Induction Ceremony Held for DWS Junior Beta Club

The newest class of the DeKalb West School Junior Beta Club was honored during an induction ceremony on Monday, September 18 at the school. Thirty students from 6th through the 8th grades were added to the West school Beta chapter because of their academic excellence and outstanding character.
“Founded by Dr. John W. Harris, the Beta Club has prepared today’s students to be tomorrow’s leaders for more than 80 years,” President Summer Crook told the crowd. “From U.S. President Bill Clinton to current professional basketball player Kevin Durant, Beta members continue to lead long after their high school days are behind them.”
Beta students elected Crook to serve as President while Jathan Willoughby was named Vice President, Dawson Bandy, Secretary, Brayden Carter, Treasurer, Lucas Hale, Chaplain, and Alley Beth Cook, Reporter. The club sponsor presented them with medallions to honor their achievement. The officers then showed their leadership skills, conducting the induction ceremony before parents, friends, and faculty.
“We are taught many skills, such as reading and reasoning which are the keys to the locks for all the doors that lead to maturity,” VP Willoughby said in his speech.
The officers talked about the four Beta keys to success—Achievement, Character, Leadership, and Service.
“We know that it is a requirement for Beta membership to own them to some extent, and our candidates have been chosen because they have demonstrated ownership,” said Crook.
The candidates joining the club are Alex Antoniak, Tess Barton, Brayden Carter, Alyssa Crook, Ethan Curtis, Logan Daniels, Carson Donnell, Wil Farris, Presley Finocchiaro, Riley Fuson, Patricia Gassaway, Blair Gipe, Zoi Hale, Brynn Harvey, Ella Hendrixson, Jaxon Humphrey, Cameron Kempton, Jonathan Littleton, Kayleigh Overstreet, Xavier Parker, Lexia Rayl, Hannah Redmon, Maressa Rose, Kolton Slager, Karson Smallwood, Brooklyn Sutherland, Ally Tarpley, Madison Tarpley, Faith Tripp, and Jackson Vantrease.

County Forced to Pay More for Employee Health Insurance

Due to rate hikes and mandates of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), the county is being required to increase the amount it pays toward health insurance for employees under its group plan.
During Monday night’s monthly meeting, the county commission voted to spend another $21,450 covering the period of January-June, 2018 to meet the federal mandate in covering 65 county employees enrolled in the plan.
“The county pays $260 per month for each employee who takes insurance. Sixty five people have county insurance. We have to meet the Affordable Care Act. Under the law, the lowest paid full time employee cannot pay more than 9.565% of their salary for insurance. We are going to have to do something to come in line with the Affordable Care Act. If the county went from paying $260 per employee to $315 per month for each employee, then that would satisfy the requirements,” said County Mayor Tim Stribling.
The county could have chosen to increase its contribution to cover only the 51 employees enrolled in the Limited PPO plan and still been in compliance with the Affordable Care Act, costing the county an additional $16,830, but the commission opted instead to make it apply to all 65 employees.
First District Commissioner Julie Young said the county should start looking for another group plan to offer more affordable insurance
In other business, the County Commission has again rejected a request to post a speed limit on Ragland Bottom Road. Last month the proposal was denied on a voice vote but fifth district commissioner Jerry Adcock said he would have preferred a roll call vote. Monday night Adcock moved that a 25 mile per hour speed limit be posted on Ragland Bottom Road and that a roll call vote be taken. The request to post the speed limit failed 8-3. Only commissioners Adcock, Anita Puckett, and Julie Young voted for it.
Meanwhile action has been delayed on a Board of Education budget line item transfer request to move $25,000 within categories of the school budget to purchase a five acre tract of land adjoining the high school property for development of a new soccer field. Seventh district commissioner Larry Summers moved to table the request until commissioners learn more about the plans directly from the school board or director. Summers’ motion to table was adopted.

