28 year old Matthew Malachi Lawson of Smithville died Wednesday at Vanderbilt Medical Center. Born in Woodbury, he was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ. Lawson was also a logger. The funeral will be Friday at 2:00 p.m. at Hunter Funeral Home in Watertown. John Smartt will officiate and burial will be in the Jennings Cemetery. Visitation will be Thursday from 2:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. and Friday from 10:00 a.m. until the service. He is survived by his parents, Charlie and Ruth Lawson of Smithville. Sisters, Diane and husband Shonnie Sanders of Woodbury, Amy Lawson of Liberty, and Virginia and husband Chad Carrier of Smithville. A brother, Mark Lawson of Smithville. Six nephews, four nieces, a special cousin, Shannon Herman, and aunts, uncles, and other cousins. He was preceded in death by his grandparents, Hobart and Betty Linnear and Lemmie and Ruby Lawson. Hunter Funeral Home in Watertown is in charge of the arrangements.
Tag Archives: 2012
Willloughby Names Professional Personnel for New School Year
Director of Schools Mark Willoughby has signed contracts with the Professional Personnel for the 2012-2013 school year.
Willoughby presented a list of the employees to the Board of Education Tuesday night.
He also provided a list of transfers for the 2012-13 year as follows:
Patrick Cripps, DCHS Principal
Julie Vincent, Smithville Elementary School Principal
Kathy Bryant, DCHS Assistant Principal
Amanda Dakas, DeKalb Middle School Assistant Principal
Beth Pafford, Northside Elementary School Assistant Principal
Dr. Bill Tanner, transferred to DCHS, teacher
Employees for the 2012-13 year hired since last month are as follows:
Sara Young, teacher at DCHS (Math)
Sara Halliburton, teacher at DCHS (Science)
Meanwhile, Director Willoughby recommended the following teachers be approved for a professional license: Todd Cantrell, Courtney Davis, Kristy Lasser, Martha Melching, Elizabeth Nolt, and Susan West. According to Willoughby, these teachers have successfully completed the statutory apprentice period of three years as required for license advancement. The board granted approval.
Certified personnel at each school are as follows:
DeKalb County High School-
Jeanette Allen, Angie Anderson, Charlotte Blaylock, Danny Bond, Amanda Brown, Kathy Bryant, Kevin Burchfield, Kelly Burgess, Jeanine Cantrell, Todd Cantrell, Gary Caplinger, Mary Anne Carpenter, Joe Pat Cope, Patrick Cripps, Jared Daniels, Deborah DePriest, Andrew Dixon, Donna Emmons, Marshall Ferrell, Tina Fletcher, Amanda Fuller, David Gash, Josh Gulley, Marie Hill, Susan Hinton, Sonja House, John Isabell, William Jennings, Natasha Judkins, Dylan Kleparek, Brad Leach, Lynus Martin, Shealyn Morgan, Lori Myrick, Rolando Navarro, Jenny Norris, Scott Odom, Shelly Painter, Walteen Parker, Linda Parris, Nallely Prater, John Pryor, Mary Anne Puckett, Joey Reeder, Leslie Rice, Melissa Ruch, Daniel Seber, Dr. Bill Tanner, Steve Trapp, Chris Vance, Dianne Werth, Michael Whitefield, Shea Wiegele, and Jonathon Wright.
Northside Elementary School-
January Agee, Joyce Alexander, Marla Beshearse, Linda Bush, Trent Colwell, Michael Crockett, Alisha Day, Ashley Dean, Jerry Foster, Carrie Gottlied, Amy Green, Amanda Griffith, Jennifer Griffith, Melissa Hale, Cynthia Hale, Jessica Hale, Patty Hale, Mollie Hendrixson, Jennifer Herndon, Lisa Hull, Lorie Isabell, Karen Jacobs, Shelly Jennings, Sabrina Kirksey, Kristy Lasser, Lisa Mabe, Jama Martin, Amanda Mathis, Libby McCormick, Pamela Miller, Elizabeth Nolt, Beth Pafford, Amy Raymond, Dr. Gayle Redmon, Bethany Rigsby, Melissa Roysdon, Tammy Sims, Ashley Smith, Carol Tripp, Cheryl Vance, Kristen Van Vranken, Betsye Walker, Ginger Wenger, and Sandy Willingham.
DeKalb West School-
Shawn Baker, Doris Cantrell, Jenny Cantrell, Jeanna Caplinger, William Conger, Kim Crook, Martha Damron, Tonya Ellis, Janet England, Sabrina Farler, Denise Graham, Lesa Hayes, Ricky Hendrix, Lindsay Holmes, Cathleen Humphrey, Regina Kent, Shelia McMillen, Melanie Molander, Amanda Mullinax, Danny Parkerson, Tammy Payne, Debra Poteete, Cynthia Preston, Lori Pryor, Cynthia Pulley, Susan Robinson, Audrey Russell, Pam Sanders, Jane Watson, Susan West, Vicki Wilson, and Amy Young.
Smithville Elementary School-
Misty Agee, Ana Bain, Lindsey Barrett, Renee Beaty, Kelly Birmingham, Kim Brown, Beth Cantrell, Laura Carter, Wendy Colvert, Layra Crook, Trena Curtis, Sue Driver, Vicky Duke, Kelli Foster, Tina Gash, Vicky Hawker, Bradley Hendrix, Holly Hendrix, Mary Henny, Tanya Howard, Amanda Johnson, Anna Johnson, Angela Johnson, Jennifer Judkins, Karen Knowles, Carrie Lee, Sherree Macemon, Kristen Malone, Adrienne McCormick, LeVaughnda Midgett, Margaret Nichols, Christina Ontiveros, Susan Palmer, Kristy Parsley, Mary Pugh, Jane Ramsey, Amanda Rhoady, Allison Rigsby, Carol Sampley, Carol Tallent, Jan Thomas, Janet Trapp, Carol-Ann Tripp, Julie Vincent, Sherian Waggoner, Tiffany Wheatley, Janet Woodward, Christie Young, and Crystal Young
DeKalb Middle School-
Joey Agee, Josh Agee, Lori Alexander, Suzette Barnes, Ashley Barnes, Lisa Craig, Amanda Dakas, Courtney Davis, Tena Davidson, Jenny Elrod, Jason Farley, Amy Fletcher, Lori Hendrix, Tom Hill, Randy Jennings, Bryan Jones, Michelle Jones, Gail Kirksey, Taleen Lambert, Michael Lewis, Michael Littrell, Leah Magness, Martha Melching, Debra Moore, Justin Nokes, Joy Parker, Karen Pelham, Anita Puckett, Joyce Robertson, Candice Scrabo, Lori Sexton, Penny Smitty, Tonya Sullivan, Kitty Thomas, Nancy Tucker, Tad Webb, Jared West, Jennifer West, Kathryn Wisinger.
Central Office Staff-
Gina Arnold, Katherine Ballard, Michelle Burklow, Clay Farler, Dr. Danielle Collins, Lisa Cripps, Dee Anna Reynolds, and Stephanie Walker
County Wide-
Lisa Bell, Amy Fox, Judy Malone, and Lori Rogers.
School Support Staff Hired for 2012-13 Year
Director of Schools Mark Willoughby announced Tuesday night during the board of education meeting that he has employed the support staff for the 2012-2013 school year.
Those employed at DeKalb County High School are:
Rena Adcock- Cook, Wanda Bradford- Cook, Amee Cantrell- Social Worker, Kathy Chapman-Cook, Kenderly Cripps- Guidance/Records Clerk, Debbie Eaton- Educational Assistant, Regina Estes- Secretary, Beverly Ferrell- Educational Assistant, Dena Haugh- Educational Assistant, Darnette Hibdon-Cook, Melissa Hicks- Cook, Deborah Knowles- Educational Assistant Job Coach, Helen LaFever-Cook, Rita Leichtfuss- Educational Assistant, Deborah Magness- Bookkeeper, Carl Malone- Custodian, Thomas Maney- Custodian, Charles Martin- Custodian, Rhonda Merriman-Educational Assistant, Sara Parker- Guidance, Lisa Peterson-Educational Assistant Job Coach, JoAnn Pittman-Custodian, Denise Rutland- Custodian, Vicky Sandlin- Cook, Carol Swope- Educational Assistant, Norman Underhill- Educational Assistant, Tiffany VanWinkle- Educational Assistant, Jamie Wright- Guidance Clerk, and Debbie Young-Cafeteria Manager.
DeKalb Middle School:
Sue Arnold- Part-Time Cook, Pauline Braswell- Custodian, Tammy Ferrell- Custodian, Fay Gilreath- School Bookkeeper, Doris Graham-Educational Assistant, Jeremy Haas- Custodian, Connie Haggard- Cook, Barbara Hibdon- Cook, Samantha Lester- School Secretary, Paulette McDonald- Educational Assistant, Angie Moore- Educational Assistant, Lisa Norton- Educational Assistant, Paula Pinegar-Educational Assistant, Linda Sorrell-Educational Assistant, Eldon Vanatta- Cafeteria Manager, and Vicky Walker- Educational Assistant
Smithville Elementary School:
Brent Arnold-Educational Assistant, Jimmy Barnes- Custodian, Janis Barnes- Educational Assistant, Brenda Beth Cantrell- Educational Assistant, Bethany Cornelius- Educational Assistant, Cindi Dias-Educational Assistant, Darlene Evans-Educational Assistant, Jennifer Gay- Educational Assistant, Betty Griffith- Educational Assistant, Jean Hayes- Cafeteria Manager, Vicki Jefferies- Educational Assistant, Melinda Lattimore- Educational Assistant, Brittany Lockard- Educational Assistant, Sara Lomas-Custodian, Talitha Looney- Cook, Pat Milam- Part Time Cafeteria Monitor/Substitute Custodian, Tera Mooneyham-Educational Assistant, Ronda Northcutt- Educational Assistant, Holly Owens-Educational Assistant, Freeda Phillips- Cook, Rhonda Pelham- Secretary/Receptionist, Amelia Phillips- Cook, Rhonda Pilgrim- Cook, Lori Poss- School Bookkeeper, Brenda Rigney- Educational Assistant, Bonnie Rigsby- Educational Assistant, Teresa Spencer- Educational Assistant, Wayne Taylor- Custodian, Tammy Tyler- Cook, Amanda Trapp-Educational Assistant, and Celia Whaley- Educational Assistant.
Northside Elementary:
Pam Baines- Cafeteria Manager, Emma Jean Bandy- Cook, Gail Crips- Secretary, Evril Cubbins- Educational Assistant, Starr Ferrell-Educational Assistant, Terrie Ford- Educational Assistant, Suzanne Gash- Educational Assistant, Gary Good- Educational Assistant, Phyllis Hallum- Educational Assistant, Sherry Judkins- Custodian, Jennifer Lewis- Educational Assistant, Thelma Martin- Educational Assistant, Denise Merriman-Cook, Rebecca Moss- Educational Assistant, Lynn Pichey-Custodian, Jo Dean Redmon- Lunch Monitor, Kim Violet- Custodian, Sharon Washer- Cook, Elizabeth White- Part-Time Cook, Deneene Willingham- School Bookkeeper, and Rita Young-Attendance Clerk..
