The race is on!
Democratic candidates for the offices of DeKalb County Assessor of Property and Constable formally announced their candidacies during the local party’s mass meeting held Saturday morning at the DCHS cafeteria.
Incumbent Assessor Timothy (Fud) Banks said he is asking the party faithful for renomination and re-election to a fifth term. “My whole life, I’ve lived here for fifty five years now and for thirty three of those years I have put in serving the people of DeKalb County, seventeen years in law enforcement and sixteen years in the office (property assessor). I need a job. My staff and I have thirty nine years of combined experience doing the job and we try to do the job well and keep the office updated for everybody who needs to use it. I’m asking now for your vote and support. I’d appreciate it,’ said Banks.
Scott Cantrell said he too would like to serve the people of DeKalb County as Assessor of Property. “I’m the proud son of Jerry Lee and Jane Cantrell of Cantrell’s Furniture. I am a proud democrat. If you know me personally you know that I keep many irons in the fire. I have several jobs that I do besides working with my daddy but if elected all these things will cease and my first priority will be serving the people of DeKalb County. I am seeking the office of property assessor and I’d appreciate your support, vote, and prayers,” said Cantrell.
Johnathan Bryan Keith, another candidate for Assessor of Property, also asked for the voter’s support. “I’ve served on the rescue squad for several years. I look forward to serving my community in other ways. I’d appreciate anything anyone does for me. Thank you,’ said Keith.
Four candidates for constable also announced their candidacies beginning with Carl Lee Webb in the sixth district. “I live in the Keltonburg community in the sixth district. I served as constable for three terms and then dropped out. Mr. Cantrell Jones has had it for four years and he decided not to run again. If I’m elected I’ll do anything I can for anybody. Any vote and support you could give me I’d appreciate it,’ said Webb,.
Webb and Richard Bullard are both seeking the office of sixth district constable. Bullard was not present at Saturday’s mass meeting.
Incumbent third district constable Wayne Vanderpool is unopposed in his bid for another term. “I’ve been the constable in the third district for the last sixteen years. I’d appreciate anything anyone can do to help me even though I’m running unopposed. Thank you for your votes,’ he said.
Incumbent fifth district constable Mark Milam is also unopposed, seeking a sixth term. ” I want to say that I’m thankful for the last five terms that I’ve served for DeKalb County. Over the last five terms I’ve tried to be an asset to DeKalb County. I’m seeking re-election again and asking for each and everyone’s support. I have a good working relationship with all the agencies and help them in anyway I can,” he said.
Incumbent seventh district constable Johnny King added ” I am running for constable in the seventh district. This is my second term. I was constable in the fourth district for several years. I appreciate your vote and support. Thank you,” he said.
Incumbent fourth district constable Paul Cantrell is also seeking re-election but he was not present at the meeting.
These candidates will be on the ballot in the March 6 DeKalb County Democratic Primary. Early Voting is set for February 15-28.
Newly elected local democratic party officers were also announced including Jim Judkins, who was re-elected as chairman; Larry Bain, Jordan Wilkins, and Kim Luton as co-vice chairs; Katherine Pack as treasurer; and Joyce Hendrixson as secretary. They will serve through 2014.
James Hale said he pondering another run for state representative but hasn’t yet made up his mind. “We have to get the final decision on redistricting of whether or not that I am actually in the 40th district. It appears that I am. We’ll know that within the next few days. We’ll then make a decision,” said Hale.
George McDonald, who ran unsuccessfully against State Senator Mae Beavers in 2010, addressed the group calling for party unity. Although he didn’t specifically mention it, McDonald may also have his eye on the state representative seat. In James Hale’s remarks, he said “I know he (McDonald) is interested in this seat as well but he said to me that if James Hale runs, I won’t run,” said Hale.
