The DeKalb West School building project is more expensive than the architect originally anticipated.
During Thursday night’s meeting, Jason Morris of Kaatz, Binkley, Jones & Morris Architects, Inc. of Mount Juliet, informed the school board that the total costs come to more than $4.8 million dollars. The county commission, last summer approved a $3.4 million note to cover this project and other school roofing work. “The project bid came in over budget,” said Morris. “We did the bid with a base bid and a couple of alternates. The alternates that we chose to put on there, one was to re-roof the existing building and the other was to add onto the kitchen-cafeteria and dining room,” he said.
J. Cumby Construction of Cookeville had the overall lowest bid of the three bids submitted at $3,534,000. The base bid is $2,179,000 to construct the new addition and $75,341 to purchase the roofing materials; $509,000 (alternate 1) to re-roof the existing building and $192,872 to purchase the roofing materials; and $846,000 (alternate 2) for the kitchen/cafeteria renovation and $12,866 to buy the roofing materials. The project also includes a cost of $986,924 for energy efficient renovations of school buildings by Johnson Controls.
“The reason we put alternates on is because they allow us to sort of pick and choose what we’re going to do without being locked in,” said Morris. “If we were to have put everything in the base bid, it would be a lot harder to go in and pick and choose and pull things off of the total cost. By having alternates you can say we’ll do this one (project) because the price is okay or we won’t do this one (project) because we won’t have the money to do that,” he said.
In an effort to cut the overall total cost of the project, the architects are proposing more than one million dollars in spending reductions , including the re-roofing project of the existing building. That alone would be a total savings of almost $702,000. ” What we did was look at the alternates and we also looked at items that were in the job that we thought maybe we could pull out and help reduce the cost a little bit. What we’re proposing to do at this point is to take the base bid from Cumby Construction with the kitchen cafeteria and not take the re-roof of the existing building. Pull that out of the project and then bid it separately at a different time. It could be in a month, it could be six months whenever the cash flow scenario works out to where you have the money to do that and then we can come back and re-bid it. In taking the base bid and alternate 2, the only thing you are not getting is the re-roof. You’re still getting all the square footage of the plans. You’re still getting the new kitchen. What you have seen on the plans will still be there. It’s just that the new roof won’t be there. You’re still getting all the classrooms, science labs, FEMA corridor, generator, FEMA roof, windows, and new finished and ceiling tile in the kitchen,” he said.
School officials said the problem is the roof on the existing building is already more than twenty years old and needs to be replaced soon.
“If we pulled out the roofing project from this bid and bid the roofing project separate, do you think that would come in at less money?”, asked Board Chairman Johnny Lattimore.
“It could. You’re probably going to have more people go after it because it’s just a re-roofing so it probably would be more competitive,” replied Morris.
“The more we drag our feet on construction, it’s going to affect school,” said Board member Charles Robinson. ” If we went ahead and did the new construction, then we could do the roofing (existing building) later and it’s not going to affect what’s going on in the classroom. There will be more competition and the possibility of getting it done cheaper. You’ll have roofers doing (bidding on) roofing,” he said.
Board members decided to delay action until more study can be made of the options available to them. ” I would like to sit down with Mr. Morris and anyone else who wants to and look at this a little bit more,” said Director Mark Willoughby. ” I really don’t want to have to re-bid this (overall project) because I’m afraid if we re-bid this, it might be higher. But I do want to get a better understanding,” he said.
“We’re going to have another special called meeting of the budget,” said Chairman Lattimore. ” We’ve been asked by the county commission to make some other reductions (in the proposed budget). We need to do that ASAP. We can come back to this matter then. In the meantime, that would give Mr. Willoughby time to go speak to the county executive and county commission to let them know what is going on. We can accept this bid tonight as is without the roof but because that is who we’re getting the money from (county commission), I think they need to be informed of what is going on. They can get with Mr. (Steve) Bates (county financial consultant) and see what the additional money (needed for a roof) would do to the debt service and how that is going to affect it. We can then come back and make a decision on this when we make a decision on the budget. We’ll table it until the special called meeting, hopefully within a week or so,” said Chairman Lattimore
“Whatever we do if we award the bid, I want a small exception clause to make sure our auditors approve us doing this,” said Director Willoughby.
