah Road; and 19 year old Francisco Bustamonte of West Bryant Street are charged with manufacture of a schedule II controlled substance (methamphetamine) and reckless endangerment for allegedly cooking meth in the presence of a sixteen year old female. Each is under a $60,000 bond and they will be in court on February 10th.
According to Sheriff Ray, a deputy went to the Loop on January 23rd to check out a report of a possible meth lab. After receiving consent to search, the officer knocked on a bedroom door. Carroll opened the door and the deputy saw him and two other people standing by the door. All three were wearing black gloves and a strong chemical odor could be smelled coming from inside the room. In the bathroom sink were two Coleman propane tanks with cooking heads and the cookers were activated. Glass cookware was setting on the cookers. Meanwhile, in the bedroom the officer saw a jar, containing a tri layered liquid, a 20 ounce plastic bottle with tubing and an unknown liquid. Also found were backpacks containing bottles with liquid, cooking heads, a zip lock bag of ammonium nitrate, propane cylinders, baggies, and other components used to manufacture methamphetamine. Sheriff Ray said Hayes, Carroll, and Bustamonte were in the room during the cooking of the meth and placed a sixteen year old female in danger of serious bodily injury by cooking the meth which produces a strong chemical odor that is toxic.
In another case, 41 year old David Dewaine Anderson of Floyd Drive Smithville is charged with unlawful possession of a schedule II controlled substance (dilaudid) for resale; unlawful possession of a schedule III controlled substance (suboxone); and resisting, stop, frisk, halt, or search.
According to Sheriff Ray, on January 21st, Anderson was a passenger of a vehicle which was stopped by a deputy. Anderson jumped out of the automobile and fled on foot toward a building on Highway 70 east. The officer yelled for Anderson to stop several times, but he refused. After a foot pursuit, the officer caught up with Anderson and placed him under arrest. A search of his person turned up wrapped cellophane in Anderson’s right pocket which contained three and a half pills and a quarter of a pill, orange in color, believed to be suboxone; and five yellow pills believed to be dilaudid. In addition to the drugs, the officer seized $271.
43 year old Jorge Halberto Molina of Short Mountain Highway was issued a citation for allowing animals to run at large. He will be in court on February 24th. According to the citation, on January 21st Molina’s cattle got out on two separate occasions and one of the cows was struck by an automobile in the middle of Short Mountain Highway. Molina admitted that the cows belonged to him.
26 year old Raymond Simpson of Church Street, Dowelltown was issued a citation for driving on a suspended license. According to the citation, a deputy pulled over Simpson’s vehicle for a traffic violation and saw the driver switch places with the passenger. Simpson admitted to the officer that he had been driving but switched places with the passenger before pulling out of a business parking lot on Highway 70 west. His license was suspended in June 2010.
24 year old Amanda May Judkins of Page Drive was issued a citation on January 17th for no drivers license. Her court date is January 26th. An officer stopped her vehicle for speeding and swerving. A computer check revealed that she did not have a valid drivers license. She only had identification.
56 year old Mattie Patricia Parks of Hayes Ridge Road, Lancaster was issued a citation on January 17th for simple possession of a schedule II controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia. She will be in court on March 10th. An officer stopped her vehicle on suspicion that the driver was intoxicated. The deputy conducted a search of the automobile and found a crack pipe and a white rock substance believed to be a schedule II drug (crack cocaine).
Matthew Lee Tinsley of Parkway Drive, Smithville was issued a citation for possession of drug paraphernalia. According to the citation, on January 18th a deputy responded to 898 Parkway Drive accompanying the Department of Children’s Services on a home visit. The officer received consent to search the home and he found in the bedroom, a bag containing eight needles, several cut straws, two spoons, and a bottle. Tinsley allegedly admitted that these items belonged to him. He will appear in court on January 27th.
35 year old Christopher Eugene Miranda of Stergaze Lane, Baxter was issued a citation for driving on a suspended license and violation of the light law. He will appear in court on February 16th. An officer stopped Miranda on January 19th for violation of the light law. A check of his drivers license revealed that they were suspended for failure to satisfy a citation in Wilson County on June 23rd, 2006.
31 year old Aubrey Glenn Rigsby of Bethel Road, Smithville is charged with a third offense of driving on a suspended license; felony evading arrest; possession of drug paraphernalia; and vandalism under $500. His bond totals $14,500 and he will be in court on January 27th.
Sheriff Ray reported that on Friday, January 14th a deputy saw Rigsby operating a motor vehicle on Bright Hill Road. Having prior knowledge that his license were suspended, the officer tried to stop Rigsby but he evaded. When the officer caught up with the vehicle on College Street, he activated his blue lights and sirens signaling Rigsby to stop, but Rigsby turned onto Hayes Street and then onto Short Mountain Highway, failing to yield to any of the stop signs. Rigsby continued onto Miller Road, then to Robinson Road before the officer terminated the pursuit in the interest of public safety. However when he got to Game Ridge Road, the officer started the pursuit again following Rigsby until he drove through a field on Whorton Springs Road, where the pursuit was terminated due to icy road conditions and Rigsby’s reckless driving.