(Top Photo: Scott Cantrell, Johnathan Bryan Keith, Timothy (Fud) Banks)
(Second Photo From Top: Carl Lee Webb, Mark Milam, Wayne Vanderpool, Johnny King)
(Third Photo From Top: Larry Bain, Katherine Pack, Jim Judkins, Joyce Hendrixson, Jordan Wilkins, Kim Luton)
Tag Archives: 2012
County to Revisit School Zone Traffic Study Request
The county commission Monday night will discuss whether to follow through on a school board request for the county to seek a CTAS traffic study in the Smithville school zones.
During the December regular meeting, school board members voted to ask the county attorney, Hilton Conger and city attorney, Vester Parsley to make contact with the County Technical Advisory Service CTAS and the Municipal Technical Advisory Service (MTAS) to request a traffic study on behalf of both city and county governments.
The issue has been placed on the county commission agenda for Monday night.
In October, the Board of Education voted to ask the Smithville Mayor and Board of Aldermen to formally request the Municipal Technical Advisory Service (MTAS) to conduct a cost free study of traffic flow patterns and to make suggestions for relieving congestion on highways at Northside Elementary as well as DCHS and DeKalb Middle School in Smithville.
Mayor Taft Hendrixson denied the request in a letter dated November 16, stating that the school board could seek the traffic study through CTAS.
School Board Chairman Charles Robinson, during the December meeting, said he had contacted CTAS since receiving Mayor Hendrixson’s letter. Robinson said it is his understanding that both CTAS and MTAS would be willing to work together to do a traffic study as long as both the city and county request it.
Fourth district member Billy Miller made a motion to “make a request of the attorney for the City of Smithville and the county attorney, asking that they sit down and contact CTAS to come up with such a study for the school system. I make that in the form of a motion to do so,” said Miller.
In December, 2010, the school board approved a plan to fund the cost of having persons direct traffic in the school zones during the mornings and afternoons at Northside Elementary, DCHS, and DeKalb Middle School.
Under the plan, the Board of Education, City of Smithville, and DeKalb County government each agreed to fund one third of the cost for the rest of that school year. The city and county had already approved the partnership under a memorandum of understanding.
County Commission to Discuss Filling School Board Vacancy
The DeKalb County Commission Monday night may discuss whether someone should be appointed to fill the vacancy on the school board created by the recent resignation of Bruce Parsley from the sixth district.
Parsley, who was elected in August 2008, resigned as of December 31, 2011 to pursue a career as a certified school teacher. His term expires August 31st.
The county commission has the authority to appoint a school board member to fill the unexpired term but no action on an actual appointment is expected Monday night. Two men, Boyd Trapp and Doug Stephens attended Thursday night’s all committees meeting of the county commission to express an interest in filling the vacancy.
The last time the commission filled an opening on the school board was in 2006 when John David Foutch was named to serve out the term of Darrell Gill in the first district. Gill resigned before his term expired because he moved his residence out of the first district.
After it became known that Gill had resigned, notice was given that the position was open and interested parties came forward to submit their names for consideration. Initially, five applied for the position but three of them later dropped out. The county commission, during a workshop, interviewed the remaining two.
During the next regular county commission meeting, both names were placed in nomination for the position. On the first roll call, each commissioner cast a vote by calling out the name of the candidate he favored.
Foutch received nine of the fourteen commission votes. After the initial roll call vote, a second vote was taken to confirm Foutch’s appointment and all fourteen members gave Foutch their support.
Meanwhile, in other business Monday night the county commission will act on a resolution to honor Eagle Scout Thomas Claston Beltz.
The commission will discuss a letter from Director of Schools Mark Willoughby concerning a traffic study from the County Technical Advisory Service (CTAS) in the Smithville School Zones; discuss “a Safety First” program implication for Highway 70 and Highway 83 Intersection; discuss passage of the “Sale of Synthetic Drugs as a Felony” resolution; discuss the resignation of school board member Bruce Parsley; consider budget amendments; discuss an update on expenses and revenues; discuss an update of the county road list; discuss an update of the county’s policy and procedures for employees; discuss items addressed at the Thursday night workshop; discuss courthouse updates; discuss updates on the new county complex; discuss landfill updates; approve notaries; and discuss action taken last May to raise spending limits before competitive bidding and to clarify the limits that apply to the county, the highway department, and the board of education; and to discuss any business properly presented.
