Glynn Roy Love

81 year old Glynn Roy Love of Smithville died Monday night at St. Thomas Hospital West in Nashville. He was a retired cabinet maker and a member of the Indian Mound The Baptist Church. The funeral will be Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. at DeKalb Funeral Chapel. Johnny Adcock and Frank Randolph will officiate and burial will be in Whorton Springs Cemetery. Visitation will be Tuesday from 4:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. and Wednesday from 8:00 a.m. until the time of the service at 10:00 a.m. He was preceded in death by his parents, Fred and Connie Bain Love. He is survived by his wife of 61 years, Janie Raymond Love of Smithville along with several cousins and friends. DeKalb Funeral Chapel is in charge of the arrangements. The family requests that NO food or LIVE flowers be brought or sent to the funeral home.

(UPDATED) Bounds’ Parole Remains In Question

The freedom of 66 year old Gerald Wayne (J.B.) Bounds of McMinnville, who has been behind bars for 32 years in a 1981 DeKalb County murder, remains in question.
Two members of the Tennessee Board of Parole took opposite views Wednesday morning with one, Tim Gobble voting to deny parole for another year and the other, Patsy Bruce voting to parole him. As a result, more board members will have to vote in the coming weeks and whichever decision reaches 4 votes first will be the final verdict. Bruce and Gobble were the only parole board members present at the prison for Bounds’ hearing Wednesday.
Bounds is serving a life sentence for fatally shooting 27 year old Sherman Wright of DeKalb County.
Wednesday’s hearing was held at the Southeast Regional Correctional Facility in Pikeville where Bounds is incarcerated. WJLE was the only media present covering the hearing.
Bounds was convicted of first degree murder in the killing of Wright, who was shot once in the head just outside the Odyssey Arcade on West Broad Street, across from the Dairy Queen. The incident occurred on the afternoon of February 2nd, 1981, allegedly over a gambling debt. The game room no longer exists. The building now serves as the location for the Discount Tobacco Outlet.
Bounds was tried by a DeKalb County Circuit Court Jury in October 1981 and he has been in prison since. He has been up for parole four times, in September 2002, August 2005, October 2010, and October 2011. This was his fifth parole hearing.
“It was a dispute over money,” Bounds told the parole board members Wednesday. ” It became confrontational and I shot him. I didn’t intend to but I did. I’m responsible no matter what the circumstances are. I am the one who did it,” he said.
Parole board members Bruce and Gobble heard Wednesday from Bounds’ daughter, Jessica Greer; a niece, Lisa Childress; and a life long friend Bobby Rigsby. Katherine Pack, a cousin of the victim spoke on behalf of the Sherman Wright family.
“I do not know my father as well as I want to,” said Bounds’ daughter Jessica Greer. ” My children are missing out on him being their grandfather. I understand the other family has lost a lot. But so have we. I didn’t have a father growing up. I’m just afraid that if he don’t get out something may happen to him and I may never have that relationship with him. Keeping him here is not bringing Mr. Wright back. Sometimes we have to learn to forgive. Because when we stand before the Lord we have to have forgiveness in our hearts. I wasn’t with my father for a very long time because he wasn’t there for me. But I’ve learned to forgive. I’ve learned to accept him in my life. I love my father. He has been great in my life so far. I would love to be able to walk with him in the yard with my kids or when my son graduates high school, he would be able to watch him cross the stage. I really do think he has served his time,” said Greer.
“I feel like he has paid his debt to society,” said Bounds’ niece, Lisa Childress. “The man that I’ve grown to know, I don’t feel like he would have done anything like that on purpose. I feel like he should be given a chance to live outside of these walls. He (Bounds) has two grandchildren now and he is not getting to participate in raising them. They don’t have a male figure in their lives. He would be an awesome role model for them I feel like,” said Childress.
“I’ve known J.B all my life,” said Ronnie Rigsby, a friend of Bounds. “We grew up together. We played ball together. I’ve been here just about every time (parole hearings). There is no way on earth they will ever make me believe that this guy did that (shooting) on purpose. He has always been a good friend. I just think that he has paid his dues. I think he should be given consideration at this time,” said Rigsby.