The DeKalb County School System last year received approval from TEMA and FEMA for grant funds of more than $1.5 million to build eight tornado safe rooms at DeKalb West School. The spending plan calls for $600,000 in local funding to meet a 12.5% FEMA grant match for building the rooms. The proposed addition will be constructed in the front of the school, including the eight classrooms, restrooms, a new secure entrance, an office, clinic, conference room, and guidance and teacher work area. The county is paying for additions not covered by the grant.
The county commission, last July approved funding for the DeKalb West School project in the form of the note to cover the local grant match for the safe rooms along with an $850,000 cafeteria and kitchen renovation at DeKalb West School as well as roofing projects at DeKalb Middle School, DeKalb West School, and Smithville Elementary School.
Tag Archives: 2013
Early Morning Structure Fire Causes Extensive Damage
A Friday morning fire caused extensive damage to a residence at 944 South Mountain Street near the DeKalb EMS headquarters.
911 received the call at 4:42 a.m.
Smithville Fire Chief Charlie Parker said the blaze apparently started in the kitchen and spread to the living and dining room. City firefighters were able the save the rest of the structure.
Chief Parker said the cause has not been determined.
No one was home at the time of the fire and no one was injured.
City Election Set for Tuesday, 426 Vote Early
Four hundred twenty six people cast ballots during the two weeks of early voting for the Smithville Municipal Election.
Seventy people voted Thursday which was the last day of early voting. That was the largest single day turnout of the early voting period which ran from May 29-June 13.
Two years ago a total of 538 people voted in the Smithville Municipal Election. 350 people voted early or by absentee ballot, while 188 people voted on Election Day.
Daily totals for this year’s early voting were as follows beginning, Wednesday May 29:
Wednesday- 23
Friday- 19
Wednesday- 29
Three aldermen are to be elected.
Election day is Tuesday June 18. Voting will be from 8:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. on the first floor of the courthouse.
Candidates for aldermen are incumbents Gayla Hendrix, Shawn Jacobs, and Danny Washer and challengers Aaron Meeks, Josh Miller, and Anthony Scott.
Willoughby Signs Contracts with Professional Personnel for Next School Year
Director of Schools Mark Willoughby has signed contracts with the Professional Personnel for the 2013-2014 school year.
Willoughby presented a list of the employees to the Board of Education Thursday night.
Certified personnel at each school are as follows:
DeKalb County High School-
Brittany Allen, Angie Anderson, Charlotte Blaylock, Danny Bond, Amanda Brown, Kathy Bryant, Kevin Burchfield, Kelley Burgess, Amee Cantrell, Jeanine Cantrell, Todd Cantrell, Gary Caplinger, Mary Anne Carpenter, Joe Pat Cope, Patrick Cripps, Jared Daniels, Deborah DePriest, Andrew Dixon, Donna Emmons, Marshall Ferrell, Tina Fletcher, Amanda Fuller, David Gash, Nicole Green, Josh Gulley, Sara Halliburton, Marie Hill, Susan Hinton, Sonja House, John Isabell, William Jennings, Natasha Judkins, Dylan Kleparek, Brad Leach, Lynus Martin, Lori Myrick, Rolando Navarro, Jenny Norris, Scott Odom, Nallely Ortega-Prater, Shelly Painter, Walteen Parker, Linda Parris, John Pryor, Mary Anne Puckett, Joey Reeder, Leslie Rice, Marilyn Roberts, Melissa Ruch, Daniel Seber, Michael Shaw, Steve Trapp, Chris Vance, Dianne Werth, Michael Whitefield, Shea Wiegele, Jonathon Wright, and Sara Young.
Northside Elementary School-
January Agee, Marla Beshearse, Kelly Birmingham, Mollie Bratten, Linda Bush, Regina Campbell, Trent Colwell, Michael Crockett, Alisha Day, Ashley Dean, Jerry Foster, Carrie Gottlied, Amy Green, Amanda Griffith, Jennifer Griffith, Melissa Hale, Cynthia Hale, Jessica Hale, Patty Hale, Jennifer Herndon, Lisa Hull, Karen Jacobs, Shelly Jennings, Kristy Lasser, Lisa Mabe, Jama Martin, Amanda Mathis, Libby McCormick, Elizabeth Nolt, Josh Odom, Megan Pack, Beth Pafford, Amy Raymond, Dr. Gayle Redmon, Ashley Reeves, Bethany Rigsby, Melissa Roysdon, Tammy Sims, Julie Styer, Dr. Bill Tanner, Carol Tripp, Kristen Van Vranken, Betsye Walker, Ginger Wenger, and Sandy Willingham.