County to Partner with Caraustar Recycling

The county is contracting with a recycling company to collect and remove waste paper products including cardboard, newspapers, office paper, magazines, and books.
During Monday night’s monthly meeting, the county commission voted to partner with Caraustar Recycling of Nashville. The company will place collection containers at 6 convenience (trash collection) sites and at all 5 schools. The service will be provided at no cost to the county.
The action was taken upon the recommendation of the county commission’s solid waste committee. “We have talked about recycling cardboard for quite a while. We received two proposals. The solid waste committee met in June and you have a proposal they recommended from Caraustar,” said County Mayor Tim Stribling.
According to the proposal, “Caraustar will partner with DeKalb County to assist with their waste paper removal. Caraustar-Nashville will place Front End Loader (FEL) 7 yard containers in 6 of DeKalb County’s convenience centers and the 5 schools. The containers will be labeled for paper only. Acceptable contents include; cardboard, newspaper, office paper, magazines, and books. A start date will be agreed upon by both parties. Either party may cancel this agreement at any time with a 60 day notice.”
“ Caraustar will provide a pickup route to service 6 DeKalb County convenience centers and 5 schools. We (Caraustar) will place FEL 7 yard recycling containers in a total of 11 sites. All recycling sites will receive 2 containers with the exception of Midway. This lower traffic site will only receive 1 container. No fees wil be charged to DeKalb County for this service”.
“Caraustar will correspond with the attendants at the convenience centers to monitor the volumes. This will determine if we (Caraustar) need to add additional containers for overflow. Our goal is to assist DeKalb County with improving their recycling program by creating a bi-monthly pickup route,” according to the proposal.
The DeKalb County convenience centers and schools selected for this route are as follows:
Snow Hill, Allen’s Ferry, McMinnville Highway, City of Alexandria, Liberty, Midway, DeKalb Middle School, DeKalb County High School, DeKalb West School, Northside Elementary School, and Smithville Elementary School.
The county received another proposal from a local recycling company. Their offer was to pay the county one cent per pound for clean loose cardboard (not mixed with trash) but the county would have had to provide the roll off containers for collection and a truck to deliver the cardboard to the recycling center. The company also offered to pay the county $35 per ton under the market price if the county wished to bale its own cardboard”.
“The county doesn’t have a cardboard baler. Under this offer, it would require us (county) to purchase the containers and provide the truck to get them to their site,” said County Mayor Stribling.
“Under the proposal with Caraustar, they will furnish the containers and bring the truck to haul it off at no cost to the county,” added Stribling.

Stribling Re-Elected Chairman of County Commission

County Mayor Tim Stribling was re-elected Chairman of the county commission Monday night.
All members present voted in favor.
Seventh District member Larry Summers was returned as Chairman Pro Tempore.
The county commission must annually elect a chairman and a chairman pro tempore. The commission may elect the county mayor or a member of the body to be the chairman, although the county mayor may refuse to serve. If the county mayor is chairman, he or she may vote only to break a tie vote. If a member is chairman, the member votes as a member, but cannot vote again to break a tie. If the county mayor is not chairman, he or she may veto most resolutions of the county legislative body, but this veto may be overridden by a majority vote. The majority vote that is required for this and the passage of resolutions or other measures is a majority of the entire actual membership of the county legislative body, and not a majority of the quorum, nor a majority of the authorized membership.
The county commission consists of fourteen members, two from each of the seven districts in the county.
The make-up of the county commission is as follows:
Julie Williams Young and Mason Carter from the first district; Jimmy Midgett and Joe Johnson from the second district; Jack Barton and Bradley Hendrix from the third district; Wayne Cantrell and Jonathon Norris from the fourth district; Jerry Adcock and Anita Puckett from the fifth district; Jeff Barnes and Betty Atnip from the sixth district; and Larry Summers and Kevin Robinson from the seventh district. Their terms are for four years and will expire August 31, 2018.

Jimmie Edgar Merriman

Mr. Jimmie Edgar Merriman age 69 of Buffalo Valley, passed away Saturday night at Cookeville Regional Medical Center ER. He was born December 5, 1947 to his parents, the late Jack and Nettie Miller Merriman. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by 2 half-brothers, Edsel and Kenneth Kilgore. Jimmie was a member of Faith Chapel Church and a farmer. He is survived by his wife, Bertha Merriman of Buffalo Valley; 2 daughters, Pauline Ervin and Norma Ervin both of Smithville; 1 sister, Ruby Young of Smithville; several nieces and nephews also survive. Funeral services will be conducted 1 PM Wednesday, September 27, 2017 at DeKalb Funeral Chapel with Bro. Michael Hale officiating and burial to follow in Banks Cemetery. Visitation with the family will be on Wednesday 10 AM until the time of the service at 1 PM. DeKalb Funeral Chapel is in charge of the arrangements.