DeKalb West School:
Holly Bain-Educational Assistant, Donna Driver- Cook, Dorothy Duggin-Custodian, Tena Edwards- Educational Assistant, Ruth Frazier- Custodian, Pauline Frazier- Custodian, Stephanie Fuson- Educational Assistant, Shelly Gibson- Educational Assistant, Lisa Hale- Secretary, Donna Hale- School Bookkeeper, Jennifer Martin-Educational Assistant, Nancy Mulloy- Cook, Faye Nixon-Cook, Tina Paschal- Educational Assistant, Elizabeth Redmon-Educational Assistant, Beverly Starnes- Cafeteria Manager, Kristi Sullivan- Educational Assistant, and Linda Vickers- Cook
County Wide Positions:
Chandra Adcock- School Nurse, Jenean Bain- Bus Assistant, Sandra Billings- Substitute Bus Assistant, W.C. Braswell- Adult High School, Cindy Childers- Coordinated School Health Assistant, Anita Conley- Substitute Cook, Billy Curtis- Special Needs Driver (car), Dana Davenport- Substitute Cafeteria Worker, Bettye June Dodd- Bus Assistant, Christie Driver- School Nurse, Russell Estes- Substitute Custodian, Julie Fitts- Substitute Cook, Greg Frasier- Technology Director, LeAnne Frasier- Library Assistant (half time at Smithville Elementary School and Half Time at Northside Elementary School), Mary Gay- Substitute Cafeteria Worker, Billy Golden- Maintenance Worker, Lynn Griffith- Bus Assistant, Rebecca Hawkins- Bus Assistant, Terry Hicks- Maintenance Worker, Earl Jared- Maintenance Supervisor, Freda Johnson- Bus Assistant, Tammy Judkins- Substitute School Nurse, Debbie London- Substitute Bus Assistant, Delilah McGhee- Substitute Cafeteria Worker, Teresa Miller- Payroll/Bookkeeper Central Office, Tamara Murphy- Substitute Nurse, Carolyn Neal- Substitute Cafeteria Worker, Shirley Ours- Special Education Secretary, April Odom- Attendance Clerk, Angela Patrick- Substitute Cafeteria Worker, B.J. Patterson- Technology, Melissa Pirtle- Food Service Bookkeeper, Jo Dean Redmon- Part Time Custodian, Joyce Robinson- Payroll/Bookkeeper Central Office, Pauletta Ruffner- Substitute Cafeteria Worker/Custodian, Roger Sharp- Technology, Teresa Sullivan- Educational Assistant at DeKalb Middle School and DeKalb West School, Peggy Sutton- Substitute Cook, Janice Tanner- Substitute School Nurse, Cynthia Taylor- Substitute Custodian, Brooke Teachout- Substitute School Nurse, Kimberly Turner- School Nurse, Pam Turner- Substitute School Nurse, Barbara Vanatta- Substitute Cafeteria Worker, Jamie Vickers- Secretary/Bookkeeper Central Office, Judy Wiggins- Substitute Bus Assistant, Joannie Williams- School Nurse, Ashby Woodward- Substitute School Nurse, Aaron Young- Maintenance Worker, and Tara Young- Substitute Cook
Orlando Guzman- Mechanic and Rick Holcomb- Mechanic, Jimmy Sprague-Supervisor
The following are bus drivers:
Karen Adkins, Dwayne Cantrell, Dinah Cripps, Elaine Davis, Debbie Eaton, Marshall Ferrell, Starr Ferrell, Thomas Fittis, Linda Fowler, Bill Fowler, Donald Haggard, Darnette Hibdon, Melissa Hicks, Dwight Knowles, Kimberly Lawson, Bobby Martin, Ronald Merriman, Jimmy Mullican, Linda Gail Pack, Walter Phillips, Faye Pollard, Jimmy Poss, Carol Swope, Ken Taylor, Bobby Taylor, B.J. Thomason, David Turner, Angela Wilkerson, and Suzanne Williams.
Substitute bus drivers are: Tina Fletcher, Daniel Lawson, Donnie Lewis.
Gino’s Bar-B-Q To Add Jobs
Gino’s Bar-B-Q is planning to add a few jobs.
John Roller, Vice President of Gino’s Barbeque, told WJLE on Friday that Gino’s, which has been in operation in Smithville since 1977, will be creating ten to fifteen jobs within the next six months as the company looks to serve a larger distribution area. “We have been approved for the Sysco label, which is the largest food distributor in the country. They actually have a few houses in Canada as well. This allows us to have access to more than half of those facilities, which would go from our current capacity of about five houses to the availability of seventy houses across the country. In return, the volume would create jobs as well as this expansion that Gino’s is going through right now, which is adding another cook room, and probably at completion, will add another shift as well and maybe even a cleanup crew on the weekend,” said Roller.
