A mysterious Irishman named Finian, along with his beautiful daughter, Sharon, arrive one day in the small tobacco town of Rainbow Valley, Missitucky. This is the setting for the intriguing, diverse musical that vocal music teacher Josh Gulley will be directing on his own for the first time.
“I think I can handle directing on my own,” Gulley said, “but I’m not really a theater person, so it is a big learning process.”
Gulley chose “Finian’s Rainbow Jr.” through a process of elimination. He said he also enjoys the idea of an Irish theme.
An adaptation from the original Broadway play, this year the play will only have one cast and two performances, so be sure to come and see it either Fri., May 2 or Sat., May 3, 7 p.m. at the Ina Ruth Bess Auditorium on the campus of DCHS.
Gulley looks forward to the two nights with a hopeful eye. He said that tradition inspires him to continue musicals in the school, and he believes it is a vital learning experience for the students involved.
“I know the cast is going to do well. When I was casting, the characters almost chose themselves,” Gulley said.
Members of the cast are: Tony Johnson, Bethany Russell, Dayzion Ringo, Travis Ferrell, Devonta Milan, Charlie Young, Jacob Hale, Justin Johnson, Brooke Reffue, Rachel Holcomb, Kalynn Thompson, Caitlyn Williams, Jessica Williams, Michaela Young, Xena Walker, Anna May, Will Puckett, Amanda Blanco, Cody Gooch, Dylan Crook, Alex Thompson, Lauren Lewis, Zack Maxwell, Hannah Ball, Chelsea Johnson, Ashley Hershman, Brianna Phillips, Kayla Wheeler, Diana Carrillo, and Tori Redmon.
Tickets for the show only are $5 and may be purchased either in advance from a cast member or at the door.