WJLE plans LIVE coverage
WJLE Radio Shopper Returns Friday, January 27
WJLE and participating local businesses will give you a chance to bid on and buy merchandise in the WJLE RADIO SHOPPER on Friday, January 27.
Starting at 8:00 a.m. that morning, WJLE will be opening up the phone lines and giving you a chance to bid on various items from DeKalb Tire and Service, DeKalb Ace Hardware, DeKalb Farmers Coop, Bumpers Drive-In, F.Z. Webb & Sons Gifts, Cantrell’s the home of Fluty and Fluty’s Shoes, Dairy Queen, Dipsey Doodle Too, Neo’s Restaurant, the Flower Box, Angie’s Diner, Extreme Looks Design Team, Head Turners, Modern Sign Company, Kilgore’s Restaurant, and others.
WJLE will set a minimum bid on each item, and continue the bidding until the item is sold.
It’s going to be fun and exciting! Be sure to be by your radio and your telephone on Friday, January 27 at 8:00 a.m. and call in a bid to RADIO SHOPPER on WJLE. The broadcast will also be live via audio streaming on
Local Democrats to Meet Saturday
DeKalb County Democrats will meet Saturday morning at the DCHS cafeteria.
Local party chairman Jim Judkins said committee members will meet at 9:00 a.m. to conduct party business and elect the new party officers for 2012-2014 term and the mass meeting will follow at around 10:30 a.m. Food and entertainment will be provided.
Candidates for Property Assessor including incumbent Timothy (Fud) Banks and challengers Scott Cantrell and Jonathan Bryan Keith will have an opportunity to formally announce their candidacies along with constable candidates Wayne Vanderpool, Paul Cantrell, Mark Milam, Johnny King, Richard Bullard, and Carl Lee Webb.
New party officers will also be introduced.
Judkins urges all Democrats to attend.
Lemuel L. Beene
73 year old Lemuel L. Beene of Liberty died Tuesday at DeKalb Community Hospital. He was born in Dickson County and was a member of Liberty United Methodist Church in Charlotte, TN. The funeral will be Friday at 1:00 p.m. at Liberty United Methodist Church in Charlotte with burial in Liberty Cemetery in Charlotte. Visitation will be Thursday from 2:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. at Anderson Funeral Home in Alexandria, and Friday from 10:00 a.m. until service time at Liberty U.M.C. in Charlotte, TN. He was preceded in death by his parents, Joseph Lemuel Beene and Ailene Southerland Beene, and a sister, Sue Vaughn. He is survived by a daughter, Tina and husband Gary Johnson of Napierville, Illinois; grandchildren, Ashley Johnson and Dillon and wife Amber Johnson of Illinois; brother, Edward Beene of Liberty, and sister, Pat Underwood of Lebanon. A nephew, Joseph and wife Mary Underwood of Nashville; niece, Courtney Vaughn of Vanleer. Great-nephew George Underwood of Nashville. Anderson Funeral Home in Alexandria is in charge of the arrangements.
Dan Evins Remembered Fondly
“He was a very private person, but was without question one of the most generous and caring individuals I had the good fortune to know,” said W.J. (Dub) Evins, III of his uncle, the late Dan Evins.
The 76 year old founder of Cracker Barrel died Saturday in Lebanon and will soon be laid to rest following a private service.
Evins, according to Dub Evins, was born in Smithville in 1935. But a few years later, while still a young child, Evins and members of his family moved to Lebanon. While much attention has been given nationally in recent days of his accomplishments in starting the Cracker Barrel, Dub Evins said more focus should be placed on the man himself. “I really don’t know how to express how much he has meant to me over the years, but especially the past 7 or 8 years. Anyone can log on to their computer and see the headlines from the Chicago Sun Times, Washington Post, USA Today, MSNBC, FOX Business, and scores of other publications. All of these news sources report on his success and accomplishments as CEO of the company he founded with over 600 restaurants and 60,000 employees. He possessed a gift and had a vision like no one I have ever known. What was not emphasized was Danny Evins as a person,” said Dub Evins.
