Although the local VFW POST 7623 hasn’t been active for a long time, it will cease to exist if the state VFW organization acts to revoke the charter.
The operation has been suspended for up to 90 days because of its inactivity but in an effort to try and save the POST, a meeting is set for Saturday, March 14 at 2:00 p.m. in the county complex history room to give members and local veterans of interest an opportunity to express their wishes.
Acting Post Commander Ronald Miller recently received a letter from the State VFW Commander William G. Crawford informing him of the suspension because the local POST has failed to hold meetings and elect officers in violation of the national VFW BY-Laws. An administrative committee will make a recommendation on whether the suspension is to be kept in place, lifted, or if the charter should be revoked.
Tag Archives: 2015
Elizabeth Ann Bennett
Elizabeth Ann Bennett age 54 of Carthage and a DeKalb County native, passed away Saturday February 7, 2015 in Carthage from injuries received in an automobile accident. She was born December 10, 1960 to her parents, the late Virgil Paul and Pauline George Johnson. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by 1 son, Billy Randall Bennett, Jr.; sister, Rita Faye Gorman; brothers, Jimmy Lee Johnson, Billy Wayne Jonson, and Virgil Sherman Johnson. Elizabeth worked at Famous Footwear and was a faithful Christian and member of Christ Pentecostal Church in Brush Creek. She is survived by her husband, Randall Bennett of Carthage; 2 daughters, Briana Nicole Bennett and Rhonda Gail Bennett both of Carthage; 3 sisters, Paulette (Charles) Crawford of Carthage, Linda Sue Vaughn of Smithville; Paula (Greg) White of Bowling Green, Kentucky; 4 brothers, Jerry (Lucinda) Johnson of Brush Creek, TN, Edward (Joann) Johnson of Smithville, Michael Johnson of Lebanon, and Lester (Jane) Johnson of Portland, TN; special nephew, Jacky Edward (Sherry) Brady and special friend, Tommy Gibbs. Funeral services will be conducted 1:PM Wednesday, February 11, 2015 at Christ Pentecostal Church (402 Alexandria Highway, Brush Creek, TN) with Bro. Billy Hale officiating and burial to follow in Hale Cemetery at Pea Ridge. Visitation with the family will be Tuesday 2PM until 8PM and Wednesday 10AM until the time of the service at 1PM. All visitation and services will be held at Christ Pentecostal Church. DeKalb Funeral Chapel is in charge of the arrangements.
Director Fails to Meet School Board Expectations
The DeKalb County Board of Education’s annual performance evaluation of Director of Schools Mark Willoughby has been completed and the result shows he is not meeting all the board’s expectations.
Willoughby’s overall average score is 2.92 (Rating out of 6).
In accordance with state law, the school board is required to develop and implement an evaluation plan to be used annually for the director of schools. This year, board members used a four page evaluation form to rate Director Willoughby (1-5) in each of 60 areas from eight categories including on his relationship with the Board, the Community, Staff and Personnel, Educational Leadership, Business and Finance, Personal Qualities, Strategic Planning Skills, and Tennessee Specific questions.
A rating of “1” meant his performance was “Consistently Below Expectations”. A “5” rating signified that Willoughby “Met All Expectations”. A rating with an asterisk (*) symbol meant he “Exceeded Expectations” (and a score of 6 was used on the overall report).
Other ratings were:
“2”-Meets Few Expectations
“3”-Meets Some Expectations
“4”-Meets Most Expectations
Each board member scored Willoughby in all areas from the categories on the form. The scores were then averaged to arrive at the grand total score.
Six of the seven school board members held one-on-one evaluation meetings with Willoughby. Only Fourth district member Kate Miller did not participate because she was out of town during the evaluation period.