DeKalb West School-
Doris Cantrell, Jenny Cantrell, Jeanna Caplinger, William Conger, Kim Crook, Martha Damron, Tonya Ellis, Janet England, Holly Espinosa, Sabrina Farler, Katie Goolsby, Lesa Hayes, Ricky Hendrix, Cathleen Humphrey, Kristen Kell, Regina Kent, Shelia McMillen, Melanie Molander, Diana Moon, Amanda Mullinax, Danny Parkerson, Tammy Payne, Debra Poteete, Cynthia Preston, Lori Pryor, Cynthia Pulley, Audrey Russell, Shelia Vanatta, Jane Watson, Susan West, Vicki Wilson, and Amy Young.
Smithville Elementary School-
Misty Agee, Renee Beaty, Kelly Birmingham, Lindsey Bouldin, Kelli Bullard, Beth Cantrell, Laura Carter, Wendy Colvert, Layra Crook, Trena Curtis, Vicky Duke, Tina Gash, Vicky Hawker, Bradley Hendrix, Holly Hendrix, Mary Henny, Lindsey Holmes, Tanya Howard, Lorie Isabell, Ana Jarvis, Amanda Johnson, Angela Johnson, Jennifer Judkins, Karen Knowles, Carrie Lee, Sherree Macemon, Kristen Malone, Kim Martin, Adrienne McCormick, LeVaughnda Midgett, Margaret Nichols, Susan Palmer, Jane Ramsey, Amanda Rhoady, Allison Rigsby, Carol Sampley, Heather Shehane, Carol Tallent, Ashlee Thomason, Janet Trapp, Carol Tripp, Julie Vincent, Sherian Waggoner, Tiffany Wheatley, Kristy Williams, Janet Woodward, Christie Young, and Crystal Young
DeKalb Middle School-
Joey Agee, Josh Agee, Lori Alexander, Suzette Barnes, Ashley Barnes, Nancy Cowan, Lisa Craig, Amanda Dakas, Courtney Davis, Tena Davidson, Jenny Elrod, Jason Farley, Amy Fletcher, Suzanne Gash, Lori Hendrix, Tom Hill, Randy Jennings, Bryan Jones, Michelle Jones, Gail Kirksey, Michael Lewis, Michael Littrell, Leah Magness, Martha Melching, Debra Moore, Justin Nokes, Karen Pelham, Anita Puckett, Candice Scrabo, Lori Sexton, Penny Smitty, Tonya Sullivan, Kitty Thomas, Tad Webb, Jared West, Jennifer West, Kathryn Wisinger.
Central Office Staff-
Gina Arnold, Katherine Ballard, Michelle Burklow, Dr. Danielle Collins, Lisa Cripps, Dee Anna Reynolds, and Stephanie Walker
County Wide-
Lisa Bell, Amy Fox, Judy Malone, and Lori Rogers.
School Support Staff Named for 2013-14
Director of Schools Mark Willoughby announced Thursday night during the board of education meeting that he has employed the support staff for the 2013-2014 school year.
Those employed at DeKalb County High School are:
Rena Adcock- Cook, Wanda Bradford- Cook, Kathy Chapman-Cook, Kenderly Cripps- Guidance/Records Clerk, Bethany Davis- Transitional Coordinator, Debbie Eaton- Educational Assistant, Regina Estes- Secretary, Beverly Ferrell- Educational Assistant, Dena Haugh- Educational Assistant, Darnette Hibdon-Cook, Melissa Hicks- Cook, Helen LaFever-Cook, Deborah Magness- Bookkeeper, Carl Malone- Custodian, Thomas Maney- Custodian, Charles Martin- Custodian, Paulette McDonald-Educational Assistant, Rhonda Merriman-Educational Assistant, Sara Parker- Guidance, JoAnn Pittman-Custodian, Brian Reed- Educational Assistant, Denise Rutland- Custodian, Vicky Sandlin- Cook, Carol Swope- Educational Assistant, Norman Underhill- Educational Assistant, Tiffanie VanWinkle- Educational Assistant, Jamie Wright- Guidance Clerk, and Debbie Young-Cafeteria Manager.