Katherine Pack, a first cousin of the victim, spoke on behalf of the Wright family in opposition to Bounds’ release. “Today I’m speaking for Sherman’s mother, Mrs. Louise Wright and the rest of the Wright family,” said Pack. It’s kinda hard, especially for my aunt Louise to say the things she would like to say and I can’t even express it because I know what an impact it’s had on her life. But I can’t even go there in my mind to losing a child. We understand that Mr. Bounds has been here for a long time. But we also understand that there are consequences to all our actions and that our actions sometimes don’t just affect us. It affects everyone we love. All the people around us. He (Sherman Wright) was just 27 years old when his life was taken. He never knew some of his nieces and nephews. He didn’t have children but he was a fun loving guy. He loved to fish. Loved to hunt. Loved to play sports That was cut short at a very early age. We, as a family are in opposition to Mr. Bounds’ being released,” said Pack.
Bounds admitted to shooting Wright but he insisted that it was unintentional. In fact, Bounds said he did not expect to see Wright that day, but ran into him while at the game room where he had stopped to see someone else.
Bounds said when he saw Wright he asked to speak with him and they got into an argument. “He owed me some money. We had several discussions about it over a period of time. I had seen him on Friday night. He had come to my place of business and told me that he was working on some things and that he would have some money in a day or two. On Monday, the day it happened, I was going to DeKalb County and I saw a friend of mine’s vehicle at this business (Odyssey Arcade). I didn’t know what kind of business it was. I pulled in behind this vehicle and stopped. I walked in. It just so happened it was a game room. Mr. Wright was there. He was playing a game. I asked to speak to him. He said just a second. I said okay. I was talking to my friend there. I was just going to talk to him there (inside the building) but he started out the door. As we were going out the door there was a girl there that he knew (Mary Mabe). She said something to him and he stopped. I just went on outside the door and I waited for him. He came out and we started talking about this. I guess we lost our tempers or whatever and I took a swing at him. When I did he stepped back. I missed and he put his hands in his pockets. I knew he had carried a gun. I had a gun so I pulled my gun and he pulled his hands out (of his pocket). Of course, I was mad so I was going to hit him with my pistol and when I did he grabbed it. Whether he hit my hand or I pulled the trigger or whatever, anyway it discharged and it shot him and killed him,” said Bounds.
After leaving the scene, Bounds drove back to McMinnville, contacted his attorney and turned himself in at the Warren County Jail.
“Mr. Bounds, my vote today is to parole you,” said Board member Bruce. ” I will ask that you be tested for substance abuse and that you be referred to a social worker for transitional needs or for any referrals or treatment needed (as part of his parole conditions).
Board member Gobble took a different view. “Mr. Bounds, I’ve got some mixed feelings on this. I think you’ve got a good institutional record and I commend you on that. You have served a long time. I do agree with a previous board member (at the last parole hearing two years ago) who said at some point you probably will be paroled but I’m not prepared to do that today. I think you are probably a relatively low risk to re-offend due to your age but this was a very serious offense. A man lost his life at a very young age. That whole life before him was taken senselessly and needlessly because of your actions. I’m not prepared to vote to release you today. I am going to decline you and rehear your case in a year in October, 2014 and to consider it possibly then,” said Gobble.
Bounds’ file will now go to the other members of the Tennessee Board of Parole. They will review the case and cast their votes. The voting continues until there are four concurring votes (either to parole or to deny parole), which is what the law requires for a decision on this offense.
The factors board members consider in making parole decisions include the seriousness of the offense, the amount of time served, support and/or opposition to the parole, victim impact, any disciplinary issues the offender might have had while incarcerated, any programs the offender might have completed while incarcerated, etc.
It generally takes 2-4 weeks to get a final decision