“He helped so many people in every way imaginable, never expecting anything in return. I have always felt so blessed to know that he was always there for me in so many different ways. He loved his children and grandchildren unconditionally. I am so grateful that his children, my cousins, welcomed me into their lives and afforded me the opportunity to spend time with him. One thing I can proudly say is that he was my friend, but most importantly, I was his friend also,” said Dub Evins.
“My father, Danny’s oldest brother, was very close to Danny and my heart goes out to him. This society lost a great businessman. I lost a mentor and very special friend. He cared deeply for me and I had a admiration for him that can not be put into words,” added Dub Evins
D. W. “Dan” Evins, born 11 October 1935 to W.J. “Dub” Evins & Estelle McCartney Evins, passed peacefully with his family on January 14, 2012. He is preceded in death by his parents, his wife, Margarita, and his brother, E. W. “Eddie” Evins. He is survived by his brother, W.J. “Jack” Evins, sister, Myrtie Ann Evins Doak, his five children, Daina (Phillip) Warren, Meacham (LaDonna) Evins, Kate (Bob ) Page, Betsy (Bubba) Jennings, Joe Evins, and his thirteen grandchildren, Danny (Brooke) Warren, Will Warren, Mallory Jennings, Danny “Woody” Evins II, Sam Page, Madeline Jennings, Kathleen Evins, Maggie Page, Caroline Evins, Molly Jennings, Brian Evins, Merritt Jennings, and Donna Marie Evins. A private service will be held. If you would like to make a donation please do so at Joseph’s Storehouse (Lebanon, TN), The Nashville Rescue Mission (Nashville, TN), or a charity of your choice.
Liberty Woman Charged with Vandalism
A 32 year old woman has been charged with vandalism of a residence at the housing project in Liberty.
Bond for Robin Lee Keaton is $1,000 and she will be in court on February 9.
Sheriff Patrick Ray said that on Sunday, January 15 a deputy responded to Cedar Street in Liberty where someone was reported to be breaking out windows of a building belonging to the Smithville Housing Authority. Two windows were found to be broken including one in the kitchen and one in the bedroom. The complainant stated that Keaton was the person responsible. When confronted Keaton allegedly admitted to the vandalism.
A DeKalb County High School student, 18 year old Juan Carillo Perez of Talley Road, Smithville, has been cited for simple possession and carrying a prohibited weapon. He will be in court on February 2.
Sheriff Ray reports that on Thursday, January 12 a student told the school resource officer that Perez left school and then returned. Principal Kathy Hendrix and the SRO got Perez out of class. Perez submitted to but performed poorly on all sobriety tasks. He allegedly had bloodshot eyes. Perez consented to a search of his vehicle and a marijuana cigarette was found inside the automobile along with a bb gun which was made to look like a “real” gun. Perez allegedly admitted to having smoked some marijuana during lunch time. He said the marijuana cigarette belonged to him.
45 year old Bobby McMen Hullett of Smithville is charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor and filing a false report. His bond totals $4,000 and he will be in court February 2.
Sheriff Ray said that on Friday, January 13 deputies and detectives of the sheriff’s department went to Hullet’s home on Morse College Road to pick up a 17 year old runaway who was believed to be at this residence. Hullet denied knowing the whereabouts of the runaway, telling the officer that he had not seen him. Upon searching the home, the officer found the runaway hiding in Hullet’s bedroom closet. Hullett is charged with contributing to the unruly behavior of the child by allowing him to stay at his residence knowing that the child had run away from home.
45 year old Mark Gregory Brock of Webb Lane, Smithville is charged with a first offense of driving under the influence. Brock was also issued a citation for failure to maintain his lane of travel. His bond is $1,500 and he will be in court February 9.