Following the meetings, each board member scored Willoughby using the evaluation form. The forms were then sent to officials of the Tennessee School Boards Association where the scores were tabulated and averaged. “The Evaluations were sent to TSBA to be tabulated and confirmed to have a 3rd party provide the final tabulation,” said Board Chairman W.J. (Dub) Evins, III in an interview with WJLE.
Willoughby’s scores ran the full scale, with highs and lows depending on category and board member.
The Director’s strengths, based on the overall report, were his personal qualities and his educational leadership. Weaknesses were in strategic planning, business and finance and community relationship.
A breakdown of the scores in the eight areas of evaluation were:
Performance Goal Average
Board Relationship
Community Relationships
Staff and Personnel Relationships
Educational Leadership
Business and Finance
Personal Qualities
Strategic Planning Skills
Tennessee Specific Questions
Grand Total
The following is a further breakdown of the average score in each area of the evaluation:
Keeps all board members informed on issues needs, and operation of the school system. 2.75
Supports board policy and actions to the public and staff. 3.00
Has a harmonious relationship with the board. 2.25
Upon request, provides clear explanations of alternatives for recommendations. 3.17
Works toward creating and maintaining a high degree of understanding and respect between staff and the board. 2.83
Advises the board on need for new or revised policies. 2.80
Refrains from criticism of individual or group members of the board.3.33
Exercises good judgment and objectivity in making recommendations to the board. 3.00
Offers professional advice to the board on items requiring board action, with appropriate recommendations based on thorough study and analysis. 2.83
Understands and executes the intent of board policy. 2.67
Seeks and accepts constructive criticism of his work. 2.92
Keeps board informed in employment, promotion, and dismissal of personnel. 2.83
Average 2.87
Is an effective spokesman for the school system. 2.80
Is respected and supported by the community in conducting the operation of the schools. 2.50
Builds public support for the school district. 2.67
Solicits and involves the community in planning and problem solving for the schools. 2.25
Develops cooperative relationships with news media. 3.17
Participates actively in community life and affairs. 3.00
Achieves status as a community leader in public education. 3.00
Works effectively with public and private agencies. 3.20
Works effectively to serve the needs of diverse constituencies. 3.00
Average 2.84
Develops a good staff morale and loyalty to the organization. 2.67
Treats all personnel fairly, without favoritism or discrimination, while insisting on performance of duties. 2.50
Delegates authority to staff members appropriate to the position each holds. 3.00
Recruits and assigns the best available personnel in terms of their competencies. 3.00
Ensures that salary schedules for all personnel are competitive and within budgetary limitations of the district. 3.17
Represents the best interests of the board in working with teachers and their organizations. 2.83
Solicits input from staff in planning activities. 3.00
Maintains up-to-date job descriptions for all personnel. 2.50
Ensures that adequate planning and evaluation of curriculum and instruction occurs. 3.17
Develops and empowers staff, resulting in an effective educational team. 3.17
Average 2.90
Has a vision and communicates a mission for the school system. 2.75
Understands and keeps informed regarding all aspects of the instructional program. 3.00
Implements the school system’s philosophy of education. 3.17
Participates with staff, board, and community in studying, problem solving, and developing, curriculum and instructional improvements. 3.00
Organizes a planned program of staff evaluation and improvement. 3.17
Models the highest professional standards to staff and community. 3.17
Is an effective advocate of lifelong learning. 3.17
Creates an environment which encourages staff to constantly strive for improvement. 2.83
Incorporates technology as a teaching-learning strategy. 3.33
Encourages staff to be innovative in problem-solving. 3.50
Utilizes a leadership style that is effective and fits the culture of the community. 2.67
Average 3.07
Has an understanding of the needs of the school program, plant, facilities, equipment, supplies, and the budget required. 3.00
Supervises operations, insisting on competent and efficient performance. 2.83
Ensures that funds are spent wisely, and adequate control and accounting are maintained. 2.50
Average 2.78