Rigsby was eventually arrested on Thursday, January 20th. On that day, Sheriff Ray said that Rigsby was operating a vehicle on Highway 56 north when an officer spotted him. The deputy had knowledge that Rigsby’s license were suspended so he tried to stop him in order to serve a warrant. When Rigsby turned onto Poplar Street, the officer activated his blue lights. Instead of stopping, Rigsby accelerated, traveling about a quarter of a mile farther in his vehicle, before stopping. Rigsby then got out of his automobile and ran about 300 yards on foot before the officers caught him. During his run from the law on Poplar Street, Rigsby had driven his vehicle into the yard of a residence, spinning his tires and leaving deep tire marks in the yard, causing damage.
While conducting an inventory of the automobile for towing, the officer found a pouch between the seats and the console containing five used hypodermic needles and a glass pipe with residue. A computer check confirmed that Rigsby’s license were suspended for frequent traffic violations in DeKalb County.
23 year old Jose Rodrigo Soto of Big Wood Road, Smithville is charged with a first offense of driving under the influence. His bond is $1,500 and he will be in court on February 10th. Soto was also issued a citation for driving on a suspended license; violation of the open container law; failure to maintain his lane of travel; and violation of the implied consent law. Sheriff Ray said that on January 20th while traveling on Highway 70 west, a deputy saw a vehicle cross both lanes of travel about six times. He stopped the automobile and spoke to the driver, Soto. The officer detected a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage on him. Soto submitted to several field sobriety tasks and performed poorly on all. He also refused to submit to a blood alcohol test.
27 year old Brandon Ross Bogle is charged with driving on a suspended license and possession of drug paraphernalia. Bogle is under a $2,000 bond and he will be in court on February 3rd. According to Sheriff Ray, Bogle was operating a motor vehicle on Bright Hill Road on Thursday, January 20th. Having prior knowledge that Bogle’s license were suspended, a deputy pulled him over. A computer check confirmed that Bogle’s license were suspended for failure to satisfy a citation on January 5th, 2009. Upon a pat down search, the officer found in Bogle’s pocket, a cut straw with a yellow powdery residue.
31 year old Christopher David Hall of Anthony Avenue is charged with a second offense of driving on a suspended license. His bond is $1,000 and he will be in court on February 9th. Sheriff Ray said that on January 21st, a deputy saw Hall operating a vehicle on Highway 70 east. Having prior knowledge that his license were suspended, the officer pulled him over. Due to his failure to pay fines in three citations and for assurance he would appear in court, a warrant was issued for his arrest on this charge. A computer check confirmed that Hall’s license were suspended for failure to satisfy a citation.
24 year old Ashley Dawn Golden of Oak Drive, Smithville and 33 year old Jeremy Austin Scruggs of Highland Drive, Smithville are each charged with filing a false report. Bond for each is $1,500 and they will be in court on February 3rd. On January 22nd, two deputies went to Big Hurricane Road to serve an arrest warrant on Andy Scruggs. After knocking on the door, the officers asked Golden if Scruggs was there. She replied “no”. Scruggs’ brother Jeremy, also present, was asked and he too replied “no”. Both were told that there was a warrant for Scrugg’s arrest and that if they were being untruthful, they too could be arrested and charged. The officers then asked for consent to search the residence, but were denied. The deputies left but returned later on foot and saw Scruggs in the kitchen. The officers then made entry to the home and placed Scruggs under arrest.
Pedigo Says His Faith Has Been Restored in Judicial System
Former DeKalb County Sheriff’s deputy, Larry Pedigo, Jr. said his faith has been restored in the judicial system after he was found innocent of a drug charge against him last week in Warren County Criminal Court following a trial.
The jury, Thursday afternoon, found Pedigo not guilty of fraudulently obtaining drugs (oxycontin) from the Ameri-Care Urgent Care Clinic in McMinnville. He was originally indicted on two counts of delivery of a schedule II narcotic (oxycontin) and two counts of fraudulently obtaining drugs (oxycontin).
On Saturday morning, Pedigo released the following statement:
“This has been one of the hardest things I’ve ever went through. It’s been the longest 16 months of my life. I can’t begin to tell anyone how it was so I won’t go into that too much.”
“I know I was in the news spotlight before I ever got charged. My name came out with the other officers in August 2009 when the Ameri-Care Urgent Care clinic in McMinnville got raided.”
“I chose to resign my position at that time for certain legal reasons and I knew I had lost the respect I had worked so long to gain from the public. I had only been implicated at that time, not charged. I knew the respect and trust was lost by certain events that happened to my family and me after my name and picture came to light. My family and I couldn’t go anywhere in the public without hearing comments or seeing gestures made.”
“When you are in a position as I was, everyone sees you differently when something like this happens to you. There was a certain store in DeKalb County I had traded with for years and I had a charge account there. I would get items and could pay a week or so later. After the clinic raid and my name came out, I went into the store and was going to charge some items. But the same owner that just a few weeks earlier told me I could charge anything in the store, looked at me and said ‘we can’t do that for you anymore. That’s how it’s been for my family and me ever since this happened.”