State Historical Commission Awards Restoration Grant for Alexandria Landmarks

The Town of Alexandria is being awarded a grant for $5,400 from the Tennessee Historical Commission State Historic Preservation Office to fund the restoration of the National Register listed Seay Chapel and East View Cemetery.
The grant is one of 32 matching grants being awarded totaling almost $750,000 from the Federal Historic Preservation Fund allocated to non-profits, municipalities, universities and civic organizations across the state to support the preservation of historic and archaeological resources.
Seay Chapel was one of the county’s earliest African American churches. Another church group now uses the building to worship. Eastview Cemetery is also among the oldest cemeteries in DeKalb County.
According to Alexandria Mayor Bennett Armstrong, plans are to use the grant funds to repair storm damage to the chapel and to rebuild stone gate columns at the entrance to the cemetery.
“We hope with this grant that we can repair the stone gate to the cemetery. There is one gate with two columns. As for the chapel, when you go all the way through to the back of the church and then turn right, that is where the damage is from a tornado (a few years ago) and that’s where the roof leaks which has caused damage to the ceiling, floor, and toilet area,” he said.
In order to get the grant, the town must come up with a 40% local funding match of about $3,600. A previous $250 donation to the town from the Sons of Confederate Veterans will be put toward the project.
Mayor Armstrong said plans for the restoration will be submitted to the Tennessee Historical Commission for approval and the bids will be sought to do the work.
“These grants are a critical part of the Tennessee Historical Commission’s mission and contribute to the study and protection of Tennessee’s treasured historic places,” said Patrick McIntyre, state historic preservation officer and executive director.
Awarded annually, 60 percent of the project funds are from the Federal Historic Preservation Fund and 40 percent of project funds come from the grantee. Grants are competitive and the Tennessee Historical Commission staff reviewed 51 applications with funding requests totaling approximately $900,000, significantly more than the amount of funding available. Many of the grants are recurring, leaving roughly $250,000 available to award each year.
Grant awards include a wide variety of historic and architectural projects. Examples are $40,000 to help restore the windows at the c. 1885 Moore County Courthouse in Lynchburg and a $12,000 grant to the City of Savannah that will be used to develop a mobile tour application for area historic sites. Other funds will assist in funding preservation planners in all nine of the state’s development districts, in building and archaeological surveys, and design guidelines for historic districts. Several other grants are for the rehabilitation of historic buildings, for posters highlighting the state’s archaeology, and training for historic zoning staff or commissioners.
One of the Commission’s grant priorities is for projects that are in Certified Local Governments, a program that allows the 41 enrolled communities to participate closely in the federal program of historic preservation. Ten Certified Local Government communities were awarded grants this year, including $24,000 awarded to the Metro Historical Commission in Nashville to help fund a cultural landscape plan for Fort Negley. Additional priorities include those that meet the goals and objectives of the Tennessee Historical Commission’s plan for historic preservation. Properties that use the restoration grants must be listed in the National Register.

Northside Elementary School “Green” Added to Property Tax Notices

DeKalb County property owners will soon be receiving their tax notices for the year 2017 bearing the “Green” school color of Northside Elementary. Last year it was DeKalb Middle School “Blue” and two years ago it was DCHS “Black and Gold”.
“Picture the flight of an eagle soaring between Heaven and the tops of the most lush, green layers of the rainforest. That was the vision I received when I thought about what color to use on the new 2017 property tax notices. Since 2015, I started using the colors of our great schools here in DeKalb County and this year is no exception. So when the color “Green” came to mind, I decided to represent the Northside Elementary Eagles for 2017,” said Trustee Sean Driver.
Property taxes will be due and payable starting on October 2, 2017 through February 28, 2018 before any interest becomes due on March 1, 2018.
“Your notice will be the color “Green” on an 8 1/2 X 11 sheet of paper, with information on the front and back. For 2017, the tax rate stayed the same as the 2016 tax year at 1.8335% of $100.00 of your assessed value,” said Trustee Driver.
The Trustee’s office offers at this time up to 6 different options to pay your property tax:
( 1.) Come in person to the office to pay,
( 2.) Mail in your payment
( 3.) Pay online at, then select DeKalb and follow the instructions to the next screens. The Vendor (Business Information Systems) accepts Discover, MasterCard, Visa, or American Express. The Vendor convenience fee of 2.75% on the total tax bill will apply and fees are subject to change for using credit/debit cards. Also, a $2.75 fee will be assessed on an e-check payment of any amount.
(4.) A QR (Quick Response Code) is also on your notice to access the website
(5.) A Dropbox is located on the outside of the building at the County Complex (County Offices Section) for your convenience after hours or on weekends.
(6.) Partial Payments are accepted and you the taxpayer sets the amount to pay.
“Take a good look at your property tax bill and study what we offer in the trustee’s office and to where the property taxes are being spent on the pie chart on the back of the notice,” Driver said.
Eligible taxpayers may also qualify for the Tennessee State Tax Relief Program.
This program was implemented in 1973 and it has a few changes every year. For the 2017 tax year, you can qualify for Tax Relief if:
(a.) Your DeKalb County home is your primary residence,
(b.) You are 65 years old (or older) as of December 31, 2017, or totally and permanently disabled as by the SSA or another qualifying agency, and
(c.) Your 2016 Annual Income of all persons on the deed and their spouses did not exceed $29,180.00.
“If the State of Tennessee qualifies you for a Tax Relief, then you can receive a rebate up to $124.00 for 2017. You must pay your 2017 tax bill IN FULL to start the application,” Trustee Driver explained.
The State of Tennessee also offers Tax Relief for Disabled Veterans and the surviving spouses of a disabled veteran.
“You must provide proof from the Veteran’s Administration that you have a 100% service-connected disability. You or your spouse will NOT have to report any income to apply as a disabled veteran or the widow or widower of a disabled veteran. If the State of Tennessee qualifies you as a disabled veteran or the surviving spouse of a disabled veteran, then you can receive a rebate up to $802.00”
“The Trustee’s office will start accepting applications for the Tax Relief Program on October 2, 2017 through April 5, 2018. If you would like to inquire more about a possible tax relief, come by the County Complex in the Trustee’s office at 732 S Congress Blvd-Room 103, Smithville, TN 37166 or call us at 615-597-5176,” Trustee Driver concluded.

