Texas Teen Carrying Twelve Foot Cross to Washington, D.C.

A 19-year-old college student, Junior Garcia of Saginaw Texas has embarked on a cross-country journey to draw attention to Jesus Christ, saying he believes God put it in his heart to carry a 12-foot cross from his home to the gates of the White House.
Garcia and those traveling with him from his home congregation, the Oasis Church in Saginaw, Texas, passed through DeKalb County Monday, walking along Highway 70.
WJLE caught up with him late Monday afternoon on Highway 70 at the top of Snow Hill.
“We left from Saginaw, Texas on June 7th, carrying a twelve foot cross headed to Washington D.C. The purpose of the walk is to bring this nation’s attention back to the cross in the name of Jesus Christ,” said Garcia.
The cross the college student is carrying is made of wood and has wheels at its base. Garcia said he is walking most of the way to the nation’s capitol but when parts of his walk become too dangerous due to traffic, his group hops into a small passenger van that takes them to a safer spot to continue the journey.
Garcia plans to conclude the journey in Washington, D.C., where he will hold a prayer service near the White House. “On July 13, when we arrive in Washington, we’ll hold a prayer service in front of the White House at Lafayette Park where we will pray for this great nation, lift up our leaders, and pray that they listen with their hearts and before they make decisions that they get on their knees and not lean on their own understanding but on his (Christ),” said Garcia.
In addition to drawing attention to Christ, Garcia’s efforts are also to help raise money for an Assembly of God program called “Speed of Light” that benefits a missionary in Mexico. “Our secondary purpose in the walk is to raise money for a missionary in Central Mexico, to purchase a vehicle for them to get the children to church,” he said.
Garcia said he had intended to stay on Interstate 40 through Tennessee, but was stopped in Brownsville, Tennessee. He said authorities asked them to leave the Interstate because it might not be safe, walking along the Interstate. He is now taking his journey along Highway 70 “We’re now just trying to get our mileage in, heading through little cities in Tennessee, trying to average about thirty five to forty miles per day.

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