Defends principle and conviction in the face of pressure and partisan influence. 3.83
Maintains high standards of ethics, honesty, and integrity in all personal and professional matters. 3.00
Earns respect and standing among his professional colleagues. 3.17
Exercises good judgment and objectivity in arriving at decisions. 3.00
Maintains pose and emotional stability in the full range of his professional activities. 3.17
Speaks clearly and concisely with staff members, the board, and the public. 3.17
Writes clearly and concisely. 3.83
Keeps up-to-date with 21st Century Schooling and societal issues. 3.83
Average 3.38
Works effectively with board, staff, and community to develop both long and short range strategic plans. 2.58
Keeps board and community informed on progress towards short and long range plans. 2.42
Develops a Five Year Plan which includes strategies, goals, and projected student outcomes. 2.42
Average 2.47
Keeps board informed about rules and regulations of the Tennessee State Board of Education and all other government/state agencies. 2.92
Provides evidence to the board of effective evaluations of staff members including the Required Principal Performance Contract. 2.92
Incorporates requirements of the Educational Improvement Act (1992) into strategic plans. 3.17
Includes the five (5) components and outcomes of the system’s Report Card in long and short range planning. 3.25
Average 3.06
Willoughby’s current contract with the board is scheduled to expire June 30th, 2017. He has served as Director of Schools since July 1st, 2006.
School System Needs Bus Drivers
The DeKalb County School System is in search of experienced bus drivers.
Persons interested may contact Transportation Supervisor Jimmy Sprague. “We offer competitive pay and retirement. It’s perfect for a stay at home mom who wants to be on the same schedule as her kids; for a person with their own business such as someone who mows yards or does landscaping; or someone who does seasonal work. You must have a CDL license, Class A or Class B. You must have a P&S endorsement. I provide training for the P&S endorsements. You have to carry a current medical card. You must have a clean DMV record and you must be able to pass a background check and drug screening. After a bus driver is hired, there are random drug tests at the bus garage for all drivers. If you are interested in driving a school bus call or come see me. You may fill out an application on line or I have hard copies and we can fill them out at the office,” said Sprague.
Motorists Advised to Stop for School Buses
The most dangerous part of a school bus ride is getting on and off and if motorists don’t stop for buses when they’re supposed to the potential for a tragic accident increases.
Jimmy Sprague, Transportation Supervisor for the DeKalb County School System, told WJLE Monday that he is concerned that too many motorists are failing to stop when school bus lights and stop signs are deployed as students get off and on buses in school parking lot loading zones and on roads, including four lane highways. “The amber lights are supposed to come on two hundred feet before the bus stops and the red lights are to come on at the bus stop itself,” he said.
And the problem is not just on the highways according to Sprague. “This happens also at our schools. Each school has a designated area, car line, or car pickup and drop off line. I still have people (motorists) who want to pull up in the designated bus load and unload zones at the schools to unload their children where the designated line has been set up in a certain area at each school,” said Sprague.
Bus drivers are trained to keep a watchful eye out for the children and Sprague says they do a good job. ” I train my drivers to watch the danger zones, which are ten feet from the front of the bus, ten feet down each side, ten feet out, and ten feet from the rear. When the bus stops and we’re loading or unloading students, the driver is to monitor his mirrors to check these zones. He is also watching the children because we must keep accountability of them before we drive away. We go over this every year at in-service. Our drivers are trained to watch for the children, to give them a hand motion or a nod before they cross the road to go home or before they cross the road to get on the bus. We make sure all traffic is stopped before we allow that student to step out in the roadway or in front of the bus,” said Sprague.
Highway 70 in Smithville is of particular concern. “It is a four lane highway with a driveable median but traffic in all four lanes have to stop. When that bus driver deploys his stop sign and red lights, all four lanes of traffic must stop. That’s state law,” said Sprague.