DeKalb Middle School:
Sue Arnold- Part-Time Cook, Pauline Braswell- Custodian, Anita Conley- Cook, Tammy Ferrell- Custodian, Fay Gilreath- School Bookkeeper, Doris Graham-Educational Assistant, Jeremy Haas- Custodian, Connie Haggard- Cook, Angie Moore- Educational Assistant, Chris Moore- Educational Assistant, Lisa Norton- Educational Assistant, Paula Pinegar-Educational Assistant, Pauletta Ruffner- Cook, Mary Sanders- Educational Assistant, Linda Sorrell-Educational Assistant, Teresa Spenser-Educational Assistant, Eldon Vanatta- Cafeteria Manager, and Vicky Walker-School Secretary
Smithville Elementary School:
Brent Arnold-Educational Assistant, Jimmy Barnes- Custodian, Janis Barnes- Educational Assistant, Jennifer Benton- Part-Time Lunch Monitor, Holly Bogle-Educational Assistant, Brenda Beth Cantrell- Educational Assistant, James Caplinger- Custodian, Bethany Cornelius- Educational Assistant, Cindi Dias-Educational Assistant, Darlene Evans-Educational Assistant, Jennifer Gay- Educational Assistant, Betty Griffith- Educational Assistant, Jean Hayes- Cafeteria Manager, Vicki Jefferies- Educational Assistant, Sara Lomas-Custodian, Talitha Looney-Cook, Pat Milam- Custodian, Tera Mooneyham-Educational Assistant, Ronda Northcutt- Educational Assistant, Rebecca Parker-Educational Assistant, Rhonda Pelham- Secretary/Receptionist, Freeda Phillips-Cook, Amelia Phillips- Cook, Lori Poss- School Bookkeeper, Brenda Rigney- Educational Assistant, Teresa Sullivan- Educational Assistant, Amanda Trapp-Educational Assistant, Mary-Margaret Tripp, Tammy Tyler-Cook, and Celia Whaley- Educational Assistant.
Northside Elementary:
Pam Baines- Cafeteria Manager, Emma Jean Bandy- Cook, Sue Close- ESL Educational Assistant, Gail Crips- Secretary, Evril Cubbins- Educational Assistant, Terrie Ford- Educational Assistant, Gary Good- Educational Assistant, Phyllis Hallum- Educational Assistant, Sherry Judkins- Custodian, Donna Knowles- Educational Assistant, Deborah Knowles-Educational Assistant, Melinda Lattimore-Educational Assistant, Thelma Martin- Educational Assistant, Denise Merriman-Cook, Rebecca Moss- Educational Assistant, Lynn Pichey-Custodian, Jo Dean Redmon- Lunch Monitor, Tenille Rowland-Educational Assistant, Ruby Thomason-Cook, Kim Violet- Custodian, Sharon Washer- Cook, Deneene Willingham- School Bookkeeper, and Rita Young-Attendance Clerk.
DeKalb West School:
Holly Bain-Educational Assistant, Brenda Bandy-Educational Assistant, Donna Driver- Cook, Dorothy Duggin-Custodian, Tena Edwards- Educational Assistant, Ruth Frazier- Custodian, Pauline Frazier- Custodian, Stephanie Fuson- Educational Assistant, Shelly Gibson- Educational Assistant, Lisa Hale- Secretary, Donna Hale- School Bookkeeper, Jennifer Martin-Educational Assistant, Nancy Mulloy- Cook, Faye Nixon-Cook, Tina Paschal- Educational Assistant, Rhonda Pilgrim-Cook, Elizabeth Redmon-Educational Assistant, Beverly Starnes- Cafeteria Manager, and Kristi Sullivan- Educational Assistant.