“In November, 2009 I was indicted in Warren County on two counts of delivery of a schedule II drug (Oxycontin) and two counts of fraudulently obtaining a schedule II drug (Oxycontin). I had to make a $40,000 bond on the charges. I couldn’t figure out how they charged me with two counts of each because I had only received one prescription of Oxycontin for a knee injury that I sustained at work. The injury resulted in surgery.”
“My attorney filed a motion for discovery which means they have to turn over certain evidence and paperwork to us. We discovered that counts 1 & 2 were on a date that I had a rock solid alibi for. I had several credible witnesses who were more than willing to say where I was from 8:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. My attorney, Hilton Conger, submitted that to the state prosecutors and counts 1&2 were dropped. That left me facing two charges.”
“I was offered plea bargains by the state prosecutors but I refused to take any of the offers. I maintained my innocence and insisted on a trial. In fact, my attorney requested a speedy trial date in September, 2009 on my behalf. I was ready to move forward. It had been long enough! I was offered plea bargains so good that any guilty party would have jumped on them. But not me! I wanted my day or days, as it went, in court.”
“My trial started Wednesday, January 19th. That is 14 months after I was indicted. At the end of the state’s so called proof, my attorney made a motion for the judge to give me a direct verdict himself. The judge granted the motion and dropped the delivery charge before it ever went to the jury. That meant there was three (charges) down and one to go. One count of fraudulently obtaining a prescription.”
“We returned to court Thursday morning, January 20th. The state prosecutor made his closing statement and then it was my attorney’s turn. He really did a good job. Then it was left up to the jury. After a few hours of deliberations, the jury had reached a verdict. The jury came in and when the jury foreman read the verdict “not guilty”, I let out a sigh of relief. It was finally over! I walked out of the Warren County Courthouse with a clean slate again.”
” I had been in law enforcement for several years and when this happened to me, I lost some faith in the judicial system. I mean, I was in law enforcement so I had all the faith in the world in the system, but I lost it. But when the verdict was read and I walked out of that courtroom it’s like I gained all my faith back at once. I remembered right then why I had always wanted to be a cop ever since I was a kid.”
“I’m not sure If I ever will be back in law enforcement or not, but at least I can if I want to. I want to thank everyone who stood by me and those who never doubted me through this life changing experience, especially my wife, kids, and family. It wasn’t only me who suffered through all of this. They did too! Also I want to commend my attorney, Hilton Conger. He worked very hard for me and I couldn’t have asked for a better attorney. He did an excellent job.”
McCrary Arrested for Domestic Assault
Smithville Police have made an arrest in a recent domestic assault case
34 year old Royce Duane McCrary of Halls Hollow Road was arrested on Friday, January 14th for domestic assault. Officer David Phillips spoke with the victim who stated that McCrary assaulted her by hitting her in the face. She had a broken tooth on the left side of the mouth and a busted lip, lacerated chin and nose. Bond for McCrary is $2500 and his court date is February 10th.
39 year old David Eugene Driver of Aerohead Drive was cited by Detective Matt Holmes on Thursday, January 20th for theft of property and forgery. On December 28th, Lieutenant Steven Leffew took a report from the victim who stated that she bought a part from Advanced Auto in November and she gave the part to Eugene Driver to put on her vehicle. She was later told that the part had been taken back for a refund. Upon investigation, it was discovered that Driver had taken the part back to Advanced Auto and signed her name to the receipt without her permission. His court date is February 10th.
Meanwhile, anyone with information on any offense is asked to please contact the Smithville Police Department at 597-8210 or the Tip Line at 464-6046.
Any information received that will help the Smithville Police solve any criminal offense will be greatly appreciated. All information is confidential
James Lloyd Selby
75 year old James Lloyd Selby of Smithville died Saturday at DeKalb Community Hospital. He was a U.S. Army Veteran and a job setter with General Motors for 32 years. The funeral will be Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. at the New Life United Pentecostal Church, where he was a member. Dwayne Cornelius will officiate and burial will be in DeKalb Cemetery. Visitation will be Monday from 4:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. at DeKalb Funeral Chapel and Tuesday from 9:00 a.m. until the time of the service at 10:00 a.m. at the New Life United Pentecostal Church. He was preceded in death by his parents, Robert and Beulah England Selby; three sisters, Louise Smith, Elizabeth Smith, and Helen Baker; and two brothers, C.B. Noel Selby and Gene Selby. He is survived by his wife of 54 years, Marianna Selby of Smithville. Four daughters, Sheryl Shadowens of Florida, Sandra Selby of Smithville, Belinda Stratton of Rock Island, and Shannon and husband Earnest Nichols of Smithville. Five grandchildren, James Shadowens, Vanessa Mosier, Heather Theodore, Jesse Theodore, and Ashlee Nichols. Two great grandchildren, Alexia Shadowens and Mia Mosier. One brother, Robert and wife Wanda Selby of Monterey. Many nieces and nephews also survive along with his church family at the New Life United Pentecostal Church. The family asks that donations be made to the New Life United Pentecostal Church for the building fund, in lieu of flowers. DeKalb Funeral Chapel is in charge of the arrangements.