Two Men Charged in Theft of Trailer

Smithville Police have charged two men in the recent theft of a trailer.
Seagate Crystal Reports – REPOR_40.pdf (2.62 MB)
47 year old Billy Joe Derrick of Crossville and 42 year old Kristian James Dupuy of Smithville are each charged with theft of property over $1,000. Bond for each is $10,000. Derrick is also charged with evading arrest. His bond on that offense is $5,000. Both will make a court appearance on October 5.
An officer was dispatched to 468 West Broad Street for a trailer theft on Tuesday, September 19 and was shown video footage of a man who got out of a vehicle matching the description of the automobile used in the trailer theft. Police later spotted the vehicle driving by Bridgeway Motel. An officer followed as the vehicle turned in and stopped at 905 West Main Street. As he approached the automobile, the officer observed that the clothing and appearance of the driver, Kristian Dupuy, matched the image of the man shown in the camera footage. Police mirandized Dupuy and asked him about the trailer. According to the officer, Dupuy admitted that he had assisted in taking the trailer with Billy Derrick who was a passenger in the vehicle. Derrick got out and attempted to flee on foot. The officer shouted for Derrick to stop but he kept running. Derrick was then apprehended by the officer approximately 50 yards from the automobile. Derrick said the reason he ran was because he knew he had warrants against him in other counties.
18 year old Joseph Daniel Morgan of Woodbury is charged with possession of methamphetamine with the intent to sell or deliver. His bond is $10,000 and his court date is September 28. On Monday, September 18 a deputy was dispatched to a call on Holmes Creek Road in the area of V.L. Wilson Loop in reference to two suspicious males in the area. Upon his arrival, the officer spoke with Morgan and a juvenile male. During a search for weapons, the deputy found Morgan to be in possession of a clear crystal like substance that field tested positive for 2.1 grams of methamphetamine. He was placed under arrest.
22 year old John Thomas Mason of Smithville is charged with driving while license revoked and evading arrest. His bond totals $5,000 and his court date is October 12. He also has warrants against him for violation of probation and is being held without bond. He will make a court appearance on the VOP offenses October 6. On August 9 a deputy attempted to initiate a traffic stop of a white Honda on Short Mountain Highway for running a stop sign but the vehicle accelerated in speed and did not stop. It was later found at 125 Hickory Court. Upon further investigation, Mason was identified as the driver. Through a routine central dispatch check, Mason’s driver license were found to be revoked. Mason was placed under arrest for evading and driving on a revoked license.
23 year old Richard Wayne Norrod of Smithville, an inmate at the DeKalb County Jail, is charged with bringing contraband to a penal institution. His bond is $5,000 and his court date is October 12. On Sunday, September 24 a corrections officer was conducting a pat down search of Norrod when he found a small clear bag in the pocket of Norrod’s shorts which contained two white pills believed to be Hydrocodone. A smaller baggie was also found which held a crystal like substance believed to be methamphetamine.
44 year old Richard Neal Meyers of Smithville is charged with driving while licensed revoked. His bond is $1,500 and his court date is October 5. On Sunday September 24, a deputy was patrolling on South Congress Boulevard when he saw a vehicle spinning tires in the Hardees parking lot and it continued to spin tires as it exited the parking lot into the roadway. The officer conducted a traffic stop and spoke with the driver, Meyers. The deputy learned that Meyers’ license has been suspended since November 2, 2000 for failure to appear in Kentucky and it has never been re-instated. Meyers’ license is currently revoked for failure to satisfy costs or fines in Wilson County with an action date of August 6, 2015.
30 year old Tasha Michaele Spurlock of Ashland City is charged with criminal impersonation and escape. Her bond totals $8,500 and her court date is October 12. On Saturday, September 23 a deputy responded to 475 Colvert Lake Road due to a 911 call. Upon arrival the officer spoke with a woman who said her name was Tasha Spurlock and gave a date of birth but a computer check could not match that DOB with anyone. The woman then gave a social security number that came back to a man named Brandon Hardy. At that time, the deputy concluded that she was trying to impersonate someone else and he placed her under arrest. While being detained, Spurlock slipped her handcuffs off and ran away on foot but she was caught shortly after and brought to the jail for booking.

