A Smithville man, already in trouble with Smithville Police for recent burglary and thefts at Chad’s Auto Sales, has now been arrested by the Sheriff’s Department in another burglary case.
18 year old Ryan Austin Felts of Wade Street, Smithville is charged with burglary. His bond is $5,000 and he will be in court July 19.
Sheriff Patrick Ray said that on Friday, June 22, Felts broke into a vehicle at Jason’s Auto Sales at 3365 Nashville Highway with the intent to commit a theft. Entry was made by busting out the window and busting the steering column to try and take the vehicle without the owner’s consent.
Felts was also charged last week by Smithville Police with vandalism, burglary, two counts of theft of a vehicle, and theft of property over $10,000 as a result of burglary and thefts at Chad’s Auto Sales on Saturday and Sunday, June 23 & 24.
29 year old Charles M. Blanchfield of Nashville Highway, Dowelltown is charged with theft of property over $500. His bond is $5,000 and he will be in court on July 19.
Sheriff Ray reports that on Saturday, June 2, Blanchfield took from the property of Joanie Summers at 655 Jones Mill Road, about forty pounds of copper wire, a well pump, and miscellaneous scrap metal without the owner’s consent, all valued at more than $500.
Both the Felts and Blanchfield cases were investigated by criminal detectives of the sheriff’s department.
33 year old Robert Anthony Goff of Arnold Road, Smithville is charged with violation of probation, evading arrest, and simple assault. His bond totals $17,000. He will be in court July 12. He is being held without bond on the violation of probation and he will be in court on that offense July 23.
Sheriff Ray said that Wednesday, June 27 a sheriff’s department drug detective saw Goff operating a vehicle on West Broad Street in Smithville. Having prior knowledge the Goff had two warrants against him, the officer turned around and followed Goff’s vehicle into the Walmart parking lot. After Goff stopped, a female got out of the passenger side of the automobile, and Goff drove off. The officer activated his siren. Goff drove onto Anthony Avenue, then onto Miller Road, and then to Robinson Road and Game Ridge Road. Goff refused to stop, knowing that the detective was behind him. Goff slid into a ditch on Game Ridge Road, jumped out of the driver side window, and fled on foot but the officer caught him. DeKalb EMS came to the scene but no one was injured.
Goff was taken to the emergency room of the hospital to make sure he was okay. After he was checked out, a deputy escorted Goff from the emergency room to the patrol car. Goff became irate and punched the deputy in the right eye with his fist. The officer sustained a small bruise and redness around and under his eye. At the time of the assault, Goff had already been under arrest for evading along with the violation of probation .
35 year old Wesley Lynn Chandler of Page Drive, Smithville is charged with violation of probation and public intoxication. His bond is $2,000 and he is being held without bond on the violation of probation. He will be in court July 12.
Sheriff Ray said that on Wednesday, June 27, a deputy responded to the Ragland Bottom swimming area where two males and a female were drinking alcoholic beverages and being disorderly by using profane language. Upon arrival and speaking to the three individuals, the officer found Chandler to be very unsteady on his feet. His speech was very slurred and he had a very strong odor of an alcoholic beverage on his person. Chandler had a cooler filled with beer. Due to his level of intoxication and being among the public where children were present, Chandler was placed under arrest. A computer check revealed that Chandler also has a violation of probation against him.
Meanwhile, if you are planning to come to the Fiddler’s Jamboree this Friday and Saturday, Sheriff Ray said his department will be dispensing free ice water to anyone who wants to stop by in front of the jail building on the public square.
Tag Archives: 2012
Zack Ferrell
18 year old Zack Ferrell of Smithville died Sunday at Middle Tennessee Medical Center in Murfreesboro from injuries in an automobile accident in Rutherford County. He was a member of the Liberty United Methodist Church and an employee of Nissan. The funeral will be Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. at DeKalb Funeral Chapel. Michael Hale will officiate and burial will be in DeKalb Cemetery. Visitation will be Monday from noon until 9:00 p.m. and Tuesday from 9:00 a.m. until the service at 2:00 p.m. He was preceded in death by his mother, Lisa Ferrell and grandmother, Wilma Ferrell. He is survived by his father, Wade Ferrell of Smithville. Brothers and sisters, Shaun, David, Hannah, Rachel, Emilee, and Collin Ferrell. Maternal grandparents, Walter and Faye Ferrell of Smithville. Paternal grandfather, Ellis Ferrell of Smithville. Aunts and uncles, Marshall and Beverly Ferrell, Frances and Ricky Martin, Darnette Hibdon, Davey and Jessica Ferrell all of Smithville. Several cousins and his girlfriend, Haley Lawson. DeKalb Funeral Chapel is in charge of the arrangements.