The penalty for passing a stopped school bus is a class-A misdemeanor and that penalty is actually from $250 up to $1,000. “I have been in contact with our local law enforcement and state law enforcement on these issues and I have been getting assistance from them (on enforcement). Right now the only thing we can do is make a report and send it to the state. The state, in turn, sends a letter to whoever the violator is stating that the stop arm laws have been violated on a certain date, time, and location,” Sprague continued.
Unless motorists heed the warning, Sprague is concerned that accidents will occur that could injure or kill someone. “I just want people to stop and think. This could be a child’s life that you (motorist) are taking a chance on. Statistics show that 85% of the fatalities on a school bus happen at the bus stop. Not on the bus but at the bus stop. When you’re getting ready to go to work, if you know you’re going to be behind a bus either leave a little early or change your route. Always think ahead” said Sprague.
Tennessee law requires that:
Vehicles must stop before reaching a bus that has its flashing red warning lights and/or stop signal arm extended (B). Vehicles may not pass until the flashing red lights and signals are turned off.
Vehicles traveling in the same and opposite direction as the bus on an undivided road are always required to stop. (The four lane Highway 70 is an undivided highway and all motorists traveling in both directions must stop when a school bus stops to pick up and drop off children)
Vehicles traveling on a divided, or separated, highway do not have to stop when meeting or passing a bus on the other side of the road.
Drivers never pass on the right side of the bus, where children enter or exit. This is illegal and can have tragic results.
Boy Scout Troop 347 & Pack 347 celebrate Scout Sunday
Smithville-First United Methodist Church and Boy Scout Troop 347 & Pack 347 celebrated Scout Sunday on February 8, 2015. Senior Patrol Leader, Thomas Webb, and Chaplain’s Aide, Jonathan Birmingham, led the congregation and members of the Boy Scouts of America in the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer. Dr. Will Sherwood, Scoutmaster, and Jen Sherwood, Pack Committee Chair, thanked the church for its long tradition of participation and support of the local scouting units as the charter organization. The Boy Scouts of America celebrated 105 years. It is a program designed to teach leadership and character through the fundamentals of outdoor skills, citizenship and service. All boys ages 1st grade through 18 years of age are encouraged to participate. For more information, contact Jen & Will Sherwood at 615-597-4851.
Picture: Top Left-Right: David Robinson, Cody Robinson, Jonathan Birmingham, Alan Webb
Middle Left-Right: Will Sherwood, Thomas Webb, Austin Hosse, Darren Waggoner, Jen Sherwood, Erin Turner
Front Left-Right: Mayakle West, Adrian McElroy, Colin Carpenter, Jamison Hooper, Aidan Turner
Inebriated Man Points Handgun at Deputies
An inebriated man was arrested last week after allegedly pointing a handgun at deputies and firing shots away from them into the woods.
65 year old David Scott Davis of Neil Drive, Smithville is charged with public intoxication; resisting stop, frisk, halt, or arrest; two counts of aggravated assault; and one count of possession of a handgun (Smith & Wesson 44 Magnum) while under the influence of alcohol. His bond is $14,500 and he will be in court February 26. Sheriff Patrick Ray said that on Tuesday, February 3 deputies were dispatched to Neil Drive on a report of a person with a gun. When the two officers arrived, they saw Davis point a handgun at them and then fire shots across the road into the woods. Davis was found to be unsteady on his feet and he had a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage on his person. Multiple beer cans were on the ground there. As the officers placed him under arrest, Davis resisted and had to be forcibly taken to the ground.
55 year old Mark Anthony Thompson of Brush Creek is charged with a second offense of driving under the influence. His bond is $3,000 and he will be in court February 19. Sheriff Ray said that on Monday, February 2 a deputy was dispatched to Bob Mathis Road due to a report of an intoxicated driver. Upon arrival, the officer found the driver, Thompson sitting in the truck. While speaking with Thompson, the deputy detected a strong odor of alcohol on his person. Thompson’s speech was slurred and very slow. He told the deputy that he had been “driving around drunk all day”. Due to his level of intoxication, Thompson was unable to stand to undergo field sobriety tasks. He was placed under arrest and taken to the hospital for a blood withdrawal. Thompson was then taken to the sheriff’s department for booking. His prior DUI offense was in April 2007.