Phillip Hale

78 year old Phillip Hale of the Pea Ridge Community died Sunday night at his residence. He was a retired construction worker and farmer and he attended the Mt. Moriah The Baptist Church. A graveside service and burial will be Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. at the Hale Cemetery in the Pea Ridge Community. Leonard Herman will officiate. Visitation will be Tuesday from 11:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. and Wednesday from 10:00 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. at which time Mr. Hale’s remains will be taken to the cemetery. Hale was preceded in death by his parents, Willie Edgar and Clara Lee Sissom Hale; his wife of 56 years, Betty Sue Keith Hale; and brothers, Roy, Carl, and Robert Cook. Survivors include his children, Patricia Beth Strode, Amy Linda Mathis, Phillip Mark and wife Mary Elizabeth Hale and Tracy Lee and husband Randel Knowles. Eight grandchildren, Sarah Thomas, Jarrad and wife Jamie Mathis, Jessica and husband Andy Pack, Megan Anne Strode, Sabrina and husband Jordan Melton, Mary Beth Strode, Lucas Knowles, and Clara Knowles. Five great grandchildren, Samantha Mathis, Ella Pack, Willie Mathis, Ava Pack, and Miles Strode. Several nieces and nephews also survive. DeKalb Funeral Chapel is in charge of the arrangements.

County to apply for Grants to help Develop Solid Waste Transfer/Recycling Operation

The DeKalb County Commission has taken another step toward developing a solid waste transfer station and recycling center.
During its regular monthly meeting Tuesday night, the commission adopted resolutions authorizing the filing of applications to the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation for a Hub and Spoke Recycling Grant in an amount up to $300,000; a Recycling Equipment Grant up to $25,000 for an automatic baler; and two Used Oil Grants worth up to $16,300 each. Amanda Mainord of Grassroots Planning & Consulting will be the grant administrator for the project.
In order to beat the Monday, October 21 grant filing deadline, the county commission moved its regular meeting date up from Monday, October 28 to Tuesday night, October 15 to take this action.
According to County Mayor Mike Foster, the cost to the county of developing a solid waste transfer station and recycling center, closing the existing Class I landfill, and starting a new Class III/IV landfill cell for non-household garbage, is estimated to be about $2.4 million. These grants, if approved, would help absorb some of the costs. “We’re filing a grant for $300,000 toward the cost of a transfer recycling center. Our costs would be about $700,000. We’re filing a grant for $25,000 toward the cost of a baler for the recycling/transfer station. Our costs comes to around $85,000. We’re also filing grants for two sites for $16,300 each for waste oil. We feel those two grants will be fully funded,” said Foster.
Although the county has enough money to cover the anticipated costs of the entire project, Foster said the county’s financial advisor Steve Bates has recommended another funding option in case of cost overruns. “Funds for the county’s part are there (in the solid waste budget),” said Foster. “We have saved it up over the last ten years in the solid waste fund. But in case the costs run more than we’re thinking they will or in case we don’t want to spend down all of our cash we could either do a bond or note up to $1.5 million. I don’t think that will happen. I think our estimates are high, according to our engineer. So I think we’re okay. But in order to apply for the grant, we need to be certain everything is right,” he continued.
Foster said while developing a transfer station is costly, it is not as expensive as building another new Class I landfill. “We have two options. We can either build another Class I cell at a cost of about $4.5 million which would last five years. Or we could build the transfer station for about $900,000 to last from now on,” he said.
While county officials would like to build the transfer station/recycling center behind Tenneco in the Smithville Industrial Park on Highway 70 east, the city’s industrial development board has not yet given its approval. If the industrial board does not approve, the county would most likely find another location and build the transfer station/recycling center anyway.
The proposed transfer station/recycling center would be similar to Cumberland Waste Disposal in Crossville. But unlike Cumberland, where the transfer station is at one location and the recycling center is at another, the DeKalb County transfer/recycling operation would be at the same location. WJLE accompanied Foster to Crossville Tuesday to see the Cumberland Waste Disposal and Recycling operation first hand. (PHOTOS OF THE CUMBERLAND COUNTY OPERATION ARE SHOWN HERE)
“Ours would be combined at one site,” said Foster. “We would put cans at each one of the (major convenience) sites. People could bring cardboard, plastic, and paper and separate them (at the convenience sites). We would then bring the recyclables to the recycling center to be baled. Our transfer station would be almost identical to the one in Crossville. It’s about a 50′ x 80′ building which is open on one side. The garbage is brought in by trucks and dumped. It is then immediately loaded on a semi truck with a backhoe. It doesn’t take five minutes to do it. The semi truck is prepared with a net pulled over it to keep things from blowing out and then its hauled to a site in another county,” said Foster.
The Cumberland transfer station is located downtown Crossville within sight of the Cumberland County Courthouse. Homes, churches, and businesses are also close by.
With a baler, Foster said DeKalb County could recycle cardboard, plastics, paper, and aluminum cans. Other scrap metals might also be accepted for recycling. The county already accepts used oil at some of the convenience sites and is preparing to take used anti-freeze. Over time, Foster said an active recycling program could be profitable for DeKalb County. “Cumberland County has brought in approximately $500,000 in revenue from recyclables. That’s a major amount of money. DeKalb County is much smaller but we might could bring in a third of that. We might be looking at $150,000 to $200,000,” said Foster.
If the application for the Hub and Spoke Recycling Grant is approved, the county would serve as a Recycling Hub for other cities and counties in the area who want to bring in their recyclables . “Cannon County is doing a sponsor letter. DeKalb County is. Smithville is. We hope Liberty, Dowelltown, and Alexandria will. It (local recycling center) would be a Hub for this area. It could also be a Hub for parts of White County. They could bring in their recyclables here. I know Cannon County officials have said they would especially like to have help with plastics. They could bring their plastics here and we would bale it for them and we would get the money out of it. But anybody from other counties could bring in recyclables. Not garbage. Just recyclables. We would bale them and get paid for them” said Foster.
If DeKalb County develops a transfer station/recycling center, it will have to contract with another county to accept the local household garbage.
The county may know from TDEC by December whether its grant applications will be funded.