Central Air Quits Working at DeKalb Jail Annex, Several Prisoners Transported to Other County Jails, Family Visitation Suspended
The central air unit at the DeKalb County Jail Annex quit working Friday and it may be Monday before it’s repaired. As a result, Sheriff Patrick Ray said several prisoners have had to be taken to other county jails. Meanwhile family video visitation for this weekend has been canceled.
“On Friday evening, we noticed that the annex side of the jail was starting to heat up,” said Sheriff Ray. “We knew at that time that there was probably something wrong with the central heat and air unit. We called a local central heat and air company to come up and check it. They found out that one of the motors in the air unit had burned up. We feel like this was due to the transformer blowing Thursday in the city limits of Smithville. We’ve had some power surges at the jail from that and we think that was the cause of the unit going bad. They found a part in Nashville. They were going to go get it. At that time, we knew we needed to do something to try and keep the jail annex as cool as we could. We contacted Jamie Turner, who has an industrial sized fan that takes water across a fan through a radiator system to produce cool air. We asked to borrow that from Turner. He was good enough to bring that up here to the jail and help us with that. We also got high speed fans from the volunteer fire department, so we could circulate some air in here so it wouldn’t be so hot. When they came back from Nashville with the part, they discovered that it would not work. We called to check with other area central heat and air companies and found that nobody has this particular part. We learned that it would be Monday before anybody could get the part needed to fix the unit and to install it for us. So we knew at that time, we had to do something with our inmates,’ said Sheriff Ray.
“At the time this happened, there were thirty eight male inmates in the cells. We took five of the inmates and moved them to a different area here in the old part of the jail, where the central air is still working. We took fifteen inmates to Rutherford County, twelve inmates to Warren County, and four inmates to Smith County to the county jails there. Warren County was good to us. They provided a ten passenger van which is set up to haul inmates. Smith County also did some transports for us, back to their facility. We will not house any inmates in here (jail annex) until this (central unit) is fixed.,’ said Sheriff Ray.
“This also affects our visitation for inmates. Our video visitation is set up here in our jail where a family goes into a room. They look on a monitor and they talk through a hand set to the inmate which is still in their cell. The place where the family goes is in the annex so we have suspended the visits up here for this weekend, which is on Saturday and Sunday. Both days have been suspended. They will resume next weekend. So we’re hoping that we can get this fixed on Monday and get our inmates back over here. Hopefully, everything will be okay with the original side of the jail, with the central and air unit there,” said Sheriff Ray.
Swearing-in of Mayor and Aldermen Almost Overshadowed by Another Controversy
The newly elected Smithville Mayor Jimmy Poss and Aldermen Tim Stribling and Jason Judd Murphy were sworn into office during a special called meeting Friday afternoon at city hall. But the ceremony was almost overshadowed by another issue, the appointment of someone to a city board, namely the Smithville Electric System Board.
Mayor Taft Hendrixson posted the agenda for the special called meeting which stated that the purpose was to swear in the mayor and aldermen-elect and to make an appointment to a city board, subject to the aldermen’s approval. Although he did not state it publicly, Mayor Hendrixson was reportedly considering naming Hilton Conger to a full four year term to the Smithville Electric System Board as a citizen member. Conger was appointed to the board in September, 2010 to fill an unexpired term, which expires June 30.
Typically, the newly elected mayor makes his appointments to city boards and commissions after he is sworn into office, and Mayor-Elect Jimmy Poss assumed he would be the one making appointments to the Smithville Electric System. In fact, he is apparently considering naming himself as the city’s representative on the electric system board, replacing retiring alderman Cecil Burger. Poss is also considering naming Joan Washer, wife of Alderman Danny Washer, as a citizen member to the board, replacing Conger.
Alderman Washer took issue with the fact that the agenda for the special meeting Friday included taking action on a city board appointment, since he said it was announced at a previous meeting that only the swearing in of the mayor and aldermen-elect would take place. “I remember exactly what was said. It was for the sole purpose of swearing in of the mayor and aldermen. But you’ve (Mayor Hendrixson) added something to it,” said Alderman Washer.