53 year old Tommye Lou Bell of Hawkins Drive, Smithville is charged with a third offense of driving under the influence and having contraband in a penal institution. She was further issued a citation for violation of the financial responsibility law (no insurance). Her bond is $9,500 and she will be in court March 19. Sheriff Ray said that on Wednesday, February 4 a deputy was dispatched on a report of a reckless driver traveling east bound on the Nashville Highway. The officer spotted a silver 2012 Honda SUV heading eastbound from the Dollar General Store. As he followed, the deputy observed the vehicle cross the center line of the highway several times into the passing lane. He activated his emergency blue lights, trying to get the driver of the SUV to stop. When the driver, Bell saw the deputy behind her, she crossed the center turn lane into westbound traffic and almost hit an oncoming Ford pickup head-on. The SUV turned onto Tiger Drive, pulled into a parking lot, and stopped. Bell’s speech was slurred and she had difficulty finding her drivers license and other vehicle information. After performing poorly on field sobriety tasks, Bell was placed under arrest and taken to the jail. Prior to a pat down and search, Bell was asked if she had any illegal substances on her. She replied “no”. During the search, a female correctional officer found in Bell’s bra a bottle containing 54 Dilaudid tablets.
43 year old Tisha Elaine Burns of Cookeville Highway, Smithville is charged with a second offense of driving under the influence. Her bond is $3,000. She will be in court March 5. Sheriff Ray said that on Friday, February 6 a deputy was dispatched to New Bildad Road on a report of a suspicious vehicle having been seen parked by the bridge. The officer spotted a white Crown Victoria there and spoke with the driver, Burns. He detected an odor of alcohol on her person. Her eyes were glossy and she was unsteady on her feet. After performing poorly on field sobriety tasks, she was arrested and taken to the hospital for a blood withdrawal and then to the sheriff’s department for booking. Meanwhile Burns and a passenger of her vehicle, 44 year old Comer Thomas Vance of Railroad Avenue, Shelbyville were each cited for criminal trespassing after it was determined they were trespassing on private property at the bridge where two “No Trespassing” signs are posted.
49 year old Betty Marie Davis and her daughter 25 year old Heather Marie Davis of Corinth Church Road, Rock Island are each charged with domestic assault. Bond for each is $1,500 and they will be in court February 12. Sheriff Ray said that on Saturday, February 7 a deputy was dispatched to a residence on Corinth Church Road due to a domestic complaint. Upon arrival, the officer spoke with Heather Davis and Betty Davis who said that they had gotten into an argument over a car. Heather claims her mother hit her in the left eye causing it to become red and swollen. Betty claims Heather punched her in the face, busting her nose.
Louise Smithson
91 year old Louise Smithson of Romulus, Michigan died Friday. The funeral will be Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. at the Voran Funeral Home in Taylor, Michigan. A graveside service will be Saturday, February 14 at 1:00 p.m. at the Mount Ararat Cemetery in Smithville. She was preceded in death by her husband, Walter Smithson, Sr. Survivors include her children, Walter Smithson, Jr. and wife Ann, Brenda Love and husband Joe, Sue Gullett, Sharon Nagy, Edward Smithson and wife Gail, Randall Smithson, Sherri Massey and husband Craig, sister, Sara Moore, seventeen grandchildren and many great grandchildren. Visitation will be Tuesday, February 10 from 2:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. at Taylor Chapel of Voran Funeral Home in Taylor Michigan. The public may attend the graveside service at the Mt. Ararat Cemetery in Smithville on Saturday, February 14 at 1:00 p.m. Donations may be made in lieu of flowers to the Alzheimer’s Association. Voran Funeral Home in Taylor, Michigan and Love-Cantrell Funeral Home in Smithville are in charge of the arrangements.