Gino’s Bar-B-Q currently employs ten people, but Roller said expectations are to possibly triple that number over time. “We have ten working for us right now and I look for it to double the crew within six to eight months, and even triple going forward,” he said. ” It will just grow from there. The plan, once we go into the system, we have to physically go to these locations and market the product, and in return create the volume and the jobs,” said Roller.
Roller said plans are to modify one of the packaging rooms at the local facility to make room for the expansion. “We took the existing plant, which we’re pretty much tapped out on square footage here, and we just modified one of out packaging rooms. We’ve got to build some exterior walls to expand that room to add cooking capacity. Currently we’ve got five smokers and we’re going to be adding three more additional large commercial smokers,” said Roller.
Gino’s Bar-B-Q serves several well known companies including Robert Orr Sysco of Nashville, Charles C. Parks distribution of Gallatin, and Institutional Wholesale of Cookeville. “We’ve been here since November, 1977,” said Roller. We manufacture pork, beef, turkey, and chicken along with ribs, barbeque. We also co-pack for other people across the country. This is a co–pack for Hicks Smoked Meats out of Humbolt, Tennessee. Its his recipes. We cook it here. We pack it here and ship it from here to the distribution centers all over the country,” said Roller.
McDonald’s Restaurant to Undergo Renovation
McDonald’s Restaurant of Smithville is making plans to expand its interior dining area and go from single to dual lane drive-thrus.
The Smithville Planning Commission approved a revision of the parking plans for McDonald’s at its meeting last Thursday. Secretary-Treasurer Hunter Hendrixson said that while a few existing parking spaces may be eliminated, McDonald’s will still be in compliance with city parking regulations for the site with this renovation.
Tim Funderburk, spokesman for the local McDonald’s franchise, told WJLE Monday that plans are to give the restaurant a new look. “As you probably have seen if you have traveled recently throughout the Upper Cumberland area we are in the process of making some significant upgrades to our McDonald’s restaurants,” said Funderburk. ” The upgrades have already been completed in Crossville, McMinnville, Woodbury, Sparta, and Cookeville and we currently have one underway in Gordonsville. We are doing a lot of things to both enhance the look of our restaurants on both the interior and exterior and to upgrade our ability to make our guests experience more efficient. On the exterior you will see a totally new look of our buildings as we bring McDonald’s into the 21st century and you will also notice many of the restaurants, including Smithville, will have dual lane drive thru’s with two order points to expedite the service experience of our guests. It is true that we will be removing the exterior seating that we currently have in Smithville, but that is only so that we can enlarge the building and create more dining space inside for our guests. The interior decor and restrooms will also be significantly upgraded to provide a more relaxing atmosphere for our guests to enjoy,” he said.
No word yet on when the project will begin.
Willoughby Completes Line-up of Principals and Assistants for New School Year
Director of Schools Mark Willoughby has completed the line up of principals and assistants for the upcoming school year.
Willoughby told WJLE Monday that Amanda Dakas will become the new assistant principal at DeKalb Middle School and Beth Pafford will join the staff at Northside Elementary as assistant principal.
Dakas will be moving from Northside Elementary to DeKalb Middle and Pafford will be transferring from Smithville Elementary to Northside, where they have been serving as classroom teachers
Dakas will succeed assistant principal Kathy Bryant, who is moving from DeKalb Middle School to take on an assistant principal position at DeKalb County High School.
Pafford is replacing assistant principal Julie Vincent at Northside. Vincent will become the new principal at Smithville Elementary School. Karen Knowles remains assistant principal at Smithville Elementary. Dr. Bill Tanner, longtime principal at SES, is expected to be re-assigned to another position in the school system.
Meanwhile Patrick Cripps will become the new principal at DCHS, succeeding Kathy Hendrix who has retired. In addition to assistant principal Kathy Bryant, David Gash will be returning as assistant principal at the high school.
Principals Dr. Gayle Redmon at Northside Elementary, Randy Jennings at DeKalb Middle School, and Danny Parkerson at DeKalb West School are returning for another year, as is assistant DeKalb West Principal Sabrina Farler.
All their new contracts become effective, July 1st.
