Mary Ella Hughes

93 year old Mary Ella Hughes of Smithville died Thursday at DeKalb Community Hospital. She was a homemaker and a member of the Short Mountain Church of God. The funeral will be Saturday at 1:00 p.m. at the Chapel of Love-Cantrell Funeral Home. Charles Stanton will officiate and burial will be in the Banks Cemetery. Visitation will be Friday from 4:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. and Saturday from 10:00 a.m. until the service time at 1:00 p.m. She was preceded in death by her parents, Lee Roy and Stacy Jones Warren; her first husband, Newt Johnson; her second husband, Preston Hughes; and a son, Tommy Johnson. She is survived by four grandchildren; several great grandchildren; two nieces, Ammie Miller of Smithville and Annette Spicer of Clarksville; and a nephew, Jim Roy and wife Sue Warren of Nashville. Love-Cantrell Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements.

Juanita Grissim

78 year old Juanita Grissim of Liberty died Wednesday at NHC Healthcare Center. She was a member of the Liberty United Methodist Church, the Senior Citizens in Liberty, and she was a cook at DeKalb West School for nine years. The funeral will be Saturday at 1:00 p.m. at DeKalb Funeral Chapel. Michael Hale will officiate and burial will be in Sycamore Cemetery. Visitation will be Friday from 11:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. and Saturday from 9:00 a.m. until the time of the service at 1:00 p.m. Grissim was preceded in death by her parents, Melvin and Myler Vickers Dodd; her first husband, Jimmy Paul Gunter; a brother, Clyde Dodd; and a sister, Alvena Dodd. Survivors include her husband, Walter J. Grissim of Liberty. Children, Tammy and husband Robert Smith of Alexandria, Steve Gunter and companion Lois Horn of Smithville, Joe and wife Penny Gunter of the Short Mountain Community. Grandchildren, John and Nick Smith, Tina and Jennifer Gunter, Josh Gunter, Jason Gunter, and Emily Hall. Great grandchildren, Rebecca Gunter, Zack and Rick Gunter, Dakota Gunter, Austin and Katlyn Smith, McKenzie Hall, and a sister, Jean Mayo of Gassaway. DeKalb Funeral Chapel is in charge of the arrangements.

Share the Relay Experience, Take a Walk Against Cancer

Everyone’s reason to Relay is as unique as their own personal story. At Relay for Life, you can find healing, comfort, and support from others who have faced cancer or who have lost a loved one to the disease. You have a chance to meet people in the community who are equally as passionate about finding an end to cancer in our lifetime.
No matter why you take part in Relay, however, one thing is clear: with every step you take, you are helping the American Cancer Society save lives.
Come share the Relay experience at Green Brook Park on Friday, June 8 and take pride in knowing that you are working to create a world where this disease will no longer threaten the lives of our loved ones or claim another year of anyone’s life.
The 15th annual Relay for Life, sporting the theme “Dancing Under the Stars”, begins with musical entertainment at 5:00 p.m. followed by the opening ceremony at 6:00 p.m. featuring personal testimonies from cancer survivors and then a Survivors’ Lap, during which those who have survived the struggle circle the track together to help everyone celebrate what has been achieved against cancer.
As the sun sets, Luminaria bags lining the track illuminate the night and then a hush falls over the event as Relay participants, survivors and caregivers gather together for a Luminaria Ceremony at 9:00 p.m. to remember loved ones lost to cancer and to honor those who have battled the disease.
As participants walk the track lined with Luminaria bags in reflection, a caregiver who has lost a loved one may find comfort from a fellow caregiver who has faced a similar loss. Meanwhile, a survivor gains hope and strength from others who have followed the same journey and survived. All resolve to keep fighting to save more lives so no more Luminaria bear the names of those lost to the disease.
Teams take turns doing laps, but there must be one member from each team on the track at any given time during the 12-hour relay event. While team members off the field can sleep in the tents, most don’t. There is a lot of fundraising at the event as well, through concessions, games, and other activities.
As volunteers and donors, your efforts support research, education, advocacy, and services that allow the American Cancer Society to offer help and hope to people across the country when they need it most. By joining together at Relay, we celebrate life, friendship, and an opportunity to work to defeat cancer for future generations
The lineup of musical entertainment and events for this year’s Relay is as follows:
5:00 p.m.: Jimmy and Alisha Stephens
5:15 p.m.: Kathy Goodwin
5:30 p.m.: Dessa Ray
5:45 p.m.: Suzanne Slager
5:55 p.m:
Presentation of Colors by Boy Scout Troop #347
The National Anthem by Suzanne Slager
Invocation by Dwayne Cornelius, Pastor of the New Life Pentecostal Church
6:00 p.m.:
Opening ceremony
Welcome by Ivadell Randolph
Introduction of Cancer Survivors
Song honoring Cancer Survivors by Bonnie Rigsby and Shelley Cross
Prayer for Cancer Survivors by Don Davidson, Pastor of the Real Life Community Church
6:45 p.m.: David Turner & Friends
7:00 p.m.: Page Family
7:15 p.m.: Gather Round Boys
7:30 p.m.: Terry Hodges
7:45 p.m.: Tina Boston
8:00 p.m.: Fluty and the Flutones
8:15 p.m.: First Assembly of God
8:30 p.m.: Kevin Roberts
8:45 p.m.: Wendell Judkins
9:00 p.m.
Luminaria Ceremony
Prayer by Jeff Armstrong, Pastor of the Smithville Church of God
9:15 p.m.: Smithville Church of God Youth Group
9:30 p.m. New Life Pentecostal Praise Group
9:45 p.m.: Elizabeth Chapel Youth Group
10:00-11:00 p.m.
11:00 p.m.: 61 Seconds
Midnight: Team Activities Begin

Local Authors Judy Fuson and Ria Baker To Host Book Signing in Alexandria

The newest addition to Arcadia Publishing’s popular Images of America series is DeKalb County from local authors Judy Fuson and Ria Baker. The book, now available in book stores, boasts more than 200 vintage images and memories of days gone by.
Both Fuson and Baker will be available for a book signing at F.Z. Webb and Sons Pharmacy in downtown Alexandria on Friday, May 25 from 2:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m.
The book includes several photographs that have never before been published. The authors tried to include every community in the county in the book, and highlight families from all over. Many old houses are pictured, some that no longer stand and some that are more than 100 years old and still in use.
DeKalb County has a vast and interesting history spanning from Confederate general John Hunt Morgan’s raids on the North during the Civil War to the building of Center Hill Dam, which formed a beautiful lake that brings thousands of tourists to the county each year. The lake, encompassing 18,220 acres, displaced thousands of the earliest settlers’ descendants along the Caney Fork River.
The state legislature established DeKalb County from parts of surrounding counties in 1837. The county was named after Revolutionary War general Johann DeKalb, while the county seat of Smithville was named after state senator Samuel Granville Smith; neither man was from the county.
Authors Judy Fuson and Ria Baker are lifelong residents of DeKalb County, and many of their ancestors were early settlers of the county. Baker has been compiling historical photographs and information about her hometown of Alexandria for years, and she currently serves as the town’s mayor. Fuson taught in the county school system for 30 years, was yearbook advisor for 14 years, and is now retired.
The book is available at area bookstores, independent retailers, and online retailers, or through Arcadia Publishing at
Arcadia Publishing is the leading publisher of local and regional history in the United States. The mission is to make history accessible and meaningful through the publication of books on the heritage of America’s people and places. Have we done a book on your town? Visit
F.Z. Webb and Sons Pharmacy of Alexandria will have copies of the book for sale along with a wide selection of Willow Tree figurines, New Case knives and other Case brand items, Fenton Glassware, and more.

Paul T. Cantrell

71 year old Paul T. Cantrell died Monday at Williamson Medical Center, after a long battle with cancer. Cantrell is the son of the late Wallace C. and Mary Morrison Cantrell.
Cantrell is survived by his wife of 17 years Anne Strange Cantrell of Lascassas; daughter Pamela Needham and her husband Fred of Nolensville; son Don Palmer and his wife Jayme of Smyrna; grandchildren Carson and Quinn Needham and Ainsley Palmer; brother David Cantrell and his wife Barbara of Smithville; sisters Ruby Schrock of McMinnville and Donna Day of Spring, Texas; nephews Anthony Cantrell and his wife Lisa, Bryan Schrock and his wife Allison, Levy Schrock and his wife Susan, Jeff Day and his wife Valarie; niece Jean-Marie Gustavsen and her husband Greg; great-nieces and nephews Andrew, Matthew and Laura Cantrell, Preston and Mitchell Gustavsen, Danielle, Megan and Rachael Schrock; and great-great Niece Holly Schrock.
Cantrell graduated from DeKalb County High School in 1959, earned his bachelors degree from MTSU in 1963, and his masters from UT Knoxville in 1965. Cantrell worked at MTSU from 1965 until he retired as Dean of Students at MTSU in 1994.
A celebration of Life will be Saturday at 2:00 PM at Woodfin Funeral Chapel, Murfreesboro. Rev. Nancy Neely Hicks will officiate.
Visitation will be 4:00 until 8:00 PM Friday and 12:00 PM until time of service Saturday at Woodfin Funeral Chapel, Murfreesboro. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to B.R.A.A. Baseball Program through the MTSU Foundation in memory of Mr. Cantrell.

Mary Alice Rush

86 year old Mary Alice Rush of Carthage and formerly of Alexandria died Monday at Smith County Health Care Center. She was born in Lebanon. Rush was also a homemaker. Her father was George Haynes. The funeral will be Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. at the chapel of Anderson Funeral Home in Alexandria. Burial will be in Hillview Cemetery. Visitation will be Wednesday from 10:00 a.m. until the service. Three nephews survive.

County to Purchase Fire Truck

The Smithville Fire Department is not the only one getting a new fire truck.
The county commission Monday night voted to purchase a newer pumper for the DeKalb County Volunteer Fire Department, although it will not be a ladder truck like the city is getting.

The truck, a 2011 new chassis, comes with a one year chassis bumper to bumper warranty, six year pump warranty, and a five year warranty on the body and paint. The price is $184,746.
Two other bids were submitted, one for a 2012 truck at $187,859, and a 2011 chassis (demo) with 4,400 miles that comes with a one year chassis bumper to bumper warranty, two year pump warranty, and a ten year warranty on the body and paint. The price for that truck is $179,925.
While the truck the commission voted to buy is not the cheapest of the three bids submitted, County Fire Chief Donny Green said it better meets the department’s needs and has a better warranty on the pump. “All three met minimum specs and some had optional standards. But the one that most closely matches what we need to meet minimal requirements plus what we would like to have to match our other trucks is the 2011 truck, priced at $184,746,” he said
Green said the lowest priced truck among the three doesn’t have the amount of storage capacity that the other truck does and it does not have the same warranty. Plus, it does not have a top mount pump on it.
The newer fire truck will replace the Midway engine which is a 1979 model. By doing this, Green said “we can take the 1975 model truck out of service at the Austin Bottom station and place the 1979 Midway truck at Austin Bottom. This station (Austin Bottom), he said has a low call volume and the 1979 truck should be adequate to “hold them over for a few more years”.
Meanwhile, hours and fees have been set for the exercise room in the new county complex on South Congress Boulevard.
During Monday night’s county commission meeting, County Mayor Mike Foster reported that the hours are Monday through Saturday from 7:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. Closed from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Re-open from 3:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m.
“The cost is $20.00 per month for an individual or $35.00 a month for a family,” said Foster. ” A family is considered children under 18 years of age that reside in the home. A mother, father, and children under age 18. Annual fees are $350 for a family and $220 for an individual. If someone just wants to come in for a visit, its three dollars,” said Foster.
“We’re going to put a portion of this money aside to replace the equipment so that we don’t wind up with a bunch of equipment that’s worn out. The key is maintaining the equipment in good condition. We would ask anybody that’s coming there to bring a towel and when they get through exercising to wipe the machine down, and there will be disinfectant wipes there to go over the machines to take care of that. We want to keep it clean, functional and available for use,” he said.
Foster stressed that the county is not trying to compete with local business owners offering similar services. “We want the other exercise people to be involved in it, to bring their patrons, families, and participants. They could bring them out there for some special event. We’d like to encourage them to come out there and do some training for us. We can play off of each other, rather than trying to be in competition with them. That’s not what we’re about out there. We don’t want to be in competition with them,” said Foster.
Meanwhile, Foster said efforts are underway to get the game room up and running in the new county complex “Most of the equipment has come in for the game room. I met with the people who are going to be putting in the arcade machines and they said they would have their part complete within two weeks. That was last week. The TV’s and the games, wii and xboxes, are coming in a little bit each day. We’ll be putting them up, trying to have that open within two weeks,” he said.
The election commission, which works out of two small offices on the first floor of the courthouse, will be getting another room there to give them more space. “We have removed all of our stuff from the room next to the election commission and turned it over to them,” said Foster. “They have shown me what they wanted to get painted (in that room). There are some scratches and cuts on the walls. We’ll get those fixed. We want to get that done so that immediately following the city election, which they are involved in now, they will be able to move into that (room), so that (office) has been turned over to them,” said Foster.
The Tennessee Department of Transportation is expected to let bids this summer on a project to install caution lights at the intersection of Highways 70 and 83 near Kilgore’s Restaurant.
County Mayor Foster said this project has been in the planning stages for months. The county had asked the state to fund it, but had heard nothing from it. Local officials thought that the county would have to take on the project, but later learned that the state would fund it after all. “We do have a map from TDOT. They have done the survey work and projections are that this will be bid sometime in the first quarter of the (fiscal) year that ends in June, 2013,” said Foster. “Basically what that means is they should bid this between July and September, 2012. So hopefully, finally we will see some caution lights there. Part of the hold up was we thought the county was going to have to do it, but we applied for the state to do it. They actually accepted it, but they didn’t notify us until we contracted with someone to do the work, then when they (contractors) started asking questions, the state said we are going to do that. We have notified Stansell Electric (contractor) that the state is going to do it we hope sometime between July and September,” said Foster.
In other business, the county commission appointed Jim Hodges as a local member to the DeWhite Utility District. “This is basically a formality,” said Foster. “We talked with the county mayor from White County. They had sent down three names to be approved. The one that was basically agreed upon was Jim Hodges, who is serving on that committee now. We would just want to ratify that,” he said.
A resolution was adopted Monday night by the county commission to re-apply for a Community Development Block Grant through the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development on behalf of the DeKalb Utility District. Funds from the grant would be used to erect a water tank to create more water storage and improve pressure in the northwestern portion of the county, particularly in the Henley Hollow, Dismal areas.
The county initially submitted an application for this project last year, but the grant funding was denied. ” We got turned down for the first go round of that. We had to score 150 points. We scored 149. That grant is going to be re-done and re-submitted. This is a resolution to submit an application to the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development for community block grant funds. This is a 100% grant. There is no match and it is up to one million dollars,” said Foster.
Amanda Maynard, who worked for UCDD at the time the grant application was submitted last year, has left the agency to work for herself. Since she had already done work on this project for the county, the commission Monday night voted transfer administration of this grant application from UCDD to Maynard
“Amanda has done our grants for seven years,” said Foster. Amanda has left UCDD and has gone to work for herself. Since she has done the surveys and door to door contacts with people, helped to do the environmental impact, and all those things, we just feel like it is appropriate and in our best interest for us to transfer that grant to her and let her complete it because she has worked on it, off and on for two years. We’ll still be a member and partner of UCDD, but we would like for her to serve as the administrator of the grant that she has prepared,” said Foster.
Maynard explained that the county came very close to getting approved for the grant last year. “We applied for this grant last year but we missed it just by one point. It is for a water tank in the Henley Hollow area. The DUD buys its water from the City of Smithville, but their water was actually shut off during the floods of 2010. It caused a problem within the (Henley Hollow) community. There wasn’t enough water in their tanks to supply the community. This grant would allow them to build another tank and provide more gallons of water for the communities. It (grant) is up to a million dollars. The project cost is actually $850,000. It (grant application) is going to be submitted June 15,” said Maynard.
County Mayor Foster updated the commission on the results of the DeKalb County Clean-up day held earlier this month. “We had eighty seven volunteers who averaged three hours each. Litter collected, including tires, junk, etc amounted to 7,135 pounds. We cleaned up approximately twenty five miles of roads, some public land, and part of a dump. We’ve had four educational/information projects and distributed 1,700 litter bags and book bags in the school system. We also try to plant flowers around courthouse this time of year. I want to thank the boy scouts, cub scouts, beautification committee, sheriff’s department, volunteers in the Belk community, Shiroki North America, Smithville Lions Club, DeKalb County Fair volunteers, and everyone else who participated. It’s a good thing that we try to do twice a year. We’ll still do our stream cleanups on Pine Creek, Dry Creek, and Smith Fork and we will work with the Corps when they do their lake cleanup in the fall,” he said.

County Commission Takes No Stand on Proposed DUD Water Plant

Should the county commission take a stand, either for or against, a proposal by the DeKalb Utility District to build its own water plant?
Fifth district county commissioner Jerry Adcock raised the issue during Monday night’s county commission meeting. But County Mayor Mike Foster was less than enthusiastic with the idea, telling Adcock that the county commission really has no control over the DUD board of directors.
The following is the exchange between Adcock and Foster.
Adcock: “I know that they (DUD board) have already made up their mind but I think the commission should either say we’re for it or against it. The people should at least know where we stand”
Foster: “We have absolutely no control over them”
Adcock: “I don’t like the idea that five people (DUD board) can make up their mind and apply for federal grants through us (county) and then don’t do what we want”
Foster: “We have absolutely no control over them other than appointing them by the statute”
Adcock: “Can we appoint them who they want us to appoint?”
Foster:”There are some options under that. I don’t particularly like the system. A few years ago, we only had one representative (from DeKalb County on DUD board) and had five thousand meters, and we got it (county’s membership on DUD board) increased to three (by state legislation)”
Adcock: “This to me sounds like when DeKalb Telephone Cooperative, a few years ago wanted to go public. They (DUD) are cramming something down people’s throats that they don’t want. I feel like if these people (DUD board members) were elected by the people who have the (water) taps, they would answer more to the people”
Foster: “I agree with you in theory, but its moot”
Adcock: “Could we ask the state to approve that?”
Foster:”No, we can’t because they are not going to do it. I think (County Attorney) Hilton (Conger) can tell you that the utility districts are very, very strong and they control what goes on in their districts. We have no say so over it”
Adcock: “Kind of like a dictatorship”?
Conger: “They just have a strong lobby in the state legislature”
Foster: “I somewhat agree with you, but its not going to happen”
Adcock: “I just don’t like the idea of this plant getting shoved down everybody’s throat. They’ve already got everything set up. They know where the land is (to build the plant)”
Foster: “This has been going on (in planning stages) for ten years. I know it started in 2002 when I first got here, it was going on. They (DUD) have had public meetings and they have done everything they are supposed to do.”
Adcock: “They don’t listen to the people. Alright, I just got my say in”
Foster: “Okay”
The county commission took no action on the matter.
The DeKalb Utility District serves parts of a four county area, DeKalb, Cannon, Smith, and Wilson.
Members of the DUD board are Roger Turney, Chairman, from Auburntown; Joe Foutch, Jimmy Womack, and Hugh Washer all from DeKalb County, and Danny Bass from Smith County.
Rural Development funds will be used to construct a new Raw Water Intake, Raw Water Transmission Line, Water Treatment Plant and distribution system improvements. The proposed plant will be constructed near Holmes Creek Road and will have a capacity of three million gallons per day. The intake will be on Center Hill Lake, the Transmission Line along Holmes Creek Road and distribution lines will be along Allen’s Chapel, Game Ridge, Turner, South Tittsworth, and Big Rock Roads, and Wheeler Lane.
The DUD will receive a $5,000,000 loan and a grant of $1,250,000 to fund construction of the water plant. The terms of the loan are forty years at 2.75% interest. The remaining $4,250,000 needed to build the $10.5 million facility will be funded through a bond issue.
The DUD board will meet in special session on Thursday, May 24 at 3:00 p.m. at the district offices located at 191 Tiger Drive, Smithville. The board expects to consider a resolution for the authorization and issuance of not to exceed $9-million 250-thousand dollars in aggregate principal amount of waterworks revenue refunding and improvement bonds, and will consider any other matters that may properly come before the board.

Burns Accused of Passing Counterfeit Money in Cookeville

A 41 year old Smithville woman is in trouble with the law in Putnam County for allegedly passing fake money at Rodeo Bob’s Bar in Cookeville Saturday night.
Tisha Elaine Burns of Evins Mill Road has been charged with criminal simulation.
The Herald-Citizen reports that Cookeville Police learned of the counterfeit money transaction at the bar while responding to a separate case involving a disturbance there.
The bar’s security officer told police that the woman, Burns, had allegedly bought $140 worth of alcoholic beverages, paying with seven $20 bills. The clerk later realized the bills were counterfeit.
According to the Herald-Citizen, Burns told the officer that she was unaware that the bills were counterfeit and said she had cashed her check at a Smithville bank and had later spent money at the Walmart store in Cookeville, receiving money back from transactions there and at another Cookeville store.
Burns had been in the bar with her boyfriend, but as police began to investigate the counterfeit money, her boyfriend left the scene.
After further investigation, which included making contact with the accused woman’s son who paid the business his mother’s bill, police decided to arrest Burns.
Burns was taken to the Putnam County jail, where her bond was set at $5,000. She later posted bond and was released. She will be in court there on June 11.