Vehicle Belonging to Murder Defendant Destroyed by Fire
Two days after a fatal stabbing there, members of the DeKalb County Volunteer Fire Department were summoned to 3870 Cookeville Highway, where a Chevy Tahoe caught fire and burned Saturday morning.
Central dispatch received the fire call at 8:59 a.m.
The Tahoe reportedly belongs to 42 year old Anthony (Tony) Crews, the man charged with second degree murder in the stabbing of his girlfriend, 28 year old Ashley Bain.
Upon arrival, county firefighters found the Tahoe ablaze. It was setting in the driveway near the home, parked beside a Mazda Millenia, which reportedly belonged to Bain.
Firefighters extinguished the blaze but the Tahoe was destroyed. Heat from the fire also caused some damage to the driver’s side of the Millenia.
Members of the Main Station, Short Mountain Highway, and Cookeville Highway Stations responded. The DeKalb County Sheriff’s Department was also on the scene. The cause of the fire is undetermined.
Meanwhile, Sheriff Patrick Ray told WJLE Saturday that Crews remains incarcerated. He has not yet posted bond since his arrest on Thursday night. Crews is under a $250,000 bond and has been moved to another facility outside DeKalb County.
Firefighters also responded to a fire at a residence on Winter Drive at 3:05 a.m. Saturday morning.
County Fire Chief Donny Green told WJLE that the home belongs to Tommy and Maria Clayborn but that Michael and Tosha Whitson are renting it and living there.
According to Chief Green, the blaze started in the kitchen as a grease fire from the stove. The Whitson’s called 911 and firefighters were dispatched.
Although the fire was brought under control, it caused some damage to the kitchen and a portion of the living home. Smoke spread to other parts of the residence. No one was injured.
Members of the Main Station, Cookeville Highway, and Liberty Stations responded along with DeKalb EMS and Sheriff’s Department.
The Smithville Volunteer Fire Department was called to a chimney fire at a residence on Juniper Lane Thursday afternoon. Firefighters put out the blaze and kept it from spreading to the rest of the house. Although there was some smoke in the home, no one was injured. Because of concerns with the home’s electrical wiring, the family was temporarily relocated.
According to a Red Cross spokesperson, two families were living in the residence, including ten people, five of whom are children. The local chapter of the American Red Cross assisted the families. Jeania Poss and Steve Repasy were the case workers.
Meanwhile, a Red Cross Recruitment Meeting will be held Monday, February 9 at 3:00 p.m. Anyone wanting to be a Red Cross Volunteer is asked to attend the meeting which will be held in the Smithville Red Cross Office, located at the County Complex. For more information, contact Jeania Poss.
Ashley Michelle Bain
Ashley Michelle Bain age 28 of Smithville, passed away Thursday February 5, 2015. She was born August 29, 1986 to her parents, Cleveland Clay and Phyllis Gay Bain. She was preceded in death by her maternal grandparents, Homer and Jackie Cantrell Gay and paternal grandparents Clay and Ruth Redmon Bain. Ashley was a member of Gath Baptist Church and attended the Smithville First Assembly of God, and she was a factory worker. She is survived by her 3 children, Jacqueline Renee Bain, Makhia Hope Bain, and Elijah Cayden Coleman all of Smithville; Mother, Phyllis Gay Bain and James Weddington of Smithville; Father, Cleveland Clay (Diane) Bain of Smithville; 2 Brothers, Cleveland Derrick Bain of Nashville and Clay Andrew (Jamie) Bain of Smithville; Several Aunts, Uncles and Cousins also survive. There will be a public visitation on Monday, February 9, 2015 from 2:PM until 8:PM. Funeral services will be private. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that donations be made to DeKalb Funeral Chapel to help with funeral expenses. DeKalb Funeral Chapel is in charge of arrangements.