James Melvin Cantrell
57 year old James Melvin Cantrell of Smithville died Monday at his residence. He was supervisor with Berry Farms Nursery and a Baptist. The funeral will be Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. at the Chapel of Love-Cantrell Funeral Home. Royce Moore will officiate with burial in Whorton Springs Cemetery. Visitation will be Tuesday from 11:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m and Wednesday from 9:00 a.m. until the service at 1:00 p.m. He was preceded in death by a son, Shawn Melvin Cantrell; parents, James and Pauline Cantrell, and brother, Larry Wayne Cantrell. He is survived by his wife, Kathy Cantrell of Smithville; daughter, Angela and husband James Wade of Murfreesboro. Three grandchildren, Kayla Nicole, Sophie Elizabeth and James Roman Wade all of Murfreesboro. Two sisters, Faye Robinson of Nashville, and Judy and husband James Patton of Smithville. Several nieces and nephews also survive. Love-Cantrell Funeral Chapel in charge of the arrangements.
McKameys to Appear in Concert at DeKalb County Fair
Members of the DeKalb County Fair Association are busy preparing for this year’s edition of the Grandpa Fair of the South which is set for Monday through Saturday July 23 through July 28.
With the theme “Carnival Lights & Summer Nights”, this year’s DeKalb County Fair will feature a fun filled week of activities including rides by the Family Attractions Amusement Company and two new events, a gospel concert on Wednesday night, July 25 at 6:30 p.m. at the Grandstand, featuring the very popular southern gospel family group “The McKameys” and “ATV-Mini Rods- Outlaws Pulling” on Thursday night, July 26 at 6:00 p.m. at the T.C. McMillen arena. Instead of giving away $1,000 each night to just one person, there will be two nightly drawings of $500 each this year. Ticket holders must be present to win. Any cash not awarded during the week will be saved and given away on Saturday night
Fair Board Member Jeff McMillen said these new events and changes should add even more excitement to an already entertaining fair. “We have changed from having two nights of Super Truck and Tractor Pulls to one night of that and we have included an ATV and what is called an Outlaw Class and a Mini-Tractor Class for Thursday night. This will allow the local ATV’s to come in and pull. It’s a smaller sled. Anybody who needs to know the classes can go to the fair website and find all that at www.dekalbcountyfairtn.com. We will post all the rules, regulations, and classes on there.
The McKameys, of Clinton, Tennessee, play about 150 days a year, traveling all over North America from Southern California on up to British Columbia and over to the East Coast, north to New Brunswick and south to Florida. They have had 24 number one singles and in 1999 were honored by their record label, Horizon, for having the most number one hits in the history of Southern Gospel Music. The group has been awarded several different Singing News Fan Awards through the years with Peg McKamey being named Favorite Female Vocalist 7 times. The group is made up of husband and wife, Reuben Bean and Peg McKamey Bean; their daughers Connie and Sheryl; and Connie’s husband Roger Fortner, and their son, Eli.
The fair will be bringing back the Open Rodeo, the Demolition Derby, and Super Tractor and Truck Pull, Go Kart Racing, Four Wheelers and Motorcycle Racing, DeKalb Idol, the Vintage Fashion Show, and many other popular attractions.
McMillen urges fair goers to take the time to enjoy lots of delicious foods from the food booths and stop by to see the many commercial, agricultural, and women’s exhibits.
The Kenneth Sandlin Center will be open Monday through Friday from 5:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. and Saturday from 4:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m.
All Non- Perishable exhibits ONLY will be accepted Saturday, July 14 from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. All Perishable items ONLY will be accepted on Saturday, July 21 from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.
Take a stroll down Memory Lane and enjoy nightly entertainment at the Memory Lane Stage in Memory Village, sponsored by DeKalb Community Bank. The DeKalb County Fair Memory Lane Stage Line-Up is as follows:ATV Sled Pull – Click here for more amazing videos
Monday, July 23: Cattle Show at 6:00 p.m. at the Tot Kelly barn; Open Rodeo at the T.C. McMillen Arena at 7:30 p.m.; Junior Fair Princess Pageant for contestants ages 13-16 at 6:00 p.m. followed by the Fairest of the Fair Pageant for contestants ages 17 to 20 at the Lions Club Pavilion. (2- $500 cash drawings) at 9:30 p.m.
Tuesday, July 24: Little Mr. and Miss Pageant for contestants ages 4-6 at 6:00 p.m. at the Lions Club Pavilion; Go-Cart Racing at 6:00 p.m. at the T.C. McMillen Arena; and a Horse Show at 7:00 p.m. at the Grandstand; (2- $500 cash drawings) at 9:30 p.m.
Wednesday, July 25: Snowbird- WSMV Channel 4 from 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.; McKameys in Concert at 6:30 p.m. at the Grandstand; Little Miss Princess Pageant for contestants ages 7-9 at 6:00 p.m. followed by the Miss Sweetheart Pageant for those ages 10-12 at the Lions Club Pavilion; 4 Wheeler and Motorcycle Racing at 6:00 p.m. at the T.C. McMillen Arena; (2- $500 cash drawings) at 9:30 p.m.
Thursday, July 26: Senior Citizen Day activities at 9:00 a.m. at the Lions Club Pavilion; 4-H Chick Chain Show at 5:00 p.m. at the Tot Kelly barn; Junior Goat Show at 6:00 p.m. at the Grandstand; a Baby Show at 6:00 p.m. followed by a Vintage Fashion Show at the Lions Club Pavilion; and ATV-Mini Rods- Outlaws Pulling at the T.C. McMillen Arena at 7:00 p.m.;(2- $500 cash drawings) at 9:30 p.m.
Friday, July 27: Toddler Show for contestants 13 months to 47 months at 6:00 p.m. followed by DeKalb Idol Final Competition at the Lions Club Pavilion; 4 Wheel Drive Mud Racing at 7:00 p.m. at the T.C. McMillen Arena; and a Demolition Derby at 7:00 p.m. at the Grandstand; (2- $500 cash drawings) at 9:30 p.m.
Saturday, July 28:
Horseshoe Tournament at the Tot Kelly barn at Noon.; Gospel Singing at the Lions Club Pavilion at 6:00 p.m.; Super Tractor and Truck Pull at 7:00 p.m. at the T.C. McMillen Arena: and (2- $500 cash drawings) at 9:30 p.m.
Take a stroll down Memory Lane and enjoy nightly entertainment at the Memory Lane Stage in Memory Village, sponsored by DeKalb Community Bank. The DeKalb County Fair Memory Lane Stage Line-Up is as follows:
Monday Night July 23
6:30-7:30 pm — Second Coming Band
7:45-8:45 pm— Brad Hennessee w/ Midnight Flyer
Tuesday Night July 24
6:30-7:30 p.m.— Abigail Rose
7:45-8:45 p.m.— Lil John
Wednesday Night July 25
6:30-7:30 p.m.— Scott Steele w special guest Trish Smith
7:45-8:45 p.m.— Mike Jones
Thursday Night July 26
6:30-7:30 p.m.— Donny Barthelemy
7:45-8:45 p.m.— Terri Lynn Weaver
Friday Night July 27
6:30 – until— Karaoke Night
No Rap , Radio Edit Only
Max 1 Instrument or 2 Vocal Mikes and 2 Instruments Max.
Saturday Night July 286:30-7:30 p.m— Mid State Cloggers
7:45-8:45 p.m— Evermean Evergreen Cloggers
Rides on the Midway will be provided by the Family Attractions Amusement Company. Unlimited rides will be available for $15.00 on Monday night; $16.00 on Tuesday night; $14.00 on Wednesday and $18.00 on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday
Admission to the fair is $4.00 per person. Children age four and younger will be admitted free! Gates open at 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and at 4:00 p.m. on Saturday. Parking is Free!
For more information, call 529-FAIR or visit on-line at www.dekalbcountyfairtn.com.