Smithville to Apply for Another Airport Grant

The City of Smithville is applying for another airport grant. If approved, this grant would help fund clearing the runway approaches of obstructions.
This basically amounts to cutting trees on private property to keep the glide paths clear according to Federal Aviation Administration regulations.
Airport Manager Wesley Nokes said the city’s cost to match the grant is $2,500. “It’s been several years since the approaches at the airport have been cleared from obstructions. You are required by the FAA to maintain your approaches. An approach is an imaginary trapazoid that extends off each end of the runway. It’s basically like a square ice cream cone and the farther you go out the higher up it gets. It starts at the ground on the runway. Right off the end of the runway, you have to keep that pretty well free and clear of trees and other obstacles. We have some trees that have grown up and according to the FAA survey these trees are penetrating our approaches now. We’re going to have to remove them. TDOT has advised us to apply for a grant for $50,000 to clear all these obstacles. It will be a 95/5% matching grant. A five percent cost to the city, which is $2,500. We may not use all of it or we may end up going over that. It’s hard to tell until you get in on it and start doing it. I would like permission from the board to go ahead and apply for this so we can get started. It’s very important. The FAA can shut down our approaches. They actually have shut down our night time GPS approaches at the airport. No one was aware of that until about a week ago. This is something we need to get taken care of pretty quickly. You can land at night in VFR which is good weather. When the weather is marginal, that’s when your GPS approaches are not valid,” said Nokes.
The aldermen last week voted to authorize the filing of the grant application.
Meanwhile, the recent runway overlay resurfacing project at the airport has been completed. Runway lights, which have reportedly not been working of late, are being repaired.

City Seeks Grant to Help Make Sewer Plant Renovations

The City of Smithville is looking to renovate the headworks and replace the aeration system at the waste water treatment plant.
Grants will be sought to help cover the costs.
Greg Davenport of the J.R. Wauford company, the city’s consulting engineer addressed the mayor and aldermen on the proposed project last week. “The existing wastewater treatment plant was designed in 1991 and it went into operation in 1992. It has functioned very well. The operation of that plant is top notch. The operators have done a fantastic job of preserving your infrastructure. Even so there are things that wear out with time and equipment is one of those things. After about twenty years at a wastewater treatment facility, it just gets to a point where it’s time to renew it. There are really two components to the plant. The first component is the headworks which is the primary treatment. That’s the screening and grit removal. Obviously the most aggressive environment is at the front end of the wastewater treatment plant. The second component is the aeration and controls. The aeration system itself is not in a failing mode but there are more energy efficient systems out there nowadays that we feel like you ought to take a look at. This would be a more pro active project. You could let things go if you so choose but it would probably escalate the cost of remediation. What we’re proposing is a project that would renovate the headworks, which is the primary treatment device and then install a more efficient aeration system. My preliminary calculations on the aeration system show that it could save about $30,000 to $35,000 a year in electricity by switching over. That is certainly something you should take a look at. We’re proposing that most of the project be paid for with grant funds so the project timeline will be extended. The plant is twenty one years old. It’s time to take an assessment of it and see what needs to be done. If you’re fortunate enough to get the grant funds it would save the city quite a bit of money,” said Davenport.
Barbara Pearman of the MP3 Community Development Services in Kingston will be assisting the city in searching for available grants. “I have been in this business about twenty five years. I have worked with just about every funding agency there is out there. I’ve done state grants, federal grants, industrial grants, water and sewer grants, recreation grants. I am really very experienced and knowledgeable of the grant programs that are available and out there,” she said.
Pearman said the city might be eligible for an Appalachian Regional Commission Grant, a Community Development Grant, USDA Rural Development Grants or Loans, or an Economic Development Administration Grant. The city would have to fund the local match of any grant approved.

Sheriff Warns of Scams

Sheriff Patrick Ray says if you receive any phone calls, text messages, or emails indicating you have won a prize and need to send money … don’t do it!
A few persons in DeKalb County have already fallen victim to the scams. “We’ve had reports here of some people losing a few hundred dollars. Others here have lost thousands of dollars. We’re asking everyone to beware of it,” said Sheriff Ray.
According to Sheriff Ray, the scammer will call and tell the victims that they have won the lottery or the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes. “The scammer tells them the only thing they have to do to receive their winnings is to pay taxes on it. The scammer tells how much the taxes are and then asks the victims to go to Walmart or some other place to purchase a green dot money pack card, to put the amount of the taxes owed on that card, return home, telephone the scammer and to give him the number on the back of that card. But by doing so, Sheriff Ray said the scammer is able to go on line and access cash from the victims’ card. The scammer tells the victims that he will process their order to get them their winnings but after a few hours or days, the scammer usually calls again to tell the victims that the order can’t be processed because more money is owed the IRS for taxes. The scammer instructs the victims to go back to Walmart and get another green dot money pack card, put on the card the amount still owned, and then call the scammer again to give him the number off the card. Sheriff Ray said the scammer will continue calling the victims to repeat this process until the victims no longer send money. After the money stops coming, the scammer will then become rude, profane, and threatening to the victims over the phone. The scammer often threatens to obtain warrants against the victims for not paying the taxes. Sheriff Ray said the threats are meant to make the victims feel obligated to put more money on the card.

Two Charged in Home Burglary on Oak Drive

Two people are accused of breaking into and stealing items from a residence on Oak Drive last week.
37 year old Lynda Michelle Neville of Smith Road, Smithville and Don Diamond Groshon of Cookeville Highway, Smithville are each charged with aggravated burglary and theft of property over $1,000. Bond for each is $10,000 and they will be in court November 7. Sheriff Patrick Ray said that on Friday, October 11 Neville and Groshon allegedly entered a residence on Oak Drive by removing a window and took two push mowers, a full DVD case, a knife, cell phone, a VCR, DVD player, xbox and games, several power tools, and other items all valued at over $1,000. According to Sheriff Ray, Neville and Groshon admitted to committing the crimes.
47 year old Earl Dyer, Jr. of Snow Hill Road, Dowelltown is charged with domestic assault. His bond is $2,500. Sheriff Ray said that on Monday, October 7 Dyer allegedly assaulted his 17 year old nephew by extending a service baton, pointing it at him, and then pushing him with the baton. Dyer told the officer that he was only trying to scare his nephew with the baton. Dyer was arrested and brought to the jail for booking.
60 year old Virginia Diane Presnell of Morgan Drive, Smithville is charged with filing a false report. Her bond is $1,500 and she will be in court on November 7. Sheriff Ray said that on Tuesday, October 8 a deputy went to her residence to serve a warrant on Robert Nichols, Jr. The officer asked Presnell if Nichols was there. She replied “no” several times. Presnell gave the officer consent to search and Nichols was found inside the residence. Presnell was arrested and brought to the jail for booking.
38 year old Catherine Claudette Lasser of Fairlane Circle, Smithville is charged with unlawful possession of a weapon. Her bond is $1,000 and she will be in court October 31. Sheriff Ray said that on Saturday, October 12 central dispatch received a call concerning a woman with a loaded handgun on Briarwood Court. An officer responded and spotted Lasser with her purse. She was coming out of a residence. Lasser got into a vehicle and started the engine. Lasser’s husband drove up behind the deputy. He asked the officer whether he had taken the gun from Lasser. The deputy checked her vehicle and retrieved a loaded 40 caliber weapon he found laying on the passenger side floorboard. Lasser was arrested and brought to the jail for booking.
49 year old Floyd Caulder of Cookeville Highway, Smithville is charged with violation of an order of protection. His bond is $2,500 and he will be in court on Thursday, October 17. Sheriff Ray said Judge Bratten Cook, II signed an order of protection against Caulder on Thursday, October 10 and that the next day, Friday October 11, Caulder allegedly violated the order by sending his ex-girlfriend several threatening text messages, calling her names. She is currently at a safe house.

Outdoor Burning Permit Season Begins October 15

It’s again fire season in Tennessee, and the Division of Forestry is reminding everyone in DeKalb County that if they intend to do any outdoor burning they are required by state law to obtain a burning permit. The free permits are required October 15th through May 15th and can be obtained by telephone or on line. A poorly prepared or unattended burning debris pile can, under the conditions common in autumn, escape control and become a destructive wildfire. The Tennessee Division of Forestry asks everyone to be cautious when doing any outdoor burning.
Before doing any outdoor burning:
•First call the Division of Forestry for a burning permit at 597-4015 between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM Monday through Friday (call on Friday for the weekend) or obtain a permit on line at If weather conditions permit you will be issued a burning permit. If the permit is obtained by phone they will also advise you of any weather conditions such as predicted wind, low humidity or other factors which might call for extra precaution.
•Establish wide control lines down to bare mineral soil around brush piles or other piled debris to be burned. The larger the debris pile, the wider the control line needs to be to ensure that burning materials won’t be blown or roll off the pile into vegetation outside the line.
•Keep water, tools, and plenty of help ready in case your fire should attempt to spread.
•Stay with all outdoor fires until they are completely out.
•Be aware of where your smoke is going. Avoid burning when your smoke will be bothersome to neighbors or when near sensitive locations such as highways.
Remember, you as a homeowner have control over the most basic things that will make your house safer from wildfires and allow the local Fire Dept. and the Division of Forestry to protect your home. This includes:
•Clear away flammable brush and other materials at least 30 feet from your house.
•Don’t pile firewood or other flammable materials near your house or on your porch or deck.
•Keep your yard, roof, and gutters free of leaves, pine needles and other debris.
•Keep leaves, pine needles and other debris off of or from under decks.
The only materials for which a permit can be issued are brush, leaves, grass, or plant materials that are grown on the property or untreated and unpainted lumber. Anything else such as automobile tires, roofing shingles, household garbage, feed sacks or anything not grown on the property cannot be legally burned. Failure to obtain a permit or the burning of illegal materials could result in a citation to court and a fine. For more information on this or any other forestry related matter, call the Division of Forestry at the above phone number or visit the Division of Forestry’s wildfire safety web-site at And remember, ONLY YOU CAN PREVENT WILDFIRES!!

State Lawmakers Recognize 50th Anniversary of DCHS Band Program

The Tennessee General Assembly has recognized the DeKalb County High School Fighting Tiger Marching Band on its 50th anniversary.
During half time of the DeKalb County high school football game with York Institute Friday night, State Representative Terri Lynn Weaver read the following proclamation:
“Whereas, the art of creating music has long been an important part of humanity, serving as a voice for those traits that make us truly human, preserving our history and forging bridges between diverse cultures; and
Whereas, the members of the General Assembly are proud to recognize the DeKalb County High School Marching Band on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of that August and
Whereas, with the consolidation of the county’s high schools in 1963 the formation of the DeKalb County High School Fighting Tiger Marching Band, under the directorship of Don Behm, came about, and from 1964 through 1968, Mike Williams stood as the band director; and
Whereas, in 1969 the gentleman who would come to be known as the Grandfather of the DeKalb County High School Marching Band, Fowler Stanton, began an eight-year stint as director, during which time the Fighting Tiger Marching Band excelled and was a force of over 100 students; and
Whereas, from 1977 until 2007, a plethora of others served as director of this distinguished group of student musicians; however, Mr. Stanton was never far away from the practice of performance fields. Faithfully, he encouraged every student who pursued their musical talents in band and steadfastly, he supported every director who led the band over the last one-half of a century;
Whereas, from 1980 until 1997, with the exception of a one- year hiatus, Randy L. Rhody, a former student of Mr. Stanton was director of bands, and he ushered in a new era of music and growth for DeKalb County High School. His leadership would take this program to new levels and create a wealth of talent that would garner regional and national recognition for the program, and he kept it on a continuous track of distinction and high acclaim for which it is still known today; and
“Whereas, in 1997, Shannon Pirtle became band director and for seven years, he, too marshaled continuous improvement in the excellent band program of DeKalb County Schools, and
Whereas, ensuing yearly changes of directors, however, deterred stability and disrupted the continuity necessary to foster and affirm musical excellence among individual students and the body collectively and produce the stellar field performances to which the schools and the community were accustomed; and
Whereas, now under the directorship of Jonathan Wright, who assumed that position in 2008, the DeKalb County Schools band program has thrived and regained its high status as a powerhouse of talent, fostering the musical talents and performance interests of middle school students now as has been done with high schoolers across the past five decades; and
Whereas, over the past 50 years, the DeKalb County Schools’ band program and music instruction has enriched the lives of students and yielded countless awards in scholastic competitions; and
Whereas, as in the past, today’s band members enjoy the unfettered support of staff, band boosters and alumni; and the businesses and people of the community as a whole, and it is fitting and timely that this legislative body recognize the DeKalb County Fighting Tiger Marching Band on their 50th anniversary; now, therefore.
I, Beth Harwell, Speaker of the House of Representatives of the One Hundred Eighth General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, at the request of and in conjunction with Representatives Terri Lynn Weaver and Mark Pody and Senator Mae Beavers, do hereby proclaim that we congratulate the director and members of the DeKalb County High School Fighting Tiger Marching Band on the occasion of their 50th anniversary and extend to them our best wishes for success in every future endeavor.
Proclaimed in Nashville, Tennessee on this the 10th day of October, 2013.”