Conley Gets Probation for Statutory Rape

A man charged with statutory rape in February was in DeKalb County Criminal Court Friday.
21 year old Kristain Conley entered a plea to statutory rape and received a two year sentence on probation. He has applied for judicial diversion. He is under a restraining order to keep away from the victim.
25 year old Lisa Michelle Huard entered a plea to sale and delivery of a schedule II drug (Hydrocodone). She received a three year sentence on probation and has applied for judicial diversion. She must make restitution of $200 to the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Department.
21 year old Jacob Murphy entered a plea to sale of a schedule II drug (Hydrocodone). He received a four year sentence suspended and has been given credit for 112 days of jail time served. Murphy has applied for judicial diversion. He must make restitution of $200 to the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Department.
21 year old Jim Flesher entered a plea to simple possession of morphine and received a sentence of 11 months and 29 days on supervised probation. He was fined $750.The sentence is to run consecutive to a sentence against him in DeKalb County General Sessions/Drug Court. He must make restitution of $200 to the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Department.
38 year old Jessie Hall, II entered a plea to possession of a weapon as a convicted felon. He received a two year TDOC sentence on probation. He must forfeit the weapon.
36 year old Kimberly Beard entered a plea to driving under the influence. She received a sentence of 11 months and 29 days to serve 48 hours in the DeKalb County Jail and then be on supervised probation. She was fined $350 and will lose her license. She must undergo an alcohol and drug assessment.

THP Charges Man with Leaving Scene of Injury Crash

The Tennessee Highway Patrol has filed charges against a man who left the scene on foot after being involved in a two vehicle crash on Saturday, September 16.
Seagate Crystal Reports – REPOR_40.pdf (2.62 MB)
43 year old Robin Clark Green of Sparta is charged with reckless endangerment, leaving the scene of an injury crash, driving while license revoked, improper passing, and failing to exercise due care. His bond is $11,500 and his court date is December 14.
According to the THP, the crash occurred at 9:26 p.m. on Highway 70 east (Sparta Highway) near Howard Redmon Road as Green, driving a 1994 Nissan Xterra east on U.S. 70, crossed into the westbound lane to pass another vehicle on a double yellow line. 30 year old Juan Delgado of Smithville, who was traveling west on Highway 70 in a 1998 Toyota Tacoma, swerved to avoid a collision but Green’s vehicle hit the Tacoma in the left front. Delgado’s truck then traveled off the right side of the roadway and struck a ditch where it came to its final rest. Green’s Xterra traveled off the left side of the roadway and struck a ditch and then a fence before coming to its final rest in a field.
After the crash, Green fled the scene on foot. He had three passengers in the vehicle with him, 39 year old Angela Atnip, 22 year old Zachary Walker, and 42 year old Barry Atnip all of Smithville. Both Angela and Barry Atnip were transported by ground ambulance to St. Thomas DeKalb Hospital while Walker was airlifted to Erlanger Hospital in Chattanooga.
Delgado was not injured but he was cited for no drivers license and failing to provide proof of financial responsibility.
Trooper Jason Cobble was the investigating officer.