Mary Ann Brady
61 year old Mary Ann Brady of Lebanon died Sunday at her residence. She was employed with Texas Boot Company for 26 years and also worked for Goodwill Industries. The funeral will be Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. in the Partlow Funeral Chapel in Lebanon. Burial will be at Wilson County Memorial Gardens. Visitation will be Tuesday from from 2:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. and Wednesday from noon until the service at 2:00 p.m. She was preceded in death by her parents, Thomas Martin and Betty G. Eldridge. She is survived by a son, Tracey Scott Brady, and daughter Sherry Brady Strunk. Grandchildren, Patrick Strunk, Micah Brady and Mia Brady. Great grandchild, Landon Joseph Hannigan; brothers, Arlon and wife Sonja Eldridge, Ray and wife Elaine Eldridge, T.C. and wife Emma Eldridge, Earnst Eldridge, Billy Odell and wife Karen Eldridge, and J.R. and wife Jenny Eldridge. Sisters, Ruby Collins, Margaret Brady, and Christine Bain. Partlow Funeral Chapel in Lebanon is in charge of the arrangements. This information courtesy of Love-Cantrell Funeral Home.
Former UCHRA Director Phyllis Bennett Dies
67 year old Phyllis Bennett, who ran the Upper Cumberland Human Resource Agency for over 30 years, died Saturday at Cookeville Regional Medical Center.
She had gone on medical leave from the UCHRA last spring, but remained with the agency as a consultant.
She had been undergoing treatment for pancreatic cancer.
Phyllis began her career in 1973 with the Upper Cumberland Human Resource Agency. In 1978, she was appointed Executive Director until 2011 when she was hired as a consultant to the agency. Phyllis served 4 years as President of the Tennessee Association of Human Resource Agencies as well as being selected Who’s Who in American Business Women .
During her 34-year tenure as Executive Director, she not only established but practiced the agency’s motto of “Delivering Hope” to the people of the area by providing access to services through each of the fourteen county offices she established. Her giving spirit showed daily when seeing or riding UCARTS or CATS (Cookeville’s first mass transit system) traveling our streets and highways or providing home delivered meals and electrical assistance to the most needy in the region. Phyllis’s accomplished goals show when visiting or seeing Tennessee Careers Centers or when visiting Lakeside Resort & Educational Complex which was to help displaced workers through educating for new careers or promoting existing ones in the hospitality industry. The needs of our young people were never far from her heart. The Upper Cumberland’s need to house and council young people are realized through the Upper Cumberland Human Resource Agency’s Residential centers; Chance, Indian Mound and Cumberland Mountain School
Her visions for delivering this hope were made reality by her leading role in the expansion of Cover Kids, which provides insurance for uninsured children in low income homes, the Imagination Library; the Highland Initiative with the Putnam County Chamber of Commerce and N.C.D.S. Inc. and numerous other programs that assisted those in need. Although her passion was to provide for all in need, her heart was always for the people of the Upper Cumberland Region. She had an understanding of the needs for the rural area residents & fought to supply these needs.
She was preceded in death by her parents, Henry Clarence Redmon and Evelyn Redmon as well as her daughter, Tiffany Rodgers. She is survived by her husband of 28 years, Weyman (Wayne) H. Bennett; a son, Milburn S. Rodgers III (Patty) of Cookeville; a sister, Faye Fuqua of Smithville; a brother, Terry Redmon (Phyllis) of Lebanon; two grandsons- Matthew Rodgers, Murfreesboro; Nickolas Rodgers (Bethany) and one great grandchild, Aaron S. Rodgers, Cookeville; Barbi Rodgers Malfi of South Carolina; three step children – Gary Bennett of Minneapolis, MN, Nancy Manning (Colin) Hendersonville; & Christian Bennett (Lisa)of Hixson; four step grandchildren Courtney , Madison, Christian, & Hailey Bennett all of Hixson.
Visitation will begin Tuesday, June 12 at the Washington Avenue Baptist Church from 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.; Wednesday from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Services will begin at 2:00 p.m. at the church. Burial will follow at DeKalb Memorial Gardens in Smithville. Donations to the Upper Cumberland Human Resource Agency’s Residential Programs or the American Cancer Society can be made in lieu of flowers. Hooper Huddleston and Horner Funeral Home in Cookeville is in charge of arrangements.