County Wide Positions:
Chandra Adcock- School Nurse, Jenean Bain- Bus Assistant, Sandra Billings- Substitute Cook, W.C. Braswell- Adult High School, Amie Buchanan-Substitute Cafeteria Worker, Cindy Childers- Coordinated School Health Assistant, Christie Colwell-Substitute School Nurse, Billy Curtis- Special Needs Driver (car), Bettye June Dodd- Bus Assistant, Christie Driver- School Nurse, Wade Ferrell-Substitute School Nurse, Julie Fitts- Substitute Cook/Bus, Greg Frasier- Technology Director, LeAnne Frasier- Library Assistant (half time at Smithville Elementary School and Half Time at Northside Elementary School), Michelle Haggard- Substitute Cafeteria Worker, Rebecca Hawkins- Bus Assistant, Terry Hicks- Maintenance Worker, Earl Jared- Maintenance Supervisor, Freda Johnson- Bus Assistant, Tammy Judkins- Substitute School Nurse, Debbie London- Substitute Bus Assistant, Marie Martin-Substitute Cafeteria Worker, Mary Mathis-Substitute Cafeteria Worker, Shirley Mathis-Substitute Bus Assistant, Tammy Maynard-Substitute Cafeteria Worker, Teresa Miller- Payroll/Bookkeeper Central Office, Shelby Mulloy-Substitute Cafeteria Worker, Tamara Murphy- Substitute Nurse, Shirley Ours- Special Education Secretary, April Odom- Attendance Clerk, Angela Patrick- Substitute Cafeteria Worker, B.J. Patterson- Technology, Melissa Pirtle- Food Service Bookkeeper, Jo Dean Redmon- Part Time Custodian, Joyce Robinson- Payroll/Bookkeeper Central Office, Roger Sharp- Technology, Kimberly Turner- School Nurse, Barbara Vanatta- Substitute Cafeteria Worker, JoAnn Vanatta-Substitute Cafeteria Worker, Jamie Vickers- Secretary/Bookkeeper Central Office, Judy Wiggins- Bus Assistant, Joannie Williams- School Nurse, and Aaron Young- Maintenance Worker.
Orlando Guzman- Mechanic and Rick Holcomb- Mechanic, Jimmy Sprague-Supervisor
The following are bus drivers:
Danny Bond, Dwayne Cantrell, Dinah Cripps, Elaine Davis, Suzanne Dunn, Debbie Eaton, Ricky Edwards, Marshall Ferrell, Starr Ferrell, Linda Fowler, Bill Fowler, Lynn Griffith, Donald Haggard, Darnette Hibdon, Melissa Hicks, Dwight Knowles, Daniel Lawson, Josh Lawson, Kimberly Lawson, Donnie Lewis, Bobby Martin, Michael Merriman, Ronald Merriman, Linda Gail Pack, Walter Phillips, Faye Pollard, Myron Rhody, Carol Swope, Ken Taylor, Bobby Taylor, B.J. Thomason, and Angela Wilkerson.
Substitute bus drivers are: Julie Fitts, Tina Fletcher, Kathy Jacobs, Jimmy Poss, Eric Snow, and Danny Washer.
DeKalb Hospital Celebrates Being Stroke Ready
This past month, DeKalb Community Hospital completed a successful stroke drill and training with Saint Thomas Health to make them the newest member of the St. Thomas Health Stroke Network. This affiliation comes from hard work in an effort to expand accessible, quality care to stroke patients in outlying areas. On Wednesday, June 12th, the hospital hosted a reception and ribbon cutting to honor this important event. A wide range of community support was shown, as a broad group of people turned out for the event including public officials, local businesses, hospital board members and staff, local doctors, and our public library along with out of town guests from Riverpark Hospital. The hospital was also honored by a special visit from St. Thomas RNS Director, Amy Howard.
“It warms my heart to see all of these wonderful people who took time to come out and celebrate this very important event in the life of our hospital,” Sue Conley, CEO of DeKalb Community Hospital and Stones River Hospital smiles, “We are very proud to be recognized as stroke ready. The staff has worked very hard to make this happen. I also want to speak out to the community to say that if you, or anyone you know shows any possible sign of a stroke, …do not wait. Every second counts, and you should go straight to the ER to help avoid permanent disability. It is our job to take care of you, but we can’t do that properly if you don’t act fast.”
DeKalb Community Hospital wants to educate the community as a part of being stroke ready by acting F.A.S.T.
F – Face Drooping
A– Arm Weakness
S– Speech Difficulty
T – Time to call 911
“A stroke is not only dangerous due to the risk of life, but the permanent disability that can follow,” CNO Kim Frazier states, “It is so very important that we treat a stroke victim as quickly as possible, and that time starts before you ever get to the hospital. Don’t spend time debating with someone that appears to have signs of a stroke. Just get them to a hospital or call 911.”
