The community is encouraged to rally in a show of support for fallen heroes during a Memorial Day program Monday morning, May 29 at the DeKalb County Complex.
The guest speaker will be DeKalb County Historian Tommy Webb.
Sponsored by the American Legion #122, the entertainment program will begin at 9:30 a.m. with special music by Susan Hinton followed by the main program at 10:00 a.m. featuring the National Anthem, the Pledge of Allegiance, and prayers. Commander William Edmonds will make welcome remarks and Judy Redmon of the American Legion Women’s Auxiliary will remember the fallen and introduce the guest speaker. Ronnie Redmon, Post Adjutant of the American Legion Post #122 will adjourn the program at the complex after which attendees will be asked to gather at the veteran’s memorial monument at the courthouse for the laying of a wreath and taps by DCHS band student Josh Moon.
School Transportation Supervisor Jimmy Sprague, from the School Bus Garage, will have a bus to transport anyone who wants to ride to the courthouse from the county complex.