Washer was also upset that he had only received the agenda for the special meeting, by mail Friday afternoon, just hours before the meeting took place. ” I got the agenda today in the mail. I have had no time to look at that or even consider it. That’s not doing us right, That’s not doing the board right. I told you when I was elected I didn’t want to be blind sided, but you (Mayor Hendrixson) blind sided me on this,” said Alderman Washer.
Mayor Hendrixson replied. “We didn’t say that (the swearing-in) was the sole purpose (of the special meeting).
City attorney Vester Parsley, Jr. said that the mayor’s notice was adequate “The mayor has the authority to call a special called meeting without presenting all the issues to the board. But he has to give the notice to the board members of what the purpose is,” said Parsley.
Alderman Washer asked “How long does he have to give that notice?”.
Parsley answered, “twenty four hours”
Alderman Washer made a motion to table action on the city board appointment until the next regular meeting (Monday night, July 2) and “then we can discuss it and give us all time to look at it and see what we need to do,” said Washer.
Alderman Washer did not receive a second to his motion.
Mayor Hendrixson said later that in spite of Washer’s motion, the city charter gives the mayor the right to make his appointments.
But instead of making the appointment to the SES board, Mayor Hendrixson proceeded to have City Attorney Parsley conduct the swearing in ceremony, without ever bringing up the subject.
Reportedly, the Municipal Technical Advisory Service (MTAS) had been consulted and rendered an opinion that Conger should not be appointed to the SES board, apparently because he is a compensated city official.
By laws of the Smithville Electric System Board state that “no one shall be eligible for membership on the electric power board unless: (he or she) has not been a regular compensated officer or employee of the said city for at least one year preceding the date of his or her appointment”.
Conger serves as an appointed city judge and receives one thousand dollars per month for his services.
So Mayor Poss will get to make the appointment to the Smithville Electric System Board during the next regular meeting Monday night, July 2 along with appointments to the city planning commission, beer board, board of zoning appeals, 911 board, industrial board, and airport committee. He will also name the aldermen to be commissioners of the various city departments including police and fire, streets, water and sewer, finance and taxation, and sanitation.
After the swearing-in of Mayor Poss and Aldermen Stribling and Murphy, City Attorney Parsley presented plaques of appreciation to retiring alderman Cecil Burger, who served as alderman for six years. Burger had also been mayor from 1990 until 2006, and had served for many years before as a city employee. A plaque was also presented to former alderman Steve White, for twelve years of service, from 2000 to 2012, and to former mayor Hendrixson, who served as mayor for six years from 2006 to 2012.
Mayor Poss and Aldermen Stribling and Murphy will officially take over July 1st.
Chamber’s “Project Welcome Mat” Winners
The Smithville-DeKalb Co. Chamber of Commerce wants to thank all the businesses and churches that used their message signs to welcome Jamboree visitors. Chamber Director Suzanne Williams says, “The Jamboree visitors make such a huge, positive impact on our local economy. It’s extremely important to make sure that our guests know how appreciated and important they are.” The Chamber appreciates the local participation in ensuring our tourists feel welcome.
The 2012 Project Welcome Mat winners are as follows: “People’s Choice” – DeKalb Community Bank; “Most Original” – Bumpers Drive-In; and “Best Worded” on 2 Signs – Liberty State Bank.
DeKalb Community Bank – Winner of “People’s Choice Award” Sign (1 pic)
The Chamber of Commerce presented the Project Welcome Mat’s “People’s Choice” award to DeKalb Community Bank for their creatively written message by DCB Employee, June Keith, that will most certainly bring a smile to our Jamboree visitors.
Pictured from left:
Chamber Director Suzanne Williams, DCB Employees Jennifer Dunn, Dava Pedigo, Pam Bauman, June Keith, & Chad Colwell
Liberty State Bank – Winner of “Best Worded” Signs (2 pics)
Liberty State Bank received the Chamber’s “Best Worded” award for participating in the Jamboree Project Welcome Mat contest and providing messages on both sides of their sign. These imaginative messages were written by LSB Employee Nell Raymond and deliver friendly messages for our tourists whether they are driving north or south.
LSB Picture – Sign 1
Pictured from left:
Chamber Director Suzanne Williams, Liberty State Bank Vice-President Ronnie Goodwin, LSB Employees Nell Raymond, Lisa Garrison, Annette Jackoby, Amanda Green, Trina Graham, Rhonda Caplinger, & Gail Bailiff
LSB Picture – Sign 2
Pictured from left:
LSB Employees Gail Bailiff, Rhonda Caplinger, Trina Graham, Amanda Green, Annette Jackoby, Lisa Garrison, Nell Raymond, Liberty State Bank Vice-President Ronnie Goodwin, & Chamber Director Suzanne Williams.