For more information on DeKalb Community Hospital and The Saint Thomas Health Stroke Network, go to
Photo: Sue Conley, CEO (center) cuts the ribbon to celebrate that DeKalb Community Hospital is the newest member of the St. Thomas Health Stroke Network. She is surrounded by friends, colleagues, public officials, businesses and community supporters outside of the DeKalb Community Hospital Emergency Room.
Woman Injured After Truck Runs Into Utility Pole
A 29 year old Smithville woman was injured Thursday morning after her pickup truck crashed into a utility pole on West Broad Street near Cantrell’s Furniture and Appliances.
Smithville Police said Violet Tucker of Banks Pisgah Road was traveling West in a 1990 Ford Ranger when she left the road and ran head on into the utility pole.
Tucker was taken by DeKalb EMS to DeKalb Community Hospital where a Vanderbilt Life Flight helicopter ambulance landed to airlift her to Vanderbilt hospital in Nashville.
Members of the Smithville Volunteer Fire Department were also on the scene to render assistance.
The accident was investigated by Corporal Travis Bryant of the Smithville Police Department.
Swimmer Drowns in Center Hill Lake
A 19 year old swimmer drowned in Center Hill Lake Wednesday afternoon near Sligo Bridge.
Dead is Ricardo Duenas of Walker Street, McMinnville.
M2U01154 from dwayne page on Vimeo.
Sheriff Patrick Ray told WJLE that Duenas and another man went swimming in the lake near an old rock quarry on the east side of Sligo bridge. He said Duenas was trying to swim across to another bank of the lake and made it about half way when he began showing signs of problems and went down. He never resurfaced alive. Others who were swimming in the area tried unsuccessfully to rescue him.
911 received the call for help at 5:36 p.m. The body was recovered more than three hours later.
Members of the TWRA and DeKalb, White, Warren, and Putnam County Rescue Squads participated in the search. The local Emergency Management Agency, officers of the Sheriff’s Department, and DeKalb EMS were also on the scene.
Sheriff Ray said officers of the TWRA conducted a sonar scan and spotted an object of interest in about 40 feet of water. Divers of the Putnam County Rescue Squad went down to investigate and found the victim’s body.
DeKalb County Fair Returns July 22-27
Members of the DeKalb County Fair Association are busy preparing for this year’s edition of the Grandpa Fair of the South which is set for Monday through Saturday July 22-27.
With the theme ” Squeals, Thrills and Ferris Wheels”, this year’s DeKalb County Fair will feature a fun filled week of activities including rides by the Family Attractions Amusement Company and new events, an ATV Rodeo, Corn hole contest, and a Homemade Ice Cream Contest.
“The ATV Rodeo is basically the same kind of event that you have with horses, except you use ATV’s to do it, “said Jeff McMillen of the DeKalb County Fair Board. “They do the barrel racing and they do have an obstacle course. We’ll have some flyers and further information that we’ll put out on that soon. But a lot of local people will be able to participate in these types of events,” said McMillen. The ATV Rodeo will be held on Thursday night, July 25 at 7:00 p.m. at the T.C. McMillen Arena.
The fair will be bringing back the Open Rodeo, Super Tractor and Truck Pull, Go Cart Racing, Four Wheelers and Motorcycle Racing, DeKalb Idol, the Vintage Fashion Show, and many other popular attractions.
McMillen urges fair goers to take the time to enjoy lots of delicious foods from the food booths and stop by to see the many commercial, agricultural, and women’s exhibits.
The Kenneth Sandlin Center will be open Monday through Friday from 5:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. and Saturday from 4:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m.
All Non- Perishable exhibits ONLY will be accepted Saturday, July 13 from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. All Perishable items ONLY will be accepted on Saturday, July 20 from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.
Take a stroll down Memory Lane and enjoy nightly entertainment at the Memory Lane Stage in Memory Village, sponsored by DeKalb Community Bank.
Fair events each night are as follows:
Monday, July 22: National Anthem at 5:45 p.m.; Cattle Show at 6:00 p.m. at the Grandstand; Homemade Ice Cream Contest at 6:15 p.m. under the grandstand; Open Rodeo at the T.C. McMillen Arena at 7:30 p.m.; Junior Fair Princess Pageant for contestants ages 13-16 at 6:00 p.m. followed by the Fairest of the Fair Pageant for contestants ages 17 to 20 at the Lions Club Pavilion. (2- $500 cash drawings) at 9:30 p.m.