Sheriff Ray reports that on Sunday, January 15 a deputy got behind a vehicle on Highway 56 south after observing him crossing the center line of the highway several times. The officer stopped the automobile on Highway 56 south at Joe Tittsworth Road. Brock was identified as the driver. The deputy noticed that Brock’s speech was very slurred and he had a very strong odor of an alcoholic beverage on his person. Brock submitted to but performed poorly on several field sobriety tasks. Brock was very unsteady on his feet. He also submitted to a blood alcohol test.
41 year old Kathy Jo Massengail of Keltonburg Road is charged with domestic assault. Her bond is $2,500 and she will be in court February 9.
Sheriff Ray said that on Sunday, January 15, a deputy responded to a residence on Keltonburg
Road to a physical domestic. Upon arrival the officer saw a man who had a towel wrapped around his left forearm. The man’s arm was bleeding. He had a busted lip, a scratch on his nose, and a red pump knot on his forehead. The man and Massengail told the officer that they began arguing and that she punched him several times in the face. The man got mad and ran his hand through a window. It was determined the Massengail was the primary aggressor.
Habitat Names Officers and New Board Members
The Board of Directors of Habitat for Humanity of DeKalb County had its Annual Meeting on January 10 and officers elected for the upcoming year include Nancy Lewis, secretary; Nolan Turner, president; Brenda Hooper, treasurer; and Larry Green, vice president.
Habitat plans to build with a DeKalb County family in 2012. Anyone wanting to learn more and apply for a Habitat 0% interest mortgage, may attend a meeting on Feb. 16, 6-7 p.m. at the Methodist Family Life Center. Please call 615-215-8181 for more information.
The Board of Directors also welcomed the following new board members, who will serve for a two-year term: Nolan Turner of DeKalb Community Bank; Rob Willingham of Middle Tennessee Natural Gas; and John Carpenter, pastor of First United Methodist Church. The Retiring board members are Sharon Evans, president, and Kim Wheeler, treasurer.
TOP PHOTO: (pictured left to right) Nancy Lewis, secretary; Nolan Turner, president; Brenda Hooper, treasurer; and Larry Green, vice president. Habitat plans to build with a DeKalb County family in 2012. Anyone wanting to learn more and apply for a Habitat 0% interest mortgage, may attend a meeting on Feb. 16, 6-7 p.m. at the Methodist Family Life Center. Please call 615-215-8181 for more information.
BOTTOM PHOTO: Nolan Turner of DeKalb Community Bank; Rob Willingham of Middle Tennessee Natural Gas; and John Carpenter, pastor of First United Methodist Church (not pictured). The Retiring board members are Sharon Evans, president, and Kim Wheeler, treasurer.
Freddie Wayne Maxwell
Funeral services for 60 year old Freddy Wayne Maxwell of Cookeville will be held on Tuesday at 1:00 P.M. in the Chapel of Whitson Funeral Home with burial in the Maynard Cemetery. Myron Greer will officiate.
The family will receive friends Tuesday from 7:00 A.M. till time of the services.
Maxwell died Saturday at the Cookeville Regional Medical Center.
He was born in Putnam Co., TN to the late Harold (Pood) and Katie Gambrell Maxwell. Freddy was a Farmer and Logger.
He is survived by a son and daughter-in-law: Greg & Rachael Maxwell of Cookeville. Two daughters and a son-in-law, Marti Maxwell of Cookeville and Natasha and Shayne Judkins of Smithville. Mother of his children: Patricia Maxwell of Cookeville. Two Brothers and a sisters-in-law, Jimmy and Wanda Maxwell of Silver Point and Mike and Kim Maxwell of Baxter. A sister and brother-in-law, Linda and Ronnie Anderson of Cookeville. Grandchildren: Allyson Judkins, Will Judkins, Katelyn Maxwell, and Brookelyn Maxwell. Several nieces and nephews, great nieces and nephews, and cousins. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by:
Brother: Billy Charles Maxwell.
Whitson Funeral Home in Cookeville is in charge of the arrangements.