Bumpers Drive-In – Winner of “Most Original” Sign (1 pic)
The Chamber of Commerce presented the Jamboree Project Welcome Mat award for “Most Original” to Bumpers Drive-In. The winning message promising fun for the whole family was written by Bumpers Drive-In Manager Rose Brown.
Pictured from left:
Bumpers Drive-In Manager Rose Brown, Marketing Director Carol South, Employee Leslie Hale, & Chamber Director Suzanne Williams.
Children Enjoy Summer Reading Party at Justin Potter Library
Children participating in the summer reading club program at Justin Potter Library enjoyed a grand finale party on Wednesday.
WJLE interviewed many of the children. Their comments were recorded and will be broadcast Saturday morning at 9:05 a.m. or play the video below
M2U00703 from dwayne page on Vimeo.
Hot, Dry Conditions Lead to fire advisory
State officials are urging citizens to take fire precautions for the upcoming Fourth of July holiday. The Tennessee Department of Agriculture Division of Forestry is asking the public to refrain from debris burning until significant precipitation is received and to avoid other activities that could cause fire.
“Most areas of the state are experiencing very hot and dry conditions with low humidity,” State Forester Steven Scott said. “While permits are not currently required for open, outdoor burning, as a precaution we’re urging citizens to avoid debris burning until conditions improve.”
Burning permits are required by the state Division of Forestry only during official fire season, Oct. 15 through May 15. However, the number of fires statewide has increased since mid-June due to the unusually hot, dry conditions.
“Most of the fires have been smaller, accidental grass fires that have been responded to with the help of local and volunteer fire departments, but we also have had some larger, smoldering woods fires that could be dangerous if not contained,” said Scott.
Forestry officials say that in addition to escaped debris fires, major causes include sparks from field equipment and vehicles, discarded cigarettes, lightening, campfires, arson and fireworks. Citizens can help support their local fire departments by checking for and following local burn restrictions and quickly reporting any wildfire.
State Fire Marshal Julie Mix McPeak encourages Tennesseans to have a fire-safe Fourth by leaving the fireworks to the professionals. “To avoid the risk of injury and property damage associated with consumer fireworks, join other community members in attending a public display put on by trained and licensed professionals,” McPeak said.
Forestry officials also recommend other fire prevention tips which include:
§ Taking precautions when using farm and other equipment (bush hogs, balers, lawn mowers, ATVs, etc.) or anything with an exhaust system, including parked cars, that could create a spark near dry vegetation.
§ Checking first for local burn and firework ordnances. Citizens are encouraged to avoid shooting fireworks in dry areas and attend public fireworks displays instead.
§ Reporting fire activity immediately to your local fire department.
§ Delaying debris burning until significant precipitation is received. Even when conditions are safe, notify your fire department and neighbors, don’t burn on windy days, establish a wide control line down to mineral soil, keep fire containment equipment and water on hand, and stay with the fire until it is completely out.
Woods arson is a class C felony punishable by three to 15 years in prison and up to $10,000 in fines. Anyone with information about suspected arson activity should call the state Fire Marshal’s Arson Hotline toll-free at 1-800-762-3017.
Additional fire safety tips, as well as up-to-date wildfire information, can be found on the TDA Division of Forestry’s wildfire prevention website at www.burnsafetn.org.
Neal Kight to Speak at First Assembly July 1st
Neal Kight to Speak at First Assembly July 1st
Neal was the founder of the local Assembly of God in 1982. The work began as a prayer meeting in his home and grew to a store front on Broad Street. Later property was purchased on Murphy Street and a church was built there. Recently the new sanctuary was built on the Cookeville Highway.
Brother Neal lives in Silar City, NC where he and his wife Sharon have pastored the Church of God Ministries there for many years. This will be their first visit to the new facility here in Smithville. He will review how the work began and then bring the morning message.
After establishing the work here, Neal later went to Gallup New Mexico to serve as a missionary to the Indians for about ten years and built several churches there as well. He and Sharon met at a camp meeting and her passion at the time was to become a missionary as well. After they married, Sharon joined him on the mission field. They now have two children Danae and Sean.
Ann Stevens, Neal’s mom also visited the Assembly recently and commented on how far the work had come since a handful of friends began to get together for prayer. Sunday morning attendance is now running about 140 to 180 with a record crowd of 250 on Easter morning.
Come join us for an exciting service Sunday July 1st at 10:45 A.M. at 1650 Cookeville Highway.
DeKalb Fire Department Encourages Fireworks Safety
Fireworks are a tradition of summer activities. Unfortunately, they cause thousands of injuries and emergency room visits each year; more of these injuries occur during Fourth of July festivities. As this year’s Independence Day approaches, the DeKalb County Fire Department urges citizens to practice safe and responsible use of fireworks to avoid injuries and property losses.
“Although fireworks can be exciting and fun, it is important to remember that improperly handled fireworks can quickly turn a celebration into tragedy,” said Chief Donny Green. “We remind DeKalb County citizens to use common sense and act responsibly to prevent serious injuries this Fourth of July.”
Each year in Tennessee, there are over 200 emergency room visits and over 200 people discharged from the hospital due to fireworks related injuries. Fireworks accidents can cause long term effects such as blindness, hearing loss and permanent scarring if used incorrectly.
To help you celebrate safely this Fourth of July, the DeKalb County Fire Department makes the following safety suggestions for those who choose to deal with fireworks at home:
• Always read and follow all warnings and label instructions.
• Never allow children to play with, ignite fireworks, or watch a display without adult supervision. • Wear eye protection and never have any part of your body over the fireworks.
• Use fireworks only outdoors and in a safe area.
• Be sure other people are safely out of range before lighting fireworks.
• Always have water handy–a garden hose, wet towels and a bucket.
• Never throw or point fireworks at other people or animals.
• Never re-light a “dud” firework. Wait 15 to 20 minutes and then soak it in a bucket of water.
• Never experiment or attempt to make your own fireworks.
• Dispose of fireworks properly by soaking them in water and then placing them in your trash can.
In addition to being prepared to avoid firework mishaps, residents should also be prepared to handle any accidents that may occur. Materials such as gauze, hydrogen peroxide and other first aid supplies should be readily available. In the event of serious injury, seek immediate medical attention . Quick response to injuries may prevent further and more permanent damage.
“We want all DeKalb County citizens and visitors to remain safe this holiday and enjoy their holiday accident-free,” says Green. “The best way to prevent fireworks-related injuries is to leave fireworks displays to trained professionals. We have several public fireworks displays scheduled at local marinas on Center Hill Lake. It’s less expensive, more enjoyable, and much safer to just make plans to attend one of these local fireworks displays.”
For more information about fireworks safety, visit the CDC Fireworks Injuries website at http://www.cdc.gov/HomeandRecreationalSafety/Fireworks/. Additional Information can also be found on the National Council on Fireworks Safety website at http://www.fireworkssafety.org/.
Smithville Police Solve Burglary and Thefts at Chad’s Auto Sales
The Smithville Police Department has apparently solved two separate thefts at Chad’s Auto Sales with the arrests of two men and a petition taken against a juvenile.
18 year old Ryan Felts of Wade Street is charged with vandalism, burglary, two counts of theft of a vehicle, and theft of property over $10,000. His bond totals $27,500. 33 year old Jack Mullican of the Johnson’s Chapel Community is charged with theft over $1,000 and possession of stolen property. His bond is $3,500. Both men will be in court on the charges July 19.
Chief Randy Caplinger said that on Saturday, June 23, an officer was dispatched to 317 West Broad Street, Chad’s Auto Sales to take a report about a theft. Upon arrival, the officer spoke with Glynn Merriman and Chad Hale, owners and operators of the business, who said that someone had broken into the office. Items taken included a Dell laptop, a Hewlett Packard desk top CPU, a filing cabinet containing car titles, $1,220 in cash, and a 2005 GMC Yukon was stolen from the car lot. There was no tag on the vehicle at the time of the theft. The electric meter to the office was also stolen. Entry had been made by cutting a padlock off the front door. At that time there were no suspects.
The next day, Sunday June 24, Chief Caplinger said an officer was again called to Chad’s Auto Sales to take a report of another theft. Upon arrival, the officer spoke with the owner, Mr. Hale who said someone had taken a 2004 Volvo. Keys to the vehicle had apparently been taken during the previous break-in
After identifying Felts as a suspect, Chief Caplinger and detectives of the Smithville Police Department, accompanied by sheriff’s deputies, went to a residence in Dowelltown where Felts was believed to be staying. After questioning Felts, who initially denied knowing anything about the burglary and theft, Chief Caplinger said he caught a glimpse of something in the woods on the old road between Liberty and Dowelltown, as he leaving, which turned out to be one of the vehicles and other items taken in the thefts “After the detectives left, I was still on the scene, as I was leaving the area, I happened to see something in the woods. I went back and walked down in the woods and there was the 2005 Yukon, the filing cabinet and most of the paperwork from Chad’s Auto Sales. Felts was brought in and he confessed to the crime and led us to other stolen items,” said Chief Caplinger.
Officers then went to Mullican’s residence in the Johnson’s Chapel community and found the stolen 2004 Volvo. “He was at his residence on Johnson’s Chapel and found to be in possession of the Volvo belonging to Chad’s Auto Sales. It was stolen and taken to Mullican’s residence to hide. Mullican was aware the vehicle was stolen and he agreed to hide it,” said Chief Caplinger
As a result of the investigation, Chief Caplinger said everything in the break-in was recovered except the cash.
Meanwhile, 20 year old Terry Lee Jones, III is charged with five counts of forgery. His bond is $7,500.
Chief Caplinger said that Jones was at the entrance of Smithville Elementary School when he was spotted by a DeKalb County deputy, while enroute to a call. When Jones was brought in on an existing warrant for failure to appear, he was questioned about a possible forgery of checks on his father’s account. Jones admitted to forging the checks. He also provided information as to where a family member’s saddle had been stolen and hidden. He allegedly forged checks on his father’s account, took them to a local bank, and cashed them. He admitted to taking the checks and getting the money. In one of the cases, Jones admitted to making out a check on his father’s account to another person, who tried to cash this check at the bank. The check was turned down. Jones admitted to forging the check to get his friend to cash it so he could have the money.
35 year old Wesley Chandler is charged with driving under the influence. His bond is $1,500 and he will be in court on August 2. Chief Caplinger said that on Saturday, June 23 police were called to the parking lot of DeKalb Community Hospital where someone had passed out in a vehicle. The officer arrived and found Chandler passed out at the steering wheel. The keys were still in the ignition. It took time to get Chandler to respond. He had very slurred speech. He was unsteady on his feet getting out of vehicle and he performed very poorly on all field sobriety tasks. Chandler submitted to taking a blood test.
53 year old Carolyn Jones is cited for theft of property. According to Chief Caplinger, police were called to Walmart on Friday, June 22 in regard to a shoplifter. Upon arrival, the officer met with an employee of the store, who said Jones had been seen taking merchandise and putting it in her purse. She tried to leave the store without paying for the items. She was found with the items on her.
27 year old Ellissa Howard is charged with domestic assault. Her bond is $2,500. Chief Caplinger said that on Friday, June 22 police were called to a residence on West Bryant Street where Howard had allegedly assaulted her husband by grabbing his shirt, breaking his necklace, leaving marks on his neck, and biting him. She also hit him in the face with a phone.
36 year old Russell Blackwell is cited for a fourth offense of driving under the influence and charged with simple possession of a schedule II & III controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia. His bond totals $14,500 and he will be in court July 19. Chief Caplinger reports that on Wednesday, June 20 police were called to the parking lot of Advance Auto Parts on South Congress Boulevard, where two people were passed out in a vehicle. Upon arrival, police found both Blackwell and 28 year old Roxanna Landis in the car. Both had to be awakened. Blackwell got out the vehicle. The keys were still in the ignition. His speech was very slurred and he was very unsteady on his feet. Blackwell told police he had been there for an hour. He was placed under arrest. A computer check revealed he already had three prior DUI offenses on his record. Blackwell submitted to a blood test and gave police consent to search. The officer found used hypodermic needles, a cut straw and a whole straw which contained a powdery residue. Inside the drivers side door panel, police also found a small box containing three dilaudid pills and a white box containing one and a half to two pieces of suboxone pills .
Landis was cited for possession of drug paraphernalia. She was a passenger of Blackwell’s vehicle. Police awoke her. As she got out of the car, police saw a straw coming out of her pocket. She was asked to remove all items from her pockets Landis tried to hide it, but the officer found that Landis was carrying two used syringes in her right front pocket.
29 year old Roxanne White is cited for possession of drug paraphernalia. She will be in court on July 26. While investigating a possible domestic assault case at a residence on Gentry Avenue, police asked to check White’s purse for any illegal items. She consented to the search. Inside her wallet, the officer found a hypodermic syringe.