Tuesday, July 23: Little Mr. and Miss Pageant for contestants ages 4-6 at 6:00 p.m. at the Lions Club Pavilion; Corn hole Contest at 7:00 p.m. at the Grandstand; Go-Cart Racing at 6:00 p.m. at the T.C. McMillen Arena (2- $500 cash drawings) at 9:30 p.m.
Wednesday, July 24: Snowbird- WSMV Channel 4 from 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m; Little Miss Princess Pageant for contestants ages 7-9 at 6:00 p.m. followed by the Miss Sweetheart Pageant for those ages 10-12 at the Lions Club Pavilion; 4 Wheeler and Motorcycle Racing at 6:00 p.m. at the T.C. McMillen Arena; Gospel Singing at 6:30 p.m. at the Grandstand (2- $500 cash drawings) at 9:30 p.m.
Thursday, July 25: Senior Citizen Day activities at 9:00 a.m. at the Lions Club Pavilion; 4-H Chick Chain Show at 5:00 p.m. at the Tot Kelly barn; Junior Goat Show at 6:00 p.m. at the Tot Kelly Barn; a Baby Show at 6:00 p.m. followed by a Vintage Fashion Show at the Lions Club Pavilion; and ATV Rodeo at the T.C. McMillen Arena at 7:00 p.m.;(2- $500 cash drawings) at 9:30 p.m.
Friday, July 26: Toddler Show for contestants 13 months to 47 months at 6:00 p.m. followed by DeKalb Idol Final Competition at the Lions Club Pavilion; Horse Show at 7:00 p.m. at the Grandstand; ATV/ Mini-Rod Outlaw Pull at 7:00 p.m. at the T.C. McMillen Arena. (2- $500 cash drawings) at 10:00 p.m.
Saturday, July 27: Horseshoe Tournament at the Tot Kelly barn at Noon.; Gospel Singing at the Lions Club Pavilion at 6:00 p.m.; Super Tractor and Truck Pull at 7:00 p.m. at the T.C. McMillen Arena: and (2- $500 cash drawings) at 9:30 p.m.
Events subject to change without notice.
NEW CASH GIVEAWAY FOR 2013: Two tickets for $500 each will be drawn each night and announced only at the Lion’s Club Pavilion. Drawings will be held Monday through Saturday, each night at 9:30 p.m. except at 10:00 p.m. on Friday night. Your gate admission ticket is your ticket for the cash drawing. You must be present to win. Tickets must be presented within three minutes. Tickets will be emptied each night. Fair board members and their spouses are not eligible to win.
Rides on the Midway will be provided by the Family Attractions Amusement Company. Unlimited rides will be available for $15.00 on Monday night; $16.00 on Tuesday night; $14.00 on Wednesday and $18.00 on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday
Admission to the fair is $4.00 per person. Children age four and younger will be admitted free! Gates open at 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and at 4:00 p.m. on Saturday. Parking is Free!
For more information, call 529-FAIR or visit on-line at
Robert Shelby Love
Mr. Robert Shelby Love age 86 of McMinnville, TN, died Wednesday, June 12, 2013, at Rain Tree Manor Nursing Center in McMinnville, TN. He was born September 04, 1926, in DeKalb County, TN, was a farmer, active board of director member and former president of Warren County Farm Bureau, served 20 years on the Warren County Commission, and active commissioner of West-Warren Utility District, and attended First United Methodist Church. Mr. Love was preceded in death by his parents William Shelby and Sarah Ara Givens Love.
Survivors include his wife of 62 years Peggy Wilson Love, son and daughter-in-law Bobby and Tammy Love, grandchildren Wilson Love and Shelby Love all of McMinnville, TN. Sisters-in-law Evelyn Hamblen and Mary Miller.
Funeral service will be 1:00 P.M. Friday, June 14, 2013, in the McMinnville Funeral Home Chapel. Rev. Robert H. (Bob) Case and Rev. Frank Gale will officiate. Interment will follow at DeKalb Memorial Gardens. The Board of Directors of both the Warren County Farm Bureau, and the West Warren Utility District, and also the Seekers Sunday School Class are asked to serve as honorary pallbearers. The Love Family will receive friends Thursday from 3 P.M. until 8 P.M. and again Friday from 10 A.M. until 1 P.M. at McMinnville Funeral Home.
Memorial donations may be made to First United Methodist Church, 200 W. Main St., McMinnville, TN 37